I wont explain... we are supposed to keep things non graphic. just think of a penis shaped afghan dog with dreds and beads... silly picture.
But accurate . . . . . .
Like I said, "Get the weed wacker!"
BillW wrote:But accurate . . . . . .
Like I said, "Get the weed wacker!"
eeekkk... needone to find the member, it is hidden under all of the bushyness!
Hip bone to hip bone to belly button?
Not here.
shure shure... ihtink you are lying.
Let's have a bad girl club.........
giving is good, it could be the best part of sex, but then recieving is good too........I can do an enjoy both.
ahh, give, give, give! it's all i do!
Just remember: There's a sucker born every minute....but only one in a milllion swallow.
I saw that on a t-shirt. In my experience, it's the other way around.
Stay away from the asparagus Slappy, and your numbers are bound to improve.
Count me in, too!
What shall we do first?
I'm all ready to go here in the receiving line!
Hmmm - Kicky - I believe, if we ar ebad girls - a little BITING may be in order.
Still first in line?
dlowan wrote:Hmmm - Kicky - I believe, if we ar ebad girls - a little BITING may be in order.
Still first in line?
Get rid of the ciggy and maybe...
How many times do I have to tell you people it is a JOINT - or a lolly - depending on the mood I am in.
So, Cav, you like getting your wienie bitten?
And that, dear friends, fittingly enough, is - I am very ashamed to tell you - my 20,000th smegging post....
I think I will start only posting in me old posts until people catch up.
Watch out for this little quirk!!!
That may be the longest post you've ever written. Five whole sentences. Wow. You're spoiling us.
20,000 smegging posts?

Deb! Haven't you got anything else in life other than work and
Yeah, Wiyaka - indeed I do - but I tend, as Eva says, to write a lot of very short posts.
However, I also write the odd very long one.
And - I often have very long suilly threads that go forever - so I feel like I need to keep responding to people.
Oh yes, you DO write some odd, long ones! <LOL>
And please don't stop! I'm looking forward to reading the next 20,000!