I have a memory of thinking a woman I worked with (I'm a woman in case that isn't clear) was rather spoiled. Slightly dumb acting, no money qualms, ernest when she did talk, with an apparent successful husband who took her out to great dinners and sent huge flower bouquets to our design studio on her birthday and various holidays. Our design studio was a mess at the best of times, so the bouquets stood like giant statues on the storm ridden plain.
tap tap tap
he had started an affair with their dog handler (they had some kind of pedigreed rottweiler, who'll I'll admit was a nice doggie), whom he left her for. Not the dog, the woman. That too was a hard lesson.
Really, get out of yourself and watch the world - by watching and listening, by starting to engage not thinking yourself bad, by writing up what you are seeing, by reading, and/or counseling.