kickycan wrote:Maybe you're right, but I will choose to cherish my feelings when I think about the first time I heard her whisper that she loved me, or the time we said goodbye for the summer and she had a tear in her eye and she was laughing and saying "I'm
not crying! I have something in my eye!" Oh my god, I'm even getting a little choked up just writing this!
I remember a particular time... I'd driven up-state to see her a "last" time before she left for the antipodes, there was that bittersweet farewell before a long drive down most of California...
See, thing was, on the way up there I'd been in such a hurry to see her that I'd pushed my little truck too hard on I-5, and by the time I got to her place there was a bit of smoke chugging out from underneath the hood. I gave it a rest over the weekend, it started up fine after our goodbye, so I didn't worry about it. I wasn't going to ruin our moment by, you know, having a mechanic in town look at my truck or anything. There would have been no poetry in that.
Well, about three hours into the drive, I started to get a lot of white mixed in with my exhaust, and the engine started to sputter. I was still about two hours north of Sacramento, where there is nothing but farms and truck stops. Damn thing broke down that day, ended up spending a fortune getting it towed to my sister's place in Sacto and then to another place where I could work on it -- had to replace the cracked head.
All worthwhile, though. Had to get the moment right, even if it meant a mid-valley breakdown. And there was more falling in "love" to do that year. I wouldn't give those experiences up for anything. Rather, I wish I'd had more of them when I was still dumb enough to fall for someone new every couple of months. Good times.
Goddamn, I'm chatty today. What a girl I am...