I, obviously, think not.
Here's the deal, I'm more than happy to engage in debate with posters who are not operating as a bot for Noam Chomsky or Howard Zinn.
Flooding a thread with the rants or links to rants by Chomsky, Zinn et al is not something that engenders a responsive interest in me. Neither is your own personal, similar screed.
You don't present opinions which are subject to discussion, you present declarations for which you will brook no disagreement. Why would anyone want to engage you in discussion? Unless they respond something to the effect of "JTT you are absolutely right!," they will suffer an onslaught of your insult.
Why is it that you can't endure even the slightest possibility that you might be wrong?
Many in this forum have tried to engage you is discussion only to be met with the pat response of "You cowardly liar!"
Each and every other member of this forum are more interesting to engage with, because there is never a sense, as with you, that one is attempting to respond to a person shouting at the top of their lungs.
Dial back your outrage a whole lot and maybe I and others will be quite happy to debate you.