I have understood why police do that, trying putting myself in their mindset, which I think has some backup in reality but not as much reality backup as they say. Lots of quicksilver mistakes with fear going on. I take there is a lot of profiling but don't think that's all of it.
Meantime, the shoot to kill mode permeates both thug culture and police procedure, and now people with homes to protect who've seen movies for decades.
As I've told before, my husband's family (they lived in south LA, an iffy part of it when they were there. A couple of blocks from '92, in '92). Husband's parents were thrifty depression era white folks and bought a low priced house. They got along, had friends around, but did go through a home invasion - two or three guys, one with shotgun. All the money in the house was in a piggy bank in the boy's room. It wasn't the inaccessible gun in the closet that helped them, down on the floor, it was that while the invaders were in or towards the back part of the house, the crippled mother hobbled outside and screamed, and somehow she didn't get shot - the perps have fear too, sometimes, and they ran away.
I don't do guns and I think the gun culture in the U.S. is out of its mind. As were the supremes. But what is happening fits in with endless braggadocio up yours as how to just talk.
To be clear, I don't mind if you have one, but keep it away from me.
A lot here know my father was chief of photo for the bikini bomb tests. As I knew him over the years, he was a man of peace, and so were some of his mates, one a submarine captain who became a jesuit.