Hamburger,Peter, Walter, Joe, Detano, Thok, Urs, Owi (en Rick)...
Dank alle für Ihre Antworten und Vorschläge :-)
Möglicherweise setzte ich die Karre vor dem Pferd ;-)
Peter: Ich muß einen tiefen Atem nehmen und ... hoch-deutsches zuerst erlernen.
Ich kann meine "in-laws" später beeindrucken ;-)
I can already sort of tell a Viennese accent from a Lienz one! Just listening to the Viennese in general and after confirming with my girlfriend (sie ist Ostiroler) that they are in fact Viennese, on the trams, buses, restaurants & cafés. Hamburger mentioned a nasal accent and I think that is spot on! I must get confirmation from my girlfriend whether or not the voice on the tram system announcing the stops and locations is Viennese but it is extremely nasal (and very annoying ;-) ). But this is just from listening to intonation rather than any knowledge of the dialects. And I should avoid picking up a Viennese accent, as this would NOT endear me to an Ostiroler :-D
Joe: "For instance, North Germans will use the -chen ending for diminutives, while Austrians and South Germans prefer -erl or just -el"
This is the kind of information I wish to know! Just as I learnt Grüß Gott is used in S Germany & Austria :-). Not so sure about listening to operettas but hey! won't hurt trying. I just found out from my mom that a Portuguese folk singer married an Austrian and he has adapted both countries' music. She cannot remember his name but I'm curious about that. In Portuguese to yodel is "tirolir" and I suspect that he either yodels in Portuguese or he sings Portuguese folksongs yodeling in some Tyrolese dialect...erm...should I really find out?
"Krapfen" I knew as a "bola de Berlin" in Portuguese and so assumed "Berliner"...I was soon corrected :-) And we have yet to get a ride on a Fiaker, but I am again in Austria this July and chances are good I might be in Vienna too, so, maybe then. Also important was to know that Marillen is Austrian for Aprikose. This I picked up from reading schnaps labels...
Walter/Owi: Dank für die Links! "Sprechen Sie Oberösterreichisch?" und sind besonders interessant...although I would be wary about adopting an Upper Austrian dialect
And I will be checking out the other urls and suggestions, lotsa homework especially about the other dialects other than Ostirol:-) Thanks!