ISIS is a false flag operation!

Tue 17 Jun, 2014 02:48 am

Who Let the Hordes Out?


Recent clearly manipulated developments have now officially gone way over the top. Once again, the most mind boggling aspect is the lack of public awareness and outcry, rather than the usual knee-jerk reaction of simply following the mainstream narrative being shoved down their collective throats.


Iraq is being over-run by a highly financed, equipped and organized medieval swarm, supposedly out of nowhere, while the massively militarized US presence does nothing. Even their proud, huge embassy compound personnel flee as if this is Iran 30 years ago and nothing ever happened at the hands of American and NATO forces the last 12 years in Iraq.’
Meanwhile, the US is being overrun with immigrants who are not just flooding the borders as guards stand idly by, but appearing by bus and plane loads all over the country and are even being housed at military installations, while the UK and other parts of Europe are being similarly inundated, with the UK now issuing passports by the thousands with hardly a question asked to unlawfully invited immigrants. To top it off, the Ukraine is flaunting a US/NATO bolstered resurrection and restoration of violent feudal fascism mimicking the rise of Nazism.

Enough? Apparently not. They’re still undermining Syria, Venezuela, and large swathes of Africa, while clearly instigating turmoil in Pakistan and other regional states via Gladio style terror attacks and economic subterfuge.

And You Don’t Think This Is Coordinated?

As I said above, the most surreal aspect of all this is how there is virtually no voice for sanity amidst all of this. The mainstream media, official organ of the deeply embedded State and Globalist influences, simply presents the effects as “news” while there is precious little real analysis and certainly no dot connecting. After all, the public has been hamstrung for decades by not having all the facts or hardly any real truth about what’s going on.

Question 1: Where is the massive firepower against this “threatening” al Qaida upgrade ISIS movement that they once used to eviscerate Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya? Where is the great concern for this whole phony “war on terror” all this was based on? They’re suddenly throwing up their hands and fleeing as if Attila the Hun is coming over the mountains on magic flying nuclear elephants. Surreal.

Answer: Note the mental effect, therein lies the key. The people are supposed to think there’s a force of such massive groundswell momentum that this cannot be stopped. Besides, Al Qaida was a US creation all along but has been getting a lot of use by US/NATO forces lately so they clearly need a new, more ferocious “enemy” to threaten “American freedom” and a reason to arm the hell out of the next phase of their operation. Same old ploy. But you have to admit they’re going medieval now with the savagery of this latest phase, beginning in with the clearly instigated Syria “rebellion”.

Question 2: Who gave the signal to open the floodgates on Mexican immigrants into the US and why isn’t anyone asking that question? There are vague references to Obama’s obvious intentions, while the so-called government is predictably making lame, unfocussed objections. Meanwhile the task gets accomplished before it can be stopped.

Answer: Overrun the populace with whatever program you want and maybe slightly answer for it later. Same with any of these “executive orders”, it’s dictatorial control in the US and has been for a long, long time while keeping the populace placated thinking they have a say so and are being “represented”. Meanwhile they push through what they want and once done it’s too late.

Question 3: Why would the UK government, and other European countries, just flood their land with immigrants at a time when the economy’s backbone has been systematically crushed and the middle and lower class are suffering terribly…even going to the lengths of hurriedly issuing thousands of coveted British passports when legal immigrants have been waiting for years?

Answer: Same as above – flood the current social structure before anyone can do anything until it cracks and has to cry out to the State for salvation. Those who don’t conform to the system will be “dealt with” accordingly, either by economic emaciation, outright incarceration…or worse.

Question 4: How can a clearly fascist, Nazi-rooted regime be openly backed, armed and supported by America and NATO and no one even notice this is a complete reversal of every so-called western “value” that was supposedly fought and sacrificed for?

Answer: Because the fascist state never died, has always been, and is the prime directive of the new world order. Socialism and Fascism are the same, just different flavors. Again, they’re heavily depending on the success of the massive history, media and social engineering programs they’ve been shamelessly promoting for over a century, but apparently they feel confident enough now to come completely out of the closet.

All the while telling the mind-mush public this is whatever new flavor of “freedom defending” they want to call it.

This list goes on but you get the point. It’s manipulation of a dumbed-down, mind controlled, impotent populace – which they created for this very purpose. Apparantely no explanation or permission is necessary any longer as these world shaping events continue to be engineered and executed with abject disdain for humankind.

American Idle – Don’t Get Caught in the Coma
As opposed to but not all that different from “American Idol”, the American public is stalled out, limply idling in neutral…hypnotized and frozen in its tracks – a sitting duck for their current destruction and whatever next phases are planned. The manipulators must be grinning in glee with all they can accomplish with hardly a whimper from a once proud and relatively empowered populace. Their social, chemical and biological engineering programs appear to have worked.

This goes for the UK as well, and most of the western world. The over saturation of economic and personal freedom reducing maneuvers has taken its toll and now the mad dogs of war have been multiplied and morphed into a whole new onslaught. One designed to usher in the next phase of war and draconian control.

Who let them out? If this isn’t clear to you by now you are one of the hypnotically entranced who still rely on what the mainstream tells you, and base your ideas and opinions on that. You may have a few questions or doubts, but if you’re not outraged and absolutely dumbstruck at the impunity of these obviously staged onslaughts on civilization you have some serious research to do.

Start now. It’s never too late to wake up – at least individually.

As far as society as a whole, it’s going to take one massive wake up at every level to turn this around. At least we can have the peace that we’ve helped as many as we could to understand what’s really going on and make a difference on many levels.

