Our Hearts Are Breaking

Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2014 10:27 pm
maxdancona wrote:
When I go back to the last page, and search for the word "vermin" or the phrase "love to murder children", your anti-semitism is right there, plain as day, for all to see.

Your suggestion that I've ever said any such thing about Jews is a lie.
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2014 10:29 pm
I am not suggesting you said them about Jews. I am suggesting you said them about Palestinians. And I am suggesting that like the Jews, Palestinians are human beings (as well as Semites).

Referring to an ethnic group as "vermin" is a horrible thing to do.
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2014 10:30 pm
These are human beings. When you call them "vermin", you are using hate speech.

Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2014 10:48 pm
maxdancona wrote:
I am not suggest you said them about Jews.

You just did so twice.

First when you said this:

"If someone referred to Jews as 'vermin', and made the claim that 'Jews love murdering children'. This would be hate speech, right?
You have done both of these things. There is no denying it. Anyone can scroll back and look for themselves."

And second when you said I had engaged in anti-Semitism, a term that refers specifically to hatred and attacks against Jews.

maxdancona wrote:
I am suggesting you said them about Palestinians.

If you want to say I said it about Palestinians, then don't go saying I said it about Jews.

maxdancona wrote:
And I am suggesting that like the Jews, Palestinians are human beings.

Your suggestion is erroneous. Palestinians are scum.

maxdancona wrote:
Referring to an ethnic group as "vermin" is a horrible thing to do.

Not when it's true.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2014 10:49 pm
maxdancona wrote:
These are human beings.

Nonsense. Human beings don't run around killing children for sport.

maxdancona wrote:
When you call them "vermin", you are using hate speech.

Not when they are brutal thugs who like massacring children.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2014 11:39 pm
The body of an Arab teenager was found in the Jerusalem Forest Wednesday morning and police suspect he may have been kidnapped from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina overnight and killed in a revenge attack for the killing of three Israeli teens.

The body, which was charred and bore signs of violence, was found an hour after police were informed of a youth from Shuafat being forcefully loaded into a car in Beit Hanina.

Israel Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, told Reuters that police had received word that the youth had been "pulled into a vehicle and possibly kidnapped" and had set up roadblocks in an attempt to intercept the vehicle.

Because of its condition, the body was not immediately identified.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:04 am
So explain the antisemitism here.




Anti-Zionist Rabbis meet with Palestinian Representative in New York

Rabbi condemns hate speech against Palestinians
August 30, 2010 - New York, NY

On August 30, 2010, A delegation of Anti Zionist Orthodox Jewish Rabbis , to demonstrate their support for the Palestinian people and to express their outrage at the recent vile hate statements delivered by Zionist former so called "Chief Rabbi" Ovadiah Yosef. A statement was read and then Presented to His Excellency Dr. Riyad H. Mansour, Ambassador of Palestine to the United Nation.




Statements from neturei karta

The statements collected in the following categories have all been released to the press and general public by Neturei Karta International. By and large, they were timely pieces, geared to explaining the NKI position on specific issues or responding to critics

As such, they provide a window into the practical application of Torah first principles. The war against Zionism is not limited to the Israeli government. The philosophy of Zionism underwrites almost all of the misguided aggressive activities of so - called “Jewish spokesman” as they relate to the non - Jewish world.

Neturei Karta has demonstrated time and again that the Torah true approach which seeks accommodation and understanding is not only true and moral but more productive as well. It alone yields the peace that Jewry and mankind so desperately seek.

more at: http://www.nkusa.org/activities/statements/index.cfm

Anti-Zionism Among Jews
Zionism: Table of Contents | Definition Of | Neturei Karta
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Jews who criticize or oppose Zionism are usually Orthodox and maintain that Israel can only be regained miraculously. They view the present state as a blasphemous human attempt to usurp G­d's role, and many actively work to dismantle the secular State of Israel. However, unlike many gentile anti­Zionists, Jewish anti-Zionists usually firmly believe in the Jewish right to the Land of Israel, but only at the future time of redemption. The best­known group of the Jewish religious anti­Zionists are the Neturei Karta.

Two common religious grounds are typically given for anti­Zionism. One is that today's Zionism is a secular Zionism, packed with non­Jewish influences, and lacking key features like Moshiach and the rebuilt Temple. Adherents to this position are more on the non­Zionist, rather than anti­Zionist, side. The other reason is that the Talmud (Meseches Kesuvos, 111a), as part of a discussion of certain Torah verses mentioning oaths, states that when Israel went into the second exile, there were three vows between Heaven and Earth:

1. Israel would not "go up like a wall" [conquer Eretz Yisrael by massive force].
2. G­d made Israel swear that they would not rebel against the nations of the world [would obey the governments in the exile].
3. G­d made the non­Jews swear not to oppress Israel "too much" [translation of phrase yoter midai].

Groups accepting these positions are more on the anti­Zionist side.

The religious counter­reply to the above is that secular Zionism is a preliminary stage of religious Zionism, and that the vows no longer apply since the gentiles violated their part (by such actions as the Roman persecutions, the Spanish Inquisition and the Nazi Holocaust). The Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the United Nations partition vote of 1947 are also regarded as having given permission to the Jews to reestablish the state by the non­Jewish rulers of the area. Once this permission was granted it could not be revoked. It should also be noted that the oaths cited above are only mentioned as a side point in one place in a discussion in the Gemara, and as the viewpoint of an individual. Many people feel that they do not apply in any case.

Some Religious Zionist Jews see the formation of the secular state as accelerating the process of redemption, with themselves playing a major role in doing G­d's will by serving the state, whose creation is often seen as miraculous.

So­called "non­Zionist" Jews are pleased that Israel exists from a practical standpoint-as a haven for oppressed Jews and as a land imbued with holiness well­suited for Torah study. But they don't generally assign religious significance to the formation of the modern state, and often decry aspects of its secular culture.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:05 am
Exactly right.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:07 am
You believe in throwing people off land they lived on for thousands of years.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:16 am
Palestinian Children Killed by Israel

By Khalid Amayreh
From Al Jazeera
April 13, 2004

Photo of an injured Palestinian boy on a hospital bed with an expression of anguish on his face.
According to Al Jazeera, at least 545 Arab children have been killed since September 2000.

One of the most disturbing aspects of the strife between Israel and the Palestinians has been the killing and maiming of children.

The Israeli occupation army and paramilitary Jewish settlers have killed 545 Palestinian children and minors since the outbreak of the al-Aqsa Intifada in September 2000.

Among these victims, 266 children were 14 or younger while the ages of the remaining 279 ranged from 15 to 18. Moreover, as many as 20,000 Palestinian children were injured, with nearly 1500 sustaining life-long disabilities.

The total number of Palestinians killed by Israel during the current Intifada is around 2700, the vast majority of them civilians.

On the other hand, the number of Israelis killed by Palestinians during the same period is around 840 soldiers, settlers and civilians, including about 100 Israeli children and minors.

Nearly 2500 Israelis were injured, mostly suffering from light wounds and shock. Many of the Israeli victims died in bombings inside Israel.

In 2003, a total of 130 Palestinian children and minors were killed by Israeli troops and a further 22 have been killed in the first three months of this year.

One of the latest Palestinian children to be killed by the Israeli army was six-year-old Khalid Mahir Walwil from the Balata refugee camp near Nablus.

He was shot in the back as he turned away from the window on the second floor of his house.

Khalid had reportedly stayed at home that day, too frightened to go to school because Israeli soldiers were “operating” in the area.
Targeting denied

Despite the facts, Israeli officials continue to vehemently deny that their army targets Palestinian children.

Amira Dotan, a spokeswoman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, told Aljazeera.net it was inconceivable that the Israeli army targeted Palestinian civilians, let alone children.

