joefromchicago wrote:Tarantulas wrote:The lefties have their fingernails all chewed down because there's no apology. Never mind that our President has nothing to apologize FOR.
Then why did
White House spokesman Scott McClellan say: "The President is sorry for what occurred and the pain that it has caused. It does not represent what America stands for. America stands for much better than what happened," and that "the President is deeply sorry for what occurred, and the pain that it has caused."
And while you're thinking about that, here's a related question: why did Scott McClellan apologize for Bush rather than George Bush apologizing personally?
What is this jones for an apology?
Did Truman apologize for Hiroshima?
Did TR apologize for The Maine?
Did Lincoln apologize for Andersonville?
What is the GD importance of an apology?
Rumsfeld, this morning, apologized to any Iraqi who might have been abused.
Not good enough?
NBC wanted him to apologize to the Iraqi People.
Missing the point that in America the issue is on the fron page and subject to all sorts of debate.
We will take care of it an move on.
Start judging America in the context of the rest of the world and all of history, and not one's fanciful utopian notions.