Fri 7 May, 2004 12:50 pm
See them here:
Click on the webcam link for three views.....
Very COOL, Joe . . . they have a few nesting pairs in Columbus, as well, and i think there's a web cam for that, but i don't have the link any longer.
Thanks for the pix and the links, Boss . . .
Little ditty, about Jack and Diane
2 Peregrine Falcons growin old on the 14th floor landin'...
Great I love to watch a couple of years ago I watched as two baby eagles hatched and the parnets feed them and taught them how to fly and one day I came home and the babes were gone.
But is spring and now I can watch the falcons thank you Joe.
Little birdies roosting in the rain today.
Btw: I am corrected, it's Jack and Jill. Diane's been retired.
I enjoyed watching the brood. Thanks, Joe.
Several years ago I remember reading the certain hotels in Atlantic City had put signs in the higher (and more expensive) rooms congratulating their guests on the possiblity of being able to see a rare perigrine falcon dismembering a pigeon on the windowsill right outside the hermatically sealed window.
Wingless High Fliers stopped complaining about the gory spectacle and started requesting rooms where the falcons appeared regularly.
They are adorable and lovely - glad you gave us the link Joe.
Okay, now you've gotten me addicted to watching the furry little critters. I checked in on them about five times today. One time I watched as the mother (father?) tore apart something (I assume a smaller bird?) and fed it to the chicks a piece at a time. One of the three didn't seem to be getting any. I've been worried about that one all day.
Dammit, it's dark again. I'll have to wait 'til morning comes to make sure it's okay.
Yeah. Real life is real tough. Seldom does a clutch of three make it in the falcon world.
Here's hoping.
Um. By the way, eva, they aren't furry little creatures... fluffy, yes, but unless there was more radiation at ground zero (which is just around the cornner from the roost) ...
Okay, fluffy.
Baby birds always look strange to me until they get regular feathers. Not like proper birds, hence the wrong wording.
I'm gonna go check on them again.
Nearly had a heart attack this morning...the first webcam showed an empty nesting box! Turns out the three chicks (all looking good!) have ventured out of the box for the first time! YAY!
I'll be gone for a couple of days...will someone else keep watch for me?
They've been out the whole day. Mom fed them about three pm and now (4:40) they are still laying around out on the veranda.
Good to see them back in their nice, safe corner today. Made me nervous to see them wandering around Friday with Mom & Dad off somewhere else.
Someone must have adjusted the birdcam over the weekend. Now I can see the traffic going by below.
Are those pigeon feathers fluttering in the breeze?
Thanks for the link, Joe. It's a treat!
Yes, those are pigeon feathers.... they tried the vegetarian chili and found it to be too bland.