Photo of a Palestinian boy's body before his burial.
Khalid Walwil was the latest victim of Israel’s killings.

“We are a democratic state, our government would be toppled if it was proven that our defence forces had indulged in targeting Palestinian civilians and children,” she says.

“This sort of thing just doesn’t happen in Israel.”

When asked to explain the death of nearly 550 Palestinian children and minors by the Israeli army during the past 44 months, Dotan said the deaths were “accidental, collateral but not deliberate”.

However, when further pressed to explain how the Israeli army decided to drop one-tonne bombs on apartment buildings in Gaza and carry out devastating air strikes targeting markets and crowded streets, killing scores of children and women, Dotan invoked the mantra of terror.

“Yes, we knew there were children, but we had to kill the terrorists.”

Like other Israeli officials and spokespersons, Dotan believe that these actions were justified so as to protect Israeli lives.

“If we hadn’t killed those Palestinian children, then the terrorist would have killed three or four times as many Israelis.”
‘Macabre reasoning’

Palestinian officials, including jurists and human rights activists, strongly reject and condemn this “macabre reasoning”.

“Killing knowingly is killing deliberately and premeditatedly. It is a war crime which no amount of verbal juggling can extenuate,” said Hanna Issa, a prominent Palestinian legal expert and Director-General of the Palestinian Ministry of Justice.

“They know in advance that children are sleeping in the targeted building, none the less, they carry out the killing without batting an eyelash ... and then they shed the crocodile tears and claim that the killing was accidental or happened by mistake”

Hanna Issa,
director-general, Palestinian Justice Ministry

“They are killing with malice aforethought ... they know in advance that children are sleeping in the targeted building, none the less, they carry out the killing without batting an eyelash ... and then they shed the crocodile tears and claim that the killing was accidental or happened by mistake ...there is no such thing as killing deliberately by mistake.”

Stressing his point, Issa argued that Israel would never even contemplate bombing a building or a market or a crowded street if it knew that Israeli Jews were in the vicinity of the target.

He gave as an example an Israeli decision to call off an operation to assassinate Hamas founder and spiritual leader Shaikh Ahmad Yasin last year after it was found out that Israeli journalists were interviewing him.

“My question is would the Israeli army have cancelled the operation if the journalists had been Palestinians, not Israelis?”

Yasin was assassinated by Israel along with 10 other Palestinian civilians outside a Gaza mosque on 22 March.

Issa condemned all attacks on civilians, Israeli and Palestinian alike. “Murder is murder, period.”

However, he added: “I don’t believe that Israel stands on a higher moral ground just because Israeli soldiers are dressed in khaki and use F-16s, apache helicopters and flechette shells (deadly dart bombs) to kill and maim Palestinian children while Israeli civilians are killed by suicide bombers.”
‘Deliberate killings’

Since the outbreak of the Intifada, several human rights organisations have thoroughly investigated the circumstances of thousands of Palestinian civilian deaths, reaching the conclusion that the Israeli army “kills civilians knowingly and deliberately”.

One of these organisations is Physicians for Human Rights-USA, which investigated the number of Palestinian deaths and injuries in the fist months of the Intifada.

Photo of 3 small Palestinian children looking through a door.
A total of 266 children killed were 14 or younger.

It concluded that “the pattern of injuries seen in many victims did not reflect IDF use of firearms in life-threatening situations but rather indicated targeting solely for the purpose of wounding or killing”.

In some cases, the killing of Palestinian youths by Israel assumes a brazen and dastardly nature.

Nearly two years ago, Chris Hedges, a Western journalist covering events in Gaza reported how Israeli soldiers lured Palestinian kids to walk towards them for the purpose of hunting them down with their machineguns.

What is more shocking though is that virtually none of these killings has been investigated by the Israeli army or justice system, underscoring the striking ease with which the Israeli army kills Palestinians.
Twelve and up

Some Israeli soldiers have admitted that the army gives them “carte blanche” to shoot and kill Palestinian above the age of 12.

The noted Israeli award-wining journalist Amira Hass interviewed an Israeli sniper nearly two years ago in which the soldier described the commands he received from his superiors:

“The blood of their children is not more precious than that of our children. Let them stop killing our civilians, and we will stop killing theirs”

Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi,
Hamas leader in Gaza (recently assassinated)

“Twelve and up, you are allowed to shoot. That’s what they tell us,” he said. “So,” responded the reporter, “according to the IDF, the appropriate minimum age group at which to shoot is 12.”

The soldier replied: “This is according to what the IDF says to its soldiers. I do not know if this is what the IDF says to the media.”

Many Palestinians are convinced that these atrocities fuel the fire of further attacks against Israel.

“The blood of their children is not more precious than that of our children,” said the new Hamas leader in Gaza, Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi. “Let them stop killing our civilians, and we will stop
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:19 am

February 27, 2014 | Filed under: Arab World,News,Palestine & Jordan,Ray Hanania,Spotlight | Posted by: Ray Hanania
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Amnesty International releases report on Israeli killing of children
By Ray Hanania
IDF soldiers and Israeli settlers

IDF soldiers and Israeli settlers (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Amnesty International, which has drawn attention to war crimes and civil rights abuses around the world since 1961, this week released a report detailing what it calls the “trigger happy” Israeli military response to civilian protests and Israel’s killing of children under the age of 17.

The scathing, 87-page report concludes, “Israeli soldiers have repeatedly committed serious human rights and humanitarian law violations, including unlawful killings, in response to Palestinian opposition and protests in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The cases documented in this report represent only a minority of the cases that have occurred over recent years and which follow a general pattern, in which Israeli forces use excessive, often lethal, force against Palestinians who pose no threat to their lives or the lives of others.”

Amnesty International added that Israel intentionally ignores the International Rule of Law and its responsibilities as a military occupying power to protect the lives of civilians, and that soldiers shoot protesters intentionally, a policy embraced with the full knowledge and support of Israel’s military command.

“As the occupying power in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Israel is responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants of the occupied territories, all of whom are protected persons. It must respect and protect the rights of Palestinians. Instead, Israeli forces routinely violate their obligations under international human rights law and the law of occupation by unlawfully killing and injuring civilians, including children, who are posing no threat to their lives or those of others. This has carried on for decades with the full knowledge of the Israeli government and military command,” the report concludes.

Israel’s government, and its mostly sympathetic Israeli media, denounced the report asserting that Amnesty International treats Israel differently than any other country, a charge that on its face is a propaganda lie.

Amnesty International has denounced war crimes in hundreds of countries around the world, monitored at the risk of their lives of their employees, government violence and conflict by guerilla organizations and also resistance. In the past, Amnesty has criticized both Israel and the Palestinian Islamic group Hamas for their violence.

AmnestyReportIsraelKillsChildrenAs it does in situations of oppression around the world, Amnesty International urged Israel to respect International Law and allow civilians to protest peacefully. In almost every instance cited by the Amnesty report, Palestinians protested Israeli military actions including the construction of the Wall, which was initiated to allow Israel to imprison non-Jews in the West Bank while allowing Jewish settlers to roam freely and with automatic weapons and arms. The civilian protesters were met by violent response from soldiers and settlers who used live ammunition. In several cases, children who were wounded in the Israeli military assaults were repeatedly and intentionally shot in the back as they tried to flee.

The United States, which provides Israel with more than $5 billion a year in taxpayer funds to shore up Israel’s economy and allow it to shift resources to settlement expansion and military operations in the region, has remained silent on the report, as they always do.

Ironically. Israel’s influence on the American Congress is so strong that it has many times directed congressional leaders to issue statements denouncing criticism of Israel and to thwart boycott movements against Israel’s discriminatory policies.