That’s worth every effort we can make.

Keep your eyes peeled and heart open. And pass the word on.

Much love, Zen

Let’s break down these recent major trends and developments.

bobsal u1553115
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 03:38 pm
A fine example of the downside of putting the internet into the hands of blog readers with no capability recognizing the whackadoo quotient of the crap blogs they read.
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 03:55 pm
The idea that ISIS is a false flag op is laughably stupid, however it is instructive to recall Göring's remarks.
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 04:19 pm
Wasn't he the same guy who ordered his fighters to form close formation with his bombers, rather than sit above them, ready to pounce?

Good call.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 05:53 pm
I hope they follow orders.
mark noble
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 08:09 pm
On the button......ish.


bobsal u1553115
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 08:47 pm
@mark noble,
I think you mean that Reichsmarschall Hermann Wilhelm Goering was right and Quehoniaomath is full of it.
mark noble
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 09:11 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Are you on drugs?

Watch the link, Mk Ultraboy
bobsal u1553115
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 10:23 pm
@mark noble,
You're the one on drugs, pal. The last link you gave me was pretty lame. You've been away awhile. Hospitalized?
Wed 18 Jun, 2014 12:14 am
@bobsal u1553115,
A fine example of the downside of putting the internet into the hands of blog readers with no capability recognizing the whackadoo quotient of the crap blogs they read.

explain! why do you say that?
Or is it too impossible to belief fot you?

Maybe this is going on?


0 Replies
Wed 18 Jun, 2014 01:36 am
@bobsal u1553115,
They did, which greatly contributed to losing the battle.
0 Replies
mark noble
Wed 18 Jun, 2014 04:14 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
No, banned.
And 'away' implies 'belonging'...
I have no residence in this cyberspace - You should know this, your penthouse surely has a clear view...?
0 Replies
mark noble
Wed 18 Jun, 2014 04:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
And that 'lame' link I graciously shared yesterday had 200 or so views 20 minutes after it was released. It now has 70,000 - less than 20 hrs later.

Guess Fox, CNN, Wash and Huff/posts decide where your 'reality' forms.
Live long and prosper.
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 02:15 am
@mark noble,
Guess Fox, CNN, Wash and Huff/posts decide where your 'reality' forms.
Live long and prosper.

Exactly! Thanks for that!
mark noble
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 05:12 am

Might I suggest that 'Stormcloudsgathering', the provider of 'ACTUAL' current affairs (Until they catch him) deserves a viewing by one such as yourself?

25 million observers over 2 years are better off for it.
Youtube him. His material is 'Spot on'.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Jul, 2014 01:56 pm
The idea that ISIS is a false flag op is laughably stupid, however it is instructive to recall Göring's remarks.

It's you remind people of Goring's remarks.

Saudiphile CIA director behind ISIL rise: Analyst
Jul 07, 2014

An American author and investigative journalist says CIA director John Brennan who is “a known Saudiphile” has played a key role in the creation and rise of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Wayne Madsen made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Monday, saying Washington’s trainings and provision of arms and cash to militants in Iraq and Syria gave rise to the brutal militancy.

As with al-Qaeda whose origin is traceable to “the US war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan,” Madsen explained, “we’ve once again supported and trained and given cash to the same elements and now we’ve got the rise of ISIL in Iraq and Syria and possibly they’re going to take this war into Jordan and beyond because they’ve changed their name now to the Islamic caliphate, [or] the Islamic state.”

0 Replies
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 03:57 pm
Former al-Qaeda Commander: ISIS Works for the CIA

Jihadist groups part of "Clean Break" plan to balkanize Middle East
by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars.com | July 12, 2014
Nabil Na’eem, the founder of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and former top al-Qaeda commander, told the Beirut-based pan-Arab TV station al-Maydeen all current al-Qaeda affiliates, including ISIS, work for the CIA.

“What I want to tell you, the efforts of all Islamic countries, Sunni and Shiites, must combine to eradicate these groups because these groups are the claws of colonialism in the region,” Na’eem said.

Na’eem said ISIS, now IS or the Islamic State, is part of the neocon and Israeli “Clean Break” plan to balkanize the Arab and Muslim Middle East.

The conflict is designed to be “an endless war” that “exhausts Saudi resources and its monies, and it exhausts Iran resources and its monies, like what they did during the days of Saddam in Iraq (with Iran).”
The conflict will spread to Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf monarchies by 2016, Na’eem predicted.
In 2013, after al-Nusra in Syria pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, Na’eem said the group works for the CIA.

“I personally believe that the leader of the Nusra Army (Mohammed al-Jawlani), who declared his support for Ayman Al Zawahiri, is a CIA operative,” he said.

He identified al-Zawahiri as a double agent who takes “orders from the Americans.”

Wed 27 Aug, 2014 04:43 pm
French Report ISIL Leader Mossad Agent
August 4th, 2014 | Posted by Veterans Today
Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent.

We offer below three translations that want to assert that the Caliph Al-Baghdadi is a full Mossad agent and that he was born Jewish father and mother:

The real name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is “Simon Elliott.”
0 Replies
Wed 27 Aug, 2014 11:50 pm
And the 'beheading' is fake.....of course!
mark noble
Fri 29 Aug, 2014 08:58 am
Not fake - It took place 11 months ago though. The motive for its release is to incite suspicion into a 'concerned' populace.
Now the yanks and brits, alike, see a prospective assassin behind every beard, hibab, foreign dialect and rucksack-wielding bypasser.
Why waste hollowpoints? They ain't cheap y'know:)

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