So i see you admit to being a turd-stirrer. While the candor is refreshing, there's nothing for you to be proud of there. You also adopt the same self-pity line that Olive Tree does. I was not hostile to you or to him from the beginning. My history with Snood goes back to long before your arrived, and in particular to a series of private messages in which he used on me a vicious racist epithet, apparently thinking he was entitled to do so because of the color of his skin.
One way in which Olive Tree is superior to you is that doesn't indulge hysteria the way you do. In the thread about Queenie and Gerry Adams, one of our Canadian members made a comment, and i responded that the North American news media has a pro-British bias--which is true. Your response was to accuse me of being opposed to the peace process, to be promoting stereotypes about the Irish and to hating the English. None of that can be extracted from the observation that the North American news media has a pro-British bias, but hysterical accusations are your stock in trade. You don't pursue them either, you just throw out more of them as you are challenged. You become hysterical when you are challenged or contradicted, routinely.
One way in which you and Olive Tree are the same, though, is in the inability to reason, the lack of logic, and the inability to follow the thread of a conversation. I didn't "blame" the francophobia of
some Americans, conservative Americans, on Azincourt (that's how the name of the town was spelled six hundred years ago, and how it's spelled today, you arrogant little bastard). It was a parody of the unreasoning francophobia of some Americans, and "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" was a stock phrase they used. I don't expect you to understand that though, because you're pathetically uninformed. If you have not just ripped off an article in
The Guardian, you don't know what others are talking about.
It truly is ironic to see you sneer at someone else for immaturity. \