The most recent law was introduced by rightwing members of Congress Peter Roskam, who is considered to be on Israel’s political payroll and who receives thousands in pro-Israel PAC contributions, and Congressman Dan Lipinski, whose district includes one of the largest populations of Arabs and Muslims in Illinois.
Israeli soldier in Hebron

Israeli soldier in Hebron (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Roskam and Lipinski want any university or academic group that criticizes Israel to be denied Federal Government funding, a clear violation of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment rights.

The Roskam-Lipinski law is intended to bully Americans into silence and to deny them the right to speak out against the violations of civil rights by foreign countries.

Neither Roskam nor Lipinski expressed any remorse for the Israeli killings of Christian and Muslim civilians cited in the Amnesty International report.

The Amnesty International report also confirms that Israel regularly declines to prosecute soldiers, settlers and police engaged in violence against civilians, with the exception in only a very few and rare instances.

The report notes that Israel has intensified its violence against civilians in areas of contention such as East Jerusalem, where the government has launched a campaign to increase Jewish settlement while expelling non-Jewish residents from homes, property and businesses. One of those targeted is Al Quds University where last year more 420 students and faculty were injured and had to receive medical attention as a result of Israeli soldier and settler attacks.

In one instance witnessed by Amnesty staff, Israeli soldiers pulled up to the University and started firing “rubber bullets” into the building, which caused students to confront the soldiers. Israel later claimed it was “responding” to “rock throwing” by the students.

Oftentimes, Israeli soldiers will intentionally aim weaponry designed to suppress protests directly at protesters with the intent of causing injury to them. Many times, Israel soldiers will aim and fire tear gas canisters directly at the faces of protesters, seriously injuring and killing many.

In many cases, Israeli soldiers are sent to respond to confrontations between Israeli settlers and civilians in which the settlers initiated the attacks against Palestinian civilians, seeking to force Arab civilians to flee their lands so settlers can annex the property with the support of the government.

1986 Faroe postage stamp celebrating Amnesty's...

Some of the dozens of cases cited in the report:

Mohammad al-Azzah, 23, a freelance journalist and photographer, was shot in the face with a rubber-coated metal bullet by an Israeli soldier after he had been photographing troops firing at Palestinian youths throwing stones on the evening of 8 April 2013. He told Amnesty International that soldiers and Border Police had seen him taking photographs from the balcony of the Lajee Center in Aida refugee camp as they fired at the refugee camp, from where children and youths were throwing stones.

Bilal Fathi Abd al-Halim Jum’a, 24, was beaten on his head with stones when he attended a peaceful protest on 1 March 2013 in Kufr Qadum, according to a member of the village council, who told Amnesty International that he witnessed what occurred: Bilal Jum’a, along with a group of people from the village, went on a peaceful march in protest at the closure of the road which gives the population access to the main road to Nablus. When they found themselves facing a large group of the army, the demonstrators were surprised when the army fired tear gas and smoke bombs without warning. The smoke bombs separated the army from the marchers.

We saw the army withdraw about 100 metres back. We then were surprised by about 12 soldiers who were hiding and came to attack the demonstration. They started beating Bilal with stones on his head.97

We’am Walid Kamel Burhum, 17, told Amnesty International that he sustained serious head injuries when an Israeli soldier fired a tear gas canister directly at him from close range during a demonstration on 27 April 2012 in Kufr Qadum, a village in the northern West Bank: There was a demonstration against the closing of the road and the settlements near our village after midday prayer [on Friday]… We gathered at the start of the demonstration near the mosque and started walking… Eight soldiers came out from hidden positions from both sides of the road, four on each side. They were about 10-15 metres away from where I was. One of the soldiers who came out from the left side of the road got down on one knee and pointed the tear gas canister launcher directly at me and fired. The aluminium canister hit me directly on the left side of my head.

OsamaYusefHassanChildAmnestyOsama Rami Yousef Hassan, 15, sustained an injury to one eye when he was hit by a rubber-coated metal bullet fired by an Israeli soldier after Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian homes in Qusra village on 23

February 2013, leading to clashes when local people resisted the attack. He told Amnesty International that the Israeli soldiers who came in response to the violence took the side of the settlers and fired tear gas at the Palestinians, some of whom were throwing stones.89 As the 15-year-old picked up some rocks to throw at the soldiers, one took aim at him and fired. The rubber-coated bullet did not hit him directly but ricocheted off a tree and a fence before part of it struck him, causing him to fall to the ground. Local people took him to hospital. Osama Hassan had to miss school and stay at home for several months due to his injury, which caused serious damage to his eye.

View the full report by clicking here.

(Ray Hanania is an award winning former Chicago political report. He is the managing editor of the Arab Daily News online at www.TheArabDailyNews.com.)
Related articles

Read the full Amnesty International Report: http://thearabdailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/2014AmnestyReportIsraelArabKids.pdf
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:43 am
This is yet another of the stunningly hypocritical threads/actions of USians who can bring on the big weep for such small events. Yes, the death of anyone's child is horrific but where is the humanitarian concern for the millions of children brutally slaughtered by the USA?
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:52 am
You said it, go back and look. If you are claiming you misspoke, apology accepted.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 08:58 am
Thank you for posting that piece. You see how this revenge cycle goes on and on? And the Palestinians get the worst of it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:05 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Something must have upset the Palestinians to make them hate Israel, I wonder what?

Could it be the same anti-Semitism that Europe experienced, based on the feeling that Jews were outsiders, and competing effectively with a more lethargic demographic? Is 2014 West Bank really different than 1930 Europe?

There might be a mathematical inverse relationship to the intellectual acumen of a Gentile demographic and the degree of anti-Semitism?
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 12:31 pm
Or could it be the war crimes, terrorism and oppression from a people who really ought to understand better.

Kinda like a young wife beater following the father' behavior.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 02:20 pm
Oralloy said: Palestinians are just bad people.

The Israelis are not all sweetness and light either, they once hung some captured British POW's and booby-trapped their bodies to try to kill more Brits.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 03:19 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Stern Gang members including Menachem Begin, blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem killing women and children.


The Irgun:
Bombing of the King David Hotel
(July 22, 1946)
Irgun: Table of Contents | Background & Overview | Acre Prison Break
Print Friendly and PDF


The King David Hotel was the site of the British military command and the British Criminal Investigation Division. The Irgun chose it as a target after British troops invaded the Jewish Agency June 29, 1946, and confiscated large quantities of documents. At about the same time, more than 2,500 Jews from all over Palestine were placed under arrest. The information about Jewish Agency operations, including intelligence activities in Arab countries, was taken to the King David Hotel.

A week later, news of a massacre of 40 Jews in a pogrom in Poland reminded the Jews of Palestine how Britain's restrictive immigration policy had condemned thousands to death.

Irgun leader Menachem Begin stressed his desire to avoid civilian casualties and said three telephone calls were placed, one to the hotel, another to the French Consulate, and a third to the Palestine Post, warning that explosives in the King David Hotel would soon be detonated.

