Tue 13 May, 2014 01:57 am
He is an inept, incompetent, lazy failure. Instead of making something of himself and his life, he sits and cries over his personal failures and blames all his troubles on Jews, Blacks and Hispanics.
Too limited--racists also can hate based upon religion, gender, sexual preference, physical handicaps and features.
I seen bigotry based upon freckles, hair color and handiness--racists don't need justification to hate--they just hate.
I tend to think of racists only as people who acknowledge they are racists. There are plenty of those...people who actually brag that they hate based on race...people who are proud of their racism.
I realize there are other people with racist tendencies...but they are, for the most part, cowards hypocrites, liars, or self-deluders...and they should not, in my personal opinion, be called racists. It dilutes the word.
If particular races living in your country are bad for the country, it's not racism to speak out against them, it's
PS- i've just sent in my postal vote for UKIP..
I was prepared to be made angry by this thread, but thanks for posting a great thread.
Actually, a racist today might be scientifically defined as anyone that believes there is more than one race, within the human race, with specific traits of intelligence, etc. However, as private citizens in the U.S., one can be discriminating and not give everyone a red lollipop.
some racists are successful, if your going to attack racism do it in a rational way i.e. be rational. having to be a slave to your emotions and them being the imputis to irrational blather is not good 4 the ears nor mind.
The worst racists are those who hate their own race, like lefty pinko traitors who want to swamp their own country with foreigners..
A racist is a tool of the oligarchy, used to continue the imaginary divide between people of different ethnicity or country of origin.
We're in the middle of a class war, people. Get with the program.
Has anybody here yet made the distinction between racism and xenophbia?
It's important.
In a class war scenario, with the islamophobia and war on "terror", racism and xenophobia are beginning to merge, or at least overlap.
also non-whites can be racist, you neglected that.
Quote:also non-whites can be racist, you neglected that.
You'd need to define "white".
Origin of Caucasoid. from the erroneous notion that the origin, originally home of the hypothetical Indo-Europeans was the Caucasus.
modern definition of the term
Then if you don't accept that explanation, proffer your own, please.
tell me if it pulls up right link
A bad psychological condition, usually found in human races.