coldjoint wrote:
Quote:To suggest you know that one was lying and the other not...is laughable, CJ.
Well, when you look at the circumstances and see you are once again employing your favorite one wrong justifies another.
At no point have I ever suggested that. That is a straw man...one you built because you have no argument without it...and one you continue to proclaim despite the fact that I have told you I have never suggested that.
Quote:You refuse to admit Obama is the most deceitful president we have ever had.
My guess is he would be considered a rank amateur as a liar when compared with George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan.
In any case, one would not "admit" that Obama is the most deceitful president we have ever had...one would assert that in the face of evidence it is not so.
Quote:And the fact we can do something about it this time. [/color]