On July 22, 1946, the calls were made. The call into the hotel was apparently received and ignored. Begin quotes one British official who supposedly refused to evacuate the building, saying: "We don't take orders from the Jews."1 As a result, when the bombs exploded, the casualty toll was high: a total of 91 killed and 45 injured. Among the casualties were 15 Jews. Few people in the hotel proper were injured by the blast.2

In contrast to Arab attacks against Jews, which were widely hailed as heroic actions, the Jewish National Council denounced the bombing of the King David.3

For decades the British denied they had been warned. In 1979, however, a member of the British Parliament introduced evidence that the Irgun had indeed issued the warning. He offered the testimony of a British officer who heard other officers in the King David Hotel bar joking about a Zionist threat to the headquarters. The officer who overheard the conversation immediately left the hotel and survived.4

Sources: Israeli Government National Photo Collection

1. Menachem Begin, The Revolt, (NY: Nash Publishing, 1977), p. 224.
2. J. Bowyer Bell, Terror Out Of Zion, (NY: St. Martin's Press), p. 172.
3. Anne Sinai and I. Robert Sinai, Israel and the Arabs: Prelude to the Jewish State, (NY: Facts on File, 1972), p. 83.
4. Benjamin Netanyahu, ed., "International Terrorism: Challenge And Response," Proceedings of the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism, July 2­5, 1979, (Jerusalem: The Jonathan Institute, 1980), p. 45.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 03:24 pm
Lehi (group)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Page semi-protected
Fighters for the Freedom of Israel - Lehi
לח"י – לוחמי חרות ישראל

Founded August 1940
Dissolved 1948
Split from Irgun
Succeeded by Fighters' List
Kingdom of Israel (group)
Semitic Action
Ideology Revisionist Zionism
Fascism (until 1942)[2][3][4][5]
National Bolshevism (after 1944)[6]
Anti-imperialism (after 1945)[7]
Political position Syncretic[8]
Colors Blue
Party flag
Flag of the Lehi movement (blue on white).svg

Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]; Hebrew: לח"י – לוחמי חרות ישראל‎ Lohamei Herut Israel - Lehi, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel - Lehi"), commonly referred to in English as the Stern Gang,[9][10][11][12] was a militant Zionist group founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in the British Mandate of Palestine.[13][14] Its avowed aim was forcibly evicting the British authorities from Palestine, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel,[1] upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later.[15]

Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2] During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".[2] After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move it towards support of Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.[1] In 1944 Lehi officially declared its support for National Bolshevism.[6] It said that its National Bolshevism involved an amalgamation of left-wing and right-wing political elements – Stern said Lehi incorporated elements of both the left and the right[2] – however this change was unpopular and Lehi began to lose support as a result.[16]

Lehi and the Irgun were jointly responsible for the massacre in Deir Yassin. Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine.[17] On May 29, 1948, the government of Israel, having inducted its activists members into the Tzahal, formally disbanded Lehi, though some of its members carried out one more terrorist act, the assassination of Folke Bernadotte some months later,[18] an act condemned by Bernadotte's replacement as mediator, Ralph Bunche.[19] Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on 14 February 1949. In 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration in "award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel," the Lehi ribbon.[20] Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.


1 Founding of Lehi
2 Goals and methods
3 18 Principles of Rebirth
4 Relationship with fascism and socialism
5 Evolution and tactics of the organization
6 Contact with Nazi Germany
7 Later history
7.1 Assassination of Lord Moyne
7.2 British police station in Haifa
7.3 Operations in Europe
7.4 Death threat against Hugh Trevor-Roper
7.5 Cairo-Haifa train bombings
7.6 Deir Yassin massacre
7.7 Dissolution
7.8 Assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte
7.9 Lehi in politics
8 Service ribbon
9 "Unknown Soldiers" anthem
10 Prominent members of Lehi
11 See also
12 Notes
13 References
14 External links

Founding of Lehi
Avraham Stern

Lehi was created in August 1940 by Avraham Stern.[15] Stern had been a member of the Irgun (Irgun Tsvai Leumi – "National Military Organization") high command. Zeev Jabotinsky, then the Irgun's supreme commander, had decided that diplomacy and working with Britain would best serve the Zionist cause. World War II was in progress, and Britain was fighting Nazi Germany. The Irgun suspended its underground military activities against the British for the duration of the war.

Stern argued that the time for Zionist diplomacy was over and that it was time for armed struggle against the British. Like other Zionists, he objected to the White Paper of 1939, which restricted both Jewish immigration and Jewish land purchases in Palestine. For Stern, 'no difference existed between Hitler and Chamberlain, between Dachau or Buchenwald and sealing the gates of Eretz Israel.'[21]

Stern wanted to open Palestine to all Jewish refugees from Europe, and considered this as by far the most important issue of the day. Britain would not allow this. Therefore, he concluded, the Yishuv (Jews of Palestine) should fight the British rather than support them in the war. When the Irgun made a truce with the British, Stern left the Irgun to form his own group, which he called Irgun Tsvai Leumi B'Yisrael ("National Military Organization in Israel"), later Lohamei Herut Israel ("Fighters for the Freedom of Israel").

Stern and his followers believed that dying for the 'foreign occupier' who was obstructing the creation of the Jewish State was useless. They differentiated between 'enemies of the Jewish people' (the British) and 'Jew haters' (the Nazis), believing that the former needed to be defeated and the latter manipulated.[citation needed]

In September 1940, the organization was officially named "Lehi".[15]

In 1940, the idea of the Final Solution was still "unthinkable", and Stern believed that Hitler wanted to make Germany judenrein through emigration, as opposed to extermination.[21][22] In December 1940, Lehi even contacted Germany with a proposal to aid German conquest in the Middle East in return for recognition of a Jewish state open to unlimited immigration.[21]
Goals and methods
Lehi Commemoration in Petah Tikva

Lehi had three main goals:

To bring together all those interested in liberation (that is, those willing to join in active fighting against the British).
To appear before the world as the only active Jewish military organization.
To take over Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) by armed force.[23]

Lehi believed in its early years that its goals would be achieved by finding a strong international ally that would expel the British from Palestine, in return for Jewish military help; this would require the creation of a broad and organised military force "demonstrating its desire for freedom through military operations."[24]

Lehi also referred to themselves as 'terrorists' and may have been one of the last organizations to do so.[25]

An article titled "Terror" in the Lehi underground newspaper He Khazit (The Front ) argued as follows:

Neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify terrorism as a means of combat. We are very far from having any moral qualms as far as our national war goes. We have before us the command of the Torah, whose morality surpasses that of any other body of laws in the world: "Ye shall blot them out to the last man." But first and foremost, terrorism is for us a part of the political battle being conducted under the present circumstances, and it has a great part to play: speaking in a clear voice to the whole world, as well as to our wretched brethren outside this land, it proclaims our war against the occupier. We are particularly far from this sort of hesitation in regard to an enemy whose moral perversion is admitted by all.[26]

The article described the goals of terror:

It demonstrates ... against the true terrorist who hides behind his piles of papers and the laws he has legislated.
It is not directed against people, it is directed against representatives. Therefore it is effective.
If it also shakes the Yishuv from their complacency, good and well.[26]

Yitzhak Shamir, one of the three leaders of Lehi after Yair Stern's assassination, argued for the legitimacy of Lehi's actions:

There are those who say that to kill [Clifford] Martin [a British intelligence corps sergeant] is terrorism, but to attack an army camp is guerrilla warfare and to bomb civilians is professional warfare. But I think it is the same from the moral point of view. Is it better to drop an atomic bomb on a city than to kill a handful of persons? I don’t think so. But nobody says that President Truman was a terrorist. All the men we went for individually — Wilkin, Martin, MacMichael and others — were personally interested in succeeding in the fight against us.
So it was more efficient and more moral to go for selected targets. In any case, it was the only way we could operate, because we were so small. For us it was not a question of the professional honor of a soldier, it was the question of an idea, an aim that had to be achieved. We were aiming at a political goal. There are many examples of what we did to be found in the Bible — Gideon and Samson, for instance. This had an influence on our thinking. And we also learned from the history of other peoples who fought for their freedom — the Russian and Irish revolutionaries, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Josip Broz Tito.[27]

18 Principles of Rebirth
18 Principles of Rebirth

Avraham Stern laid out the ideology of Lehi in the essay 18 Principles of Rebirth:[28]

The nation: The Jewish people is a covenanted people, the originator of monotheism, formulator of the prophetic teachings, standard bearer of human culture, guardian of glorious patrimony. The Jewish people is schooled in self-sacrifice and suffering; its vision, survivability and faith in redemption are indestructible.
The homeland: The homeland in the Land of Israel within the borders delineated in the Bible ("To your descendants, I shall give this land, from the River of Egypt to the great Euphrates River." Genesis 15:18) This is the land of the living, where the entire nation shall live in safety.
The nation and its land: Israel conquered the land with the sword. There it became a great nation and only there it will be reborn. Hence Israel alone has a right to that land. This is an absolute right. It has never expired and never will.
The Goals
Redemption of the land.
Establishment of sovereignty.
Revival of the nation.

