patiodog wrote:Is there a lure and a hook on the end of the thread?
You mean like a cat?
"Cats about to mate perform pursuit and avoidance behavior. Once the female is ready to mate, she will assume the typical lordotic posture. Premature attempts to mate on behalf of the male will result in an intensely aggressive response from the female. When both parties are ready, the male grasps the female by the skin over the nape of the neck. At the moment of ejaculation, the female emits a loud piercing cry, hisses, and aggressively swats at the male. It is presumed that the female's aggression is a response to the pain of withdrawal,
since males have a barbed penis. It is also thought that the barbs on the penis help to induce ovulation, the biological climax of the mating sequence. After mating, the queen rolls on the ground in apparent ecstasy while the male retires to a discrete distance to lick himself clean."
Tough sex life for the kitty's huh?