mporter wrote:Finn D'Abuzz- I never pay attention to ignorance.
I'm afraid I don't understand this comment at all. I guess it's my ignorance.
mporter wrote:Note: At least six Islamic nations have laws prescribing capital punishment for homosexual acts.
There are at least eight relevant provisions in the Koran--all of them strongly negative against homosexuality.
And this is proof that there is no greater insult in Muslim culture than to force Muslim men to simulate homosexual sex?
mporter wrote:To those who do not thing the Islamic world is very strongly opposed to homosexuality, I propose an experiment. Go to a Middle Eastern country( try Syria) declare yourself a Muslim and an overt homosexual--see what happens.
First of all there is a huge distinction between not accepting your claim on the greatest insult in the Muslim Culture and contending that the "Islamic World" embraces homosexuality.
Seconding, being "strongly opposed" to homosexuality is not tantamount to believing that forcing Muslim men to simulate homosexual sex is the single most heinous insult possible.
Thirdly...Gosh, if they are such ignorant homophobes then maybe they need a little forced panty wearing.
mporter wrote:Again--one of the most heinous acts allowed by President Bush was the forcing of Muslim prisoners into acts of simulated sex.
Assuming he did allow it (Which you have a long way to go to prove) as far as "heinous" acts go (Death March of Battan, Nazi Concentration Camps, Soviet Gulags, Feeding people to dogs...) this one wasn't all that "heinous."