There is no sovereignty without the redemption of the land, and there is no national revival without sovereignty.

These are the goals of the organization during the period of war and conquest

Education: Educate the nation to love freedom and zealously guard Israel's eternal patrimony. Inculcate the idea that the nation is master to its own fate. Revive the doctrine that "The sword and the book came bound together from heaven." (Midrash Vayikra Rabba 35:8)
Unity: The unification of the entire nation around the banner of the Hebrew freedom movement. The use of the genius, status and resources of individuals and the channeling of the energy, devotion and revolutionary fervour of the masses for the war of liberation.
Pacts: Make pacts with all those who are willing to help the struggle of the organization and provide direct support.
Force: Consolidate and increase the fighting force in the homeland and in the Diaspora, in the underground and in the barracks, to become the Hebrew army of liberation with its flag, arms, and commanders.
War: Constant war against those who stand in the way of fulfilling the goals.
Conquest: The conquest of the homeland from foreign rule and its eternal possession.

These are the tasks of the movement during the period of sovereignty and redemption

Sovereignty: Renewal of Hebrew sovereignty over the redeemed land.
Rule of justice: The establishment of a social order in the spirit of Jewish morality and prophetic justice. Under such an order no one will go hungry or unemployed. All will live in harmony, mutual respect and friendship as an example to the world.
Reviving the wilderness: Build the ruins and revive the wilderness for mass immigration and population increase.
Aliens: Solve the problem of alien population [i.e. the Arab inhabitants of Palestine] by exchange of population.
Ingathering of the exiles: Total in-gathering of the exiles to their sovereign state.
Power: The Hebrew nation shall become a first-rate military, political, cultural and economical entity in the Middle East and around the Mediterranean Sea.
Revival: The revival of the Hebrew language as a spoken language by the entire nation, the renewal of the historical and spiritual might of Israel. The purification of the national character in the fire of revival.
The temple: The building of the Third Temple as a symbol of the new era of total redemption.

Relationship with fascism and socialism

Unlike the left-wing Haganah and right-wing Irgun, Lehi members were not a homogeneous collective with a single political, religious, or economic ideology. They were a combination of militants united by the goal of liberating the land of Israel from British rule. Most Lehi leaders defined their organization as an anti-imperialism movement and stated that their opposition to British colonial rule in Palestine was not based on a particular policy but rather on the presence of a foreign power over the homeland of the Jewish people. Avraham Stern defined the British Mandate as “foreign rule” regardless of British policies and took a radical position against such imperialism even if it were to be benevolent.[29]

In the early years of the state of Israel Lehi veterans could be found supporting nearly all political parties and some Lehi leaders founded a left-wing political party called the Fighters' List with Natan Yellin-Mor as its head. The party took part in the elections in January 1949 and won a single parliamentary seat. A number of Lehi veterans established the Semitic Action movement in 1956 which sought the creation of a regional federation encompassing Israel and its Arab neighbors[30][31] on the basis of an anti-colonialist alliance with other indigenous inhabitants of the Middle East.[32]

Some writers have stated that Lehi's true goals were the creation of a totalitarian state.[33] Perlinger and Weinberg write that the organisation's ideology placed "its world view in the quasi-fascist radical Right, which is characterised by xenophobia, a national egotism that completely subordinates the individual to the needs of the nation, anti-liberalism, total denial of democracy and a highly centralised government."[3] Perliger and Weinberg state that most Lehi members were admirers of the Italian Fascist movement.[24]

Others counter these claims. They note that when Lehi founder Avraham Stern went to study in fascist Italy, he refused to join the "Gruppo Universitario Fascista" for foreign students, even though members got large reductions in tuition.[34] Also, as a teenager in the Soviet Union, Stern was a member of the Young Pioneers, the children's branch of the Communist Party.[35] While organizing for Irgun in Poland in the 1930s, Stern started a labor union organization (Histadrut) for the Tzofim Hashomer Hatzair in Suwałki, which followed the ideology of the socialist movement Hashomer Hatzair, and the youth organizations Hatzofim and Hechalutz.[36]
Evolution and tactics of the organization

Many Lehi combatants received professional training. Some attended the state military academy in Civitavecchia, in Fascist Italy.[37] Others received military training from instructors of the Polish Armed Forces in 1938–1939. This training was conducted in Trochenbrod (Zofiówka) in Wołyń Voivodeship, Podębin near Łódź, and the forests around Andrychów. They were taught how to use explosives. One of them reported later:

Poles treated terrorism as a science. We have mastered mathematical principles of demolishing constructions made of concrete, iron, wood, bricks and dirt.[37]

The group was initially unsuccessful. Early attempts to raise funds through criminal activities, including a bank robbery in Tel Aviv in 1940 and another robbery on 9 January 1942 in which Jewish passers-by were killed, brought about the temporary collapse of the group. An attempt to assassinate the head of the British secret police in Lod in which three police personnel were killed, two Jewish and one British, elicited a severe response from the British and Jewish establishments who collaborated against Lehi.[38]
Wanted Poster of the Palestine Police Force offering rewards for the capture of Stern Gang members: Jaacov Levstein (Eliav), Yitzhak Yezernitzky (Shamir), and Natan Friedman-Yelin

Stern's group was seen as a terrorist organisation by the British authorities, who instructed the Defence Security Office (the colonial branch of MI5) to track down its leaders. In 1942, Stern, after he was arrested, was shot dead in disputed circumstances by Inspector Geoffrey J. Morton of the CID.[39] The arrest of several other members led momentarily to the group's eclipse, until it was revived after the September 1942 escape of two of its leaders, Yitzhak Shamir and Eliyahu Giladi, aided by two other escapees Natan Yellin-Mor (Friedman) and Israel Eldad (Sheib). (Giladi was later killed by Lehi under circumstances that remain mysterious.)[38] Shamir's codename was "Michael", a reference to one of Shamir's heroes, Michael Collins. Lehi was guided by spiritual and philosophical leaders such as Uri Zvi Greenberg and Israel Eldad. After the killing of Giladi, the organization was led by a triumvirate of Eldad, Shamir, and Yellin-Mor.

Lehi adopted a non-socialist platform of Anti-Imperialist ideology. It viewed the continued British rule of Palestine as a violation of the Mandate's provision generally, and its restrictions on Jewish immigration to be an intolerable breach of international law. However they also targeted Jews whom they regarded as traitors, and during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War they joined in operations with the Haganah and Irgun against Arab targets, for example Deir Yassin.

According to a compilation by Nachman Ben-Yehuda, Lehi was responsible for 42 assassinations, more than twice as many as the Irgun and Haganah combined during the same period. Of those Lehi assassinations that Ben-Yehuda classified as political, more than half the victims were Jews.[40]

Lehi also rejected the authority of the Jewish Agency for Israel and related organizations, operating entirely on its own throughout nearly all of its existence.

Lehi prisoners captured by the British generally refused to present a defence when brought to trial. They would only read out statements in which they declared that the court, representing an occupying force, had no jurisdiction over them and therefore was illegal. For the same reason, Lehi prisoners refused to plead for amnesty, even when it was clear that this would have spared them the death penalty. In one case Moshe Barazani, a Lehi member, and Meir Feinstein, an Irgun member, committed suicide in prison with a grenade smuggled inside an orange so the British could not hang them.[citation needed]
Contact with Nazi Germany
German cover letter from 11 January 1941 attached to a description of an offer for an alliance with Nazi Germany attributed to Lehi.

