Quote:I don't judge people by their literary quotes or the big words they use, Blatham. Bill Clinton was long touted as a Rhodes scholar but I doubt he had a clue who Irenaeus is much less could he speak for a minute of Irenaean theology. Could you without looking it up first?
I judge a president by his moral center, his vision, and his courage and I judge his competency by the people with whom he surrounds himself and I judge his politics by the votes he supports.''
For goodness sakes, fox. I don't think I've seen anyone jump through hoops like you do in aid of excusing this man.
It isn't a matter of literary quotes or big words, it is a matter of being even slightly curious about the world. It's a matter of intellectual humility and assuming that there is much to be learned and that learning is a good thing. It is a matter of the value of education. And he's the 'education president'????
Clinton very likely would know exactly who Irenaeus was, and likely what a theodicy is, and very possibly what Irenaeus held on this matter. And yes, I could speak long enough to bore you on the subject.
The claim that Bush has a moral center is not compelling either, if even definable, any more than to say that Franklin Graham or a fellow kneeling in a mosque has a moral center. What they do have is a set of moral ideas as a consequence of social indoctrination, often not informed by critical study or reflection, and the certainty that often attends such indoctrination. I think it just happens that his ideas match yours, so you describe him as having a moral center. I don't think a moral center makes any sense at all as a concept where serious reflection and study are absent.