JTT wrote:
What you are missing, Ori, is that mine WAS a typo, while McTag's was a pointed and dishonest attempt to malign me by diverting from other McTag language opinions that were also fatuous.
You're not seriously trying to equate the two?
The key to the problem is who's diverting. McTag has readily proclaimed there are nothing incorrect in his posts and we have been waiting for you to hunt out his fatuous flaws in his language. Yet you, JTT, were diverting from this critical point by claiming not wanting to waste your time (and instead you've wasted so much time on name-calling. What an irony!).
Have some common sense: Even if you're such a lazy bone in searching out the information you want, you'd give us some examples from your memory.
Well, let us see again JTT's "English":
You are clearly nuts if you think either McTag or Contrex are genteel.
Are? Or is? We know only the latter works.
(Oh, McTag, I've offered you a bullet with which you can shoot this man)
But the better question is here:
Tell us, JTT: Is JTT genteel?
Do you have the courage to answer this question, JTT?