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).[citation needed] Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti-British operations.[citation needed]

On the assumption that the destruction of Britain was the Germans' top objective, the organization offered cooperation in the following terms.[citation needed] Lehi would support sabotage and espionage operations in the Middle East and in eastern Europe anywhere where they had cells. Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers. According to the proposals in the Jerusalem Agreement, based on negotiations with Count Quinto Mazzolini, in exchange for Italy's recognition of, and aid in obtaining, Jewish sovereignty over Palestine, Stern promised that Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish quarter.[citation needed] In Heller's words, Stern's proposal would turn the 'Kingdom of Israel' into a satellite of the Axis powers.'[4] Stern also proposed recruiting some 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine with German support to oust the British.[2] On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German Naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report (the "Ankara document") conveying an offer by Lehi to "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for German support for "the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich."[4][41]

The offer may have been conveyed orally to von der Marwitz by von Hentig, who was delayed in Ankara en route to Germany. It is also suggested that the supposed offer was proposed by an officer in the intelligence service of Vichy France in Syria, General Colombani, who is mentioned in the document. Colombani was at odds with other French officials in Syria, as noted by von der Marwitz; he wrote "Colombani is of the opinion that his return to France is a consequence of co-operation of Conti with Minister Pierroton." It is also possible that Colombani wanted to sabotage any possible German-Lehi deal: he had collaborated with the Mufti of Jerusalem in Lebanon in 1938–1939, and in 1939 escorted the Mufti through Syria to Iraq.[citation needed]

Von der Marwitz delivered the offer, classified as secret, to the German Ambassador in Turkey and on 21 January 1941 it was sent to Berlin. There was never any response.[42]

This proposed alliance with Nazi Germany cost Lehi and Stern much support.[43] The Stern Gang also had links with, and support from, the Vichy France Sûreté's Lebanese offices.[44]
Later history

As a group that never had over a few hundred members, Lehi relied on audacious but small-scale operations to bring their message home. They adopted the tactics of groups such as the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Combat Organization of the Polish Socialist Party in Czarist Russia,[45] and the Irish Republican Army. To this end, Lehi conducted small-scale operations such as assassinations of British soldiers and police officers and Jewish "collaborators." Another strategy, adopted in 1946, was to send bombs in the mail to many British politicians. Other actions included sabotaging infrastructure targets: bridges, railroads, and oil refineries. Lehi financed their operations from private donations, extortion, and bank robbery.
Assassination of Lord Moyne
Further information: Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne § Assassination

On 6 November 1944, Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, in Cairo. Moyne was the highest ranking British official in the region. Yitzhak Shamir claimed later that Moyne was assassinated because of his support for a Middle Eastern Arab Federation and anti-Semitic lectures in which Arabs were held to be racially superior to Jews.[46] The assassination rocked the British government, and outraged Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister. The two assassins, Eliahu Bet-Zouri and Eliahu Hakim were captured and used their trial as a platform to make public their political propaganda. They were executed. In 1975 their bodies were returned to Israel and given a state funeral.[47] In 1982, postage stamps were issued for 20 Olei Hagardom, including Bet-Zouri and Hakim, in a souvenir sheet called "Martyrs of the struggle for Israel's independence."[48][49]
British police station in Haifa

On 12 January 1947, Lehi members drove a truckload of explosives into a British police station in Haifa killing four and injuring 140, in what has been called 'the world's first true truck bomb'.[50]
Operations in Europe
Betty Knouth, Tel Aviv, 24 August 1948

Following the bombing of the British embassy in Rome, October 1946, a series of operations against targets in the United Kingdom were launched. On 15 April 1947 a bomb consisting of twenty-four sticks of explosives was planted in the Colonial Office, Whitehall. It failed to explode due to a fault in the timer. Five weeks later, on 22 May, five alleged Lehi members were arrested in Paris with bomb making material including explosives of the same type as found in London. On 2 June, two Lehi members, Betty Knouth and Yaacov Levstien, were arrested crossing from Belgium to France. Envelopes addressed to British officials, with detonators, batteries and a time fuse were found in one of Knouth's suitcases. Knouth was sentenced to a year in prison, Levstien to eight months. The British Security Services identified Knouth as the person who planted the bomb in the Colonial Office. Shortly after their arrest, 21 letter bombs were intercepted addressed to senior British figures. The letters had been posted in Italy. The intended recipients included Bevin, Attlee, Churchill and Eden.[51] In 1973, Margaret Truman wrote that letter bombs were also posted to her father, U.S. President Harry S. Truman, in 1947.[52] Former Lehi leader Yellin-Mor admitted that letter bombs had been sent to British targets but denied that any had been sent to Truman.[52][53]
Death threat against Hugh Trevor-Roper

Shortly after the 1947 publication of The Last Days of Hitler, Lehi issued a death threat against the author, Hugh Trevor-Roper, for his portrayal of Hitler, feeling that Trevor-Roper had attempted to exonerate the German populace from responsibility.[54]
Cairo-Haifa train bombings
Main article: Cairo-Haifa train bombings 1948

During the lead-up to the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Lehi mined the Cairo-Haifa train several times. On 29 February 1948, Lehi mined the train north of Rehovot, killing 28 soldiers and wounding 35. On 31 March, Lehi mined the train near Binyamina, killing 40 civilians and wounding 60.
Deir Yassin massacre
Lehi female fighters in 1948
Main article: Deir Yassin massacre

One of the most widely known acts of Lehi was the attack on the Palestinian-Arab village of Deir Yassin.

In the months before the British evacuation from Palestine, the Arab League-sponsored Arab Liberation Army (ALA) occupied several strategic points along the road between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, cutting off supplies to the Jewish part of Jerusalem. One of these points was Deir Yassin. By March 1948, the road was cut off and Jewish Jerusalem was under siege. The Haganah launched Operation Nachshon to break the siege.

On 6 April, the Haganah attacked al-Qastal, a village two kilometers north of Deir Yassin, also overlooking the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road.[55]

Then on 9 April 1948, about 120 Lehi and Irgun fighters, acting in cooperation with the Haganah, attacked and captured Deir Yassin. The attack was at night, the fighting was confused, and many civilian inhabitants of the village were killed.[56] This action had great consequences for the war, and remains a cause celebre for Palestinians ever since.

Exactly what happened has never been established clearly. The Arab League reported a great massacre: 254 killed, with rape and lurid mutilations. Israeli investigations claimed the actual number of dead was between 100 and 120, and there were no mass rapes, but most of the dead were civilians, and admitted some were killed deliberately. Lehi and Irgun both denied an organized massacre. Accounts by Lehi veterans such as Ezra Yakhin note that many of the attackers were killed or wounded, assert that Arabs fired from every building and that Iraqi and Syrian soldiers were among the dead, and even that some Arab fighters dressed as women.[57]

However, Jewish authorities, including Haganah, the Chief Rabbinate, the Jewish Agency, and David Ben-Gurion, also condemned the attack, lending credence to the charge of massacre.[58] The Jewish Agency even sent a letter of condemnation, apology, and condolence to King Abdullah I of Jordan.[59]

Both the Arab reports and Jewish responses had hidden motives: the Arab leaders wanted to encourage Palestinian Arabs to fight rather than surrender, to discredit the Zionists with international opinion, and to increase popular support in their countries for an invasion of Palestine. The Jewish leaders wanted to discredit Irgun and Lehi.

