That "stats" on porn star suicide rates are not easily available isn't proof of anything other than Wikipedia doesn't care to try and provide them.
I notice that you don't object to the claim that drug abuse is rampant in the porn industry, and yet you find it hard to believe that the suicide rate is higher than in conventional society?
Look, I'm not trying to win you over. If you don't believe that the porn industry is a foul cesspool that preys on women, that's up to you, and if you wish to entertain the obscene notion that pornography is an attractive field for entrepreneurial women, so be it.
It's a sad state of affairs when feminist principles are being used to not only validate, but endorse the porn industry.
I am a firm believer in personal freedoms and if someone want to make a self-destructive choice, I believe that's up to them, but I'm not about to suggest that such choices are neutral or, worse, positive. Neither the government nor society should stop them from making such choices, but it's disgusting to celebrate them.
Apparently an aversion to perceived sexual puritanism trumps an aversion to the exploitation of foolish and disturbed young women.