Congratulations, House Republicans!

One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 12:43 pm
@cicerone imposter,
That's why Obama (democrat) created a bigger deficit than George Bush (republican), right?

Hell, even knowing this, I don't pick on one guy - I pick on the entire establishment of politics because if you're going to get upset over a dying branch, maybe you should look at the whole tree first.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 12:44 pm
parados wrote:

Evidently Bobsal believes government programs funded by taxes create jobs. Just a little serious thinking will reveal the contradictions built into that idea.

One needs to only look at the facts to see how your claim about thinking is ironic. The government expenditures make up over 18% of the US GDP.

Do you want to argue that almost 20% of the economy is not contributing to the economy? I think you are the one in over your head george.

More petty nit picking and illogic. No one argues that government expenditures aren't a (too) large fraction of the economy. Shall I infer that you want the government to increase its spending to raise its share even higher? How the hell will that be paid for? Even with respect to construction of roads and infrastructure the government is generally an inefficient producer, compared to the private sector.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 12:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Republicans this; republicans that.

When someone says something over and over - the only thing that is evident is that they don't know what they are saying in the first place, or they would have caught themselves going in circles.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 12:45 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
One Eyed Mind wrote:

What... recovery. They have to raise the debt ceiling every year. A recovery would lower the ceiling back to a realistic dimension.

The debt ceiling has nothing to do with whether the US is in a recovery or not. The debt ceiling has been raised every year since 1960. We have had several economic cycles in that time period including some rather robust recoveries.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 12:49 pm
That's right. It's nit picking when it's pointed out that your statement is factually untrue. Government spending does create jobs because all spending requires jobs to provide the goods or services purchased.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 12:52 pm
parados wrote:

That's right. It's nit picking when it's pointed out that your statement is factually untrue. Government spending does create jobs because all spending requires jobs to provide the goods or services purchased.

Are you implying that all government spending creates jobs without limit?????

It is obvious that is not true in a deficit situation in that a collapse will eventually occur in which nearly everyone will be without jobs. You are very quick to pounce on the flaws in extrapolations of the statements of others, but very willing to tolerate your own.

In opur present economic circumstances we can see ample evidence that we have far too much government intervention in the economy and that its aggregate effect is to slow down investment and economic growth.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 12:52 pm
The debt ceiling is the result of immeasurable stupidity.

Are you telling me right now that immeasurable stupidity shaped our economy for the better?

Is that why the cost of living is still going up, while A. They ship our jobs overseas for cheaper labor, B. Selling our enemies guns for exchange of their oil, C the politicians "have" to spend the money, or they lose the benefits of "our" taxpayer money, D they do absolutely nothing; sitting on their asses, while people are out there busting their ass off for nothing, just a scam, just a joke of a system built on by people who eat our food for us, and continue to tell us what we want to hear, so they can continue on giving us the illusion of freedom, E the laws are being made for the businesses, the politicians, but not for the people, F they even wanted to make a Trillion Dollar Coin to "pay off" a debt; an imaginary coin, which means that the people who are turning this amazing land into a child's playground that isn't very "childish" with all the suffering, the pain, the misery as as a result of these imbeciles in office, are infantile delinquents.

They blame us, for their own discrepancies. The people there don't even know what life is like down here - yet they call the shots? It's like a religious person calling the shots in a scientific facility.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:01 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
FYI, the cost of living will always increase in a healthy capitalistic economy.
The inflation rate of 2 to 3% is healthy. Even the Federal Reserve aims for a 2% inflation.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Any inflation is bad inflation. Inflation is caused by ignorance - there shouldn't be any inflation in world that has Science and Wise Men.

Always remember that inflation is a "miscalculation". They are all to blame for running this economy on inflation - shame on them.

If the idiots would stop spending money like those women with 500 pairs of shoes in her closet, we wouldn't have to stop an inflated economy, causing another great depression - you know what I think? I think the people need to snap out of their rose-colored glasses and kick every single idiot out of the political house and vote in real leaders. Let those monkeys discover the world they have been judging for decades already, while they do absolutely nothing with their power and everyone continues to suffer except a small percent - what ever happened to the "majority" rule?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:42 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Where did you study economics?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:44 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Your generalities are meaningless,
When someone says something over and over - the only thing that is evident is that they don't know what they are saying in the first place, or they would have caught themselves going in circles.

Be specific about what you're trying to say. Saying "saying something over and over" is meaningless.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:46 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Well the world isn'r populated only with scientists and wise men. Moreover supposed scientists and wise men are as prone to error and self delusions the rest of us. Even Plato acknowledged his imagined philosopher kings don't exist.

Cicerone is right about inflation - a little of it appears to be necessary and good in sustaining economic growth. This is a point that is hard to prove analytically (nearly every accepted principle of macro economics is hard to prove without some very questionable assumptions. However, it is an empirical truth that has stood the test of time. I suspect the likely explanation has too do with human behavior in periods of zero or negative inflation - that appears to excite immediate fear reactions, killing spending and demand.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I'll tell you where I didn't study it.

The Egonomy Class.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:49 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Are you implying that all government spending creates jobs without limit?????
Would you like to build a bigger strawman? I never said any such thing.

Your statement implied that government spending never creates jobs. Government spending may not be the most efficient way to create jobs but it doesn't mean it never creates jobs.

Your statement was this:
Evidently Bobsal believes government programs funded by taxes create jobs.

If Bobsal believes that government programs funded by taxes creates jobs then he is correct. To say government programs funded by taxes create no jobs is false.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:50 pm
periods of zero or negative inflation - that appears to excite immediate fear reactions, killing spending and demand.
A reasonable rational mind does not buy today what will be cheaper tomorrow unless he must have it today. Corporations and banks are already holding onto their money rather than spending it, this very slow growth economy is the result. It would be worse if households did the same.
0 Replies
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:50 pm
Well, let's make an example.

The way you say it, you make it sound like the economy and inflation is like we need some fat with our muscle.

But, the way I see it, inflation is not fat - inflation is a disease to the muscle.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:53 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
The debt ceiling is nothing. It could be removed tomorrow and we would still increase our debt. Debt ceiling is nothing but an artificial way implemented by Congress to pretend they have a limit on what they spend in appropriation bills. There is no such limit.

As to the government, we elect them. It is arguments like yours that puts people in Congress like are there now. Your ignorance allows politicians to bamboozle you.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:53 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
If inflation is bad does that mean deflation is good?
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:56 pm
How can they bamboozle me based on what I said? The ceiling is a joke - you confirmed that by admitting that it's "imaginary". Do you not understand that they screwed up and the ceiling is just there imaginary air bag?

I'm calling out their games. Tell me how that is them tricking me. I'd like to know if you really know what you're saying. Now is a time to prove it.
0 Replies
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 01:58 pm
No, because again, inflation is like shooting someone with a bullet and severing an artery - taking out the bullet isn't going to make things better, even if you do it slowly. It requires surgical procedure. It requires the surgeon to recover the damage internally. Inflation damaged the entire economical system - the entire system now has auto-immune disorder and it doesn't know what is right or wrong anymore, economically. It's a bloody mess.

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