Ironically, the Arab reports backfired in one respect: frightened Palestinian Arabs did not surrender, but did not fight either – they fled, allowing Israel to gain much territory with little fighting and also without absorbing many Arabs.[59]

Lehi similarly interpreted events at Deir Yassin as turning the tide of war in favor of the Jews. Lehi leader Israel Eldad later wrote in his memoirs from the underground period that “without Deir Yassin the State of Israel could never have been established.”[60][61]

The Deir Yassin story did not much sway international opinion. It did increase not only support but pressure on Arab governments to intervene, notably Abdullah of Jordan, who was now compelled to join the invasion of Palestine after Israel's declaration of independence on 14 May.

The conflict between Lehi and mainstream Jewish and subsequently Israeli organizations came to an end when Lehi was formally dissolved and integrated into the Israeli Defense Forces on 31 May 1948, its leaders getting amnesty from prosecution or reprisals as part of the integration.
Assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte
UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte was assassinated by Lehi in Jerusalem in 1948.
Further information: Folke Bernadotte § Assassination

Although Lehi had stopped operating nationally after May 1948, the group continued to function in Jerusalem. On 17 September 1948, Lehi assassinated UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte. The assassination was directed by Yehoshua Zettler and carried out by a four-man team led by Meshulam Makover. The fatal shots were fired by Yehoshua Cohen. The Security Council described the assassination as a "cowardly act which appears to have been committed by a criminal group of terrorists".[62]

Three days after the assassination, the Israeli government passed the Ordinance to Prevent Terrorism and declared Lehi to be a terrorist organization.[63][64] Many Lehi members were arrested, including leaders Nathan Yellin-Mor and Matitiahu Schmulevitz who were arrested on 29 September.[63] Eldad and Shamir managed to escape arrest.[63] Yellin-Mor and Schmulevitz were charged with leadership of a terrorist organization and on 10 February 1949 were sentenced to 8 years and 5 years imprisonment, respectively.[65][66][67] However the State (Temporary) Council soon announced a general amnesty for Lehi members and they were released.[65][68]
Lehi in politics

Some of the Lehi leadership founded a left-wing political party called the Fighters' List with the jailed Yellin-Mor as its head. The party took part in the elections in January 1949 and won one seat. Thanks to a general amnesty for Lehi members granted on 14 February 1949, Yellin-Mor was released from prison to take up his place in the Knesset. However, the party disbanded after failing to win a seat in the 1951 elections.

In 1956, some Lehi veterans established the Semitic Action movement, which sought the creation of a regional federation encompassing Israel and its Arab neighbors[30][31] on the basis of an anti-colonialist alliance with other indigenous inhabitants of the Middle East.[32]

Not all Lehi alumni gave up political violence after independence: former members were involved in the activities of the Kingdom of Israel militant group, the 1957 assassination of Rudolf Kastner, and likely the 1952 attempted assassination of David-Zvi Pinkas.[69][70][71][72]
The Lehi ribbon
Service ribbon

In 1980, Israel instituted the Lehi ribbon, red, black, grey, pale blue and white, which is awarded to former members of the Lehi underground who wished to carry it, "for military service towards the establishment of the State of Israel".
"Unknown Soldiers" anthem

The words and music of a song "Unknown Soldiers" (also translated "Anonymous Soldiers") were written by Avraham Stern in 1932 during the early days of the Irgun. It became the Irgun's anthem until the split with Lehi in 1940, after which it became the Lehi anthem.[73][74][75]
Prominent members of Lehi

A number of Lehi's members went on to play important roles in Israel's public life.
Geula Cohen, announcer of the Lehi underground radio station (1948)

Geula Cohen, member of the Knesset
Israel Eldad, leader in the Israeli national camp
Boaz Evron, left-wing journalist
Maxim Ghilan, Israeli journalist, author and peace activist
Uri Zvi Greenberg
Amos Kenan, writer
Baruch Korff
Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli prime minister 1983–1984 and 1986–1992.
Shimon Tzabar
Natan Yellin-Mor, member of the Knesset 1949–1951, leftist advocate of peace with Arabs.[76]

See also

Roy Farran, letter bomb incident
Hamaas, an official publication of the Lehi
Jewish insurgency in Palestine


