@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Re: wmwcjr (Post 5635229)
Why is thumbing down more cowardly than ignoring? People disagee with you, big deal. We are all disagreed with.
I don't have a problem with disagreements. I have a problem with extreme rudeness or demeaning personal insults on the part of complete strangers -- childish individuals who would not
dare speak to me that way if they were present in the flesh instead of hiding behind a PC keyboard hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away. You know, the keyboard commando phenomenon.
What I don't like about the thumbing down function is its anonymity. If the member who was doing the thumbing down were
identified (by username, of course), I would have no problem with it. No problem at all. Besides, I've seen completely innocuous posts thumbed down by anonymous members simply because they didn't "like" the other member,
not because they were expressing a disagreement with said member. It's petty and childish. And it's usually done by
middle-aged adults acting like immature teenagers!
I have no problem with the "Ignore" function when it is used in reaction to a member who constantly flames or consistently expresses views that are particularly obnoxious (such as anti-Semitism) or unrelentingly smutty.
I have no quarrel with you. I'm just explaining my own point of view here, then I'm gone.
Just my opinion!

May the force be with you and all that.