Laqueur, Walter (2003) [1972]. "Jabotinsky and Revisionism". A History of Zionism (Google Book Search) (3rd ed.). London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks. p. 377. ISBN 978-1-86064-932-5. OCLC 249640859. Retrieved 18 November 2008.
Sasson Sofer. Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. 253-254.
Perliger and Weinberg, 2003, p. 108.
Heller, 1995, p. 86.
David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics, 1889–1945, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 1974.
Robert S. Wistrich, David Ohana. The Shaping of Israeli Identity: Myth, Memory, and Trauma, Issue 3. London, England, UK; Portland, Oregon, USA: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1995. Pp. 88.
Shapira, Anita (1999). Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948. Stanford University Press. p. 347. ISBN 0804737762.
Sasson Sofer. Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. 254. Lehi's leader Stern stated that he incorporated elements of both the left and the right.
"This group was known to its friends as LEHI and to its enemies as the Stern Gang." Blumberg, Arnold. History of Israel, Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated, 1998. p 106.
"calling themselves Lohamei Herut Yisrael (LHI) or, less generously, the Stern Gang." Lozowick, Yaacov. Right to Exist : A Moral Defense of Israel's Wars. Westminster, MD, USA: Doubleday Publishing, 2003. p 78.
"It ended in a split with Stern leading his own group out of the Irgun. This was known pejoratively by the British as "the Stern Gang' – later as Lehi" Shindler, Colin. Triumph of Military Zionism : Nationalism and the Origins of the Israeli Right. London, , GBR: I. B. Tauris & Company, Limited, 2005. p 218.
"Known by their Hebrew acronym as LEHI they were more familiar, not to say notorious, to the rest of the world as the Stern Gang – a ferociously effective and murderous terrorist group fighting to end British rule in Palestine and establish a Jewish state." Cesarani, David. Major Faran's Hat: Murder, Scandal and Britain's War Against Jewish Terrorism, 1945–1948. London. Vintage Books. 2010. p 01.
"ELIAHU AMIKAM Stern Gang Leader" (Free Preview; full article requires payment.). The Washington Post. 16 August 1995. pp. D5. Retrieved 18 November 2008. "The [AMIKAM] Stern Gang – known in Hebrew as Lehi, an acronym for Israel Freedom Fighters – was the most militant of the pre-state underground groups."
"Definition of Stern Gang in English". Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved 30 November 2013.
Nachman Ben-Yehuda. The Masada Myth: Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Wisconsin University Press, 1995. Pp. 322.
Joseph Heller. The Stern Gang: Ideology, Politics, and Terror, 1940-1949. Pp. 8.
Ami Pedahzur, The Israeli Response to Jewish Extremism and Violence: Defending Democracy, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York 2002 p.77
Gabriel Ben-Dor and Ami Pedahzur,'Jewish Self-Defence and Terrorist Groups Prior to the Establishment of the State of Israel: Roots and Traditions,' in Ami Pedahzur, Leonard Weinberg (eds.), Religious Fundamentalism and Political Extremism, Frank Cass, 2004 pp.94-120, pp-115-116.
Ralph Bunche report on assassination of UN mediator 27 September 1948, "notorious terrorists long known as the Stern group"
[The Stern Gang] LEHI – Fighters for the Freedom of Israel Ribbon on the Israeli Ministry of Defence website
Colin Shindler (1995). The land beyond promise: Israel, Likud and the Zionist dream. I.B. Tauris. p. 22. ISBN 978-1-86064-774-1.
Colin Shindler, The Land Beyond Promise: Israel, Likud and the Zionist Dream, I.B. Tauris, 2002, p.25: 'Stern perceived Hitler as the latest in a long line of anti-Semites who could be won over if the common interest was identified. In Palestine at that time, Stern was not alone in regarding Hitler as a persecutor and not an exterminator. The dream of attaining a Jewish state dominated Zionist thinking and the very idea of the Final Solution was unthinkable in 1940. Stern believed that Hitler wanted Germany to be judenrein through emigration'.
Heller, p. 112, quoted in Perliger and Weinberg, 2003, pp. 106–107.
Perliger and Weinberg, 2003, p. 107.
Calder Walton (2008). "British Intelligence and the Mandate of Palestine: Threats to British national security immediately after the Second World War". Intelligence and National Security 23 (4): 435–462. doi:10.1080/02684520802293049.
He Khazit (underground publication of Lehi), Issue 2, August 1943. No author is stated, as was usual for this publication. Translated from original. For a discussion of this article, see Heller, p. 115
Bethell Nicholas , The Palestine Triangle: The Struggle between British, Jews, and the Arabs, 1935–48 (1979), page 278
Amichal, page 316, a copy on the web exists here
Israel Eldad, The First Tithe, p. 84
Diamond, James S. (1990). "We Are Not One: A Post-Zionist Perspective". Tikkun 5 (2): 107.
Hattis Rolef, Susan. "YELLIN-MOR (Friedman), NATHAN". Encyclopaedia Judaica.
Beinin, Joel (1998). The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry: Culture, Politics, and the Formation of a Modern Diaspora. University of California Press. pp. 166
Heller, 1995, p. 70.
Amichal, 77
Amichal, 14
Amichal, page 16
(Polish) Jakub Mielnik: Jak polacy stworzyli Izrael, Focus.pl Historia, 5 May 2008
Perliger and Weinberg, 2003, p. 109.
Boyer Bell, 1996, p. 71.
N. Ben-Yehuda, Political Assassinations by Jews (State University of New York, 1993), p397.
David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics, 1889–1945, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 1974. Verified web copies: German English. Also see Otto von Hentig, Mein Leben (Goettingen, 1962) pp 338–339
A Meeting in Beirut, Habib Canaan, Haaretz (musaf), 27 March 1970
"Stern Gang" The Oxford Companion to World War II. Ed. I. C. B. Dear and M. R. D. Foot. Oxford University Press, 2001.
James Barr, A Line in the Sand: Britain, France and the struggle that shaped the Middle East, Simon and Schuster, 2011 p.255
Iviansky 1986, 72–73.
Yitzhak Shamir, 'Why the Lehi Assassinated Lord Moyne', Nation, 32/119 (1995) pp. 333–7 (Hebrew) cited in Perliger and Weinberg, 2003, p. 111.
Israel honours British minister's assassins, The TImes, 26 June 1975, p1.
The Israel Philatelic Federation
http://www.israelphilately.org.il/catalog/series.asp?id=416 (detailed)
Randall David Law, Terrorism: A History, Polity, 2009 p.186.
Andrew, Christopher (2009) The Defence of the Realm. The Authorized History of MI5. Allen Lane. ISBN 978-0-7139-9885-6. Page 922. Note 39. Pages 355-359. Knouth aka Gilberte/Elizabeth Lazarus. Levstein was travelling as Jacob Elias; his fingerprints connected him to the deaths of several Palestine Policemen as well as an attempt on the life of the High Commissioner.
Nachman Ben-Yehuda (2012). Political Assassinations by Jews: A Rhetorical Device for Justice. SUNY Press. p. 331.
Ira Smith and Joe Alex Morris, Dear Mr President, Julian Messner Inc. New York 1947 p.230 writes that the same kind of terrorist letters which the Stern gang claimed responsibility for sending to English politicians had been detected in mail to the White House:
Rosenbaum, Ron. Explaining Hitler: the search for the origins of his evil. p. 63.
Silver 1984, p. 91.
Yoav Gelber, Palestine 1948, Appendix II
Ezra Yakhin (1992), Elnakam, p.261–272.
Yoav Gelber (2006), Palestine 1948, p.317.
Benny Morris (2003), The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, p.239.
Israel Eldad (1950), The First Tithe, p.334–335.
Heller, 1995, p. 209.
UNSC [1] resolution 57 (September 18, 1948).
Sprinzak, p45
Ami Pedahzur, ‘The Israeli Response to Jewish terrorism and violence. Defending Democracy’, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York 2002 p.77
Sprinzak, p47
Heller, p265.
"LHY leaders get 8,5 years", Palestine Post, 11 February 1949.
Heller, p267.
Baram, Daphna (10 September 2009). "Amos Keinan: Controversial Israeli journalist, writer and artist". The Independent. Retrieved 8 November 2009.
Melman, Yossi (13 August 2009). "Time bomb". Haaretz. Retrieved 8 September 2009.
Segev, Tom; Arlen Neal Weinstein (1998). 1949: The First Israelis. Macmillan. pp. 230–231. ISBN 0-02-929180-1.
Pedahzur, Ami, and Arie Perliger (2009). Jewish Terrorism in Israel. Columbia University Press. p. 31–33
Zev Golan (2011). Stern: The Man and his Gang. Yair Publishing. pp. 18–19, 81.
s:Unknown soldiers (song)
Lyrics and data about the song on the Betar site (Hebrew)
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, December 1986, "Portrait of a Mideast Terrorist"


(Hebrew) Amichal Yevin, Ada (1986). In purple: the life of Yair-Abraham Stern. Tel Aviv: Hadar Publishing House.
Bell, J. Bowyer (1977). Terror Out of Zion: Irgun Zvai Leumi, Lehi, and the Palestine Underground, 1929–1949. Avon. ISBN 0-380-39396-4
Ben-Yehuda, Nachman (1998). Political Violence. Political Assassinations as a Quest for Justice. In Robert R. Friedmann (Ed.). Crime and Criminal Justice in Israel: Assessing The Knowledge base Toward The Twenty-first Century (pp. 139–184). SUNY Press. ISBN 0-7914-3713-2.
Golan, Zev (2003). Free Jerusalem: Heroes, Heroines and Rogues Who Created the State of Israel. Devora. ISBN 1-930143-54-0
Golan, Zev (2011). Stern: The Man and His Gang. Yair. ISBN 978-965-91724-0-5
Heller, J. (1995). The Stern Gang. Frank Cass. ISBN 0-7146-4558-3
Iviansky, Z. (1986) "Lechi's Share in the Struggle for Israel's Liberation," in: Ely Tavin and Yonah Alexander (Ed.).Terrorists or freedom fighters, Fairfax, Va.: HERO Books.
Katz, E. (1987). "LECHI: Fighters for the freedom of Israel", Tel Aviv: Yair Publishers
Lustick, Ian S. (1994). "Terrorism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Targets and Audiences." In Crenshaw, Martha (ed). Terrorism in Context (pp. 514–552). University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. ISBN 0-271-01015-0
Marton, K. (1994). A death in Jerusalem. Pantheon. ISBN 0-679-42083-5 — Bernadotte assassination
Munson, Henry (2005). "Religion and violence". Religion 35 (4): 223–246. doi:10.1016/j.religion.2005.10.006.
Perliger, Arie; Weinberg, Leonard (2003). "Jewish Self-Defence and Terrorist Groups Prior to the Establishment of the State of Israel: Roots and Traditions". Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 4 (3): 91–118. doi:10.1080/14690760412331326250.
Ehud Sprinzak (1999). Brother against Brother. The Free Press. ISBN 0-684-85344-2.

External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lehi (group).

http://www.lehi.org.il/ (Hebrew)
British wanted poster from 1940s
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2014 06:04 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
they once hung some captured British POW's

I know. I wish they hadn't done that.

If it happens that we all end up having to explain ourselves to God after we die, the people who did it will have much to answer for.

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