doglover wrote:...
We already discussed the possible scenario's that would most likely go down when he flies in to BWI. One, we would meet at the airport bar (he doesn't drink...I do). Or, simply meet at a hotel near the airport. (Please, don't anyone have a heart attack). Neither of us is obligated to have sex, although, we have had many hot and heavy phone 'conversations'. ....
Folks in Internet relationships who meet privately with no one else around are practically guaranteed to have sex. That's not a 100% guarantee but it happens quite a lot. This is probably due to a feeling that there's nothing left to lose and that you may not see one another again. You've had hot and heavy conversations which obviously have happened outside your husband's hearing - I take it he's (your husband) been away from the house at the time or you have gone elsewhere with a cel phone to have these talks (by the way, I'm sure you know this, but cel phone conversations are anything but secure). Anyway, what you have is a lot of buildup and then if there's wine and nice music and you're all alone and no one else is there and your feelings are bubbling up to the surface and the room is private and all of that and the bottom line is, it will be very, very difficult to not end up at least smooching and since you're both adults one thing could quite easily lead to another.
This is a dangerous fantasy if you value your marriage and/or your husband, even if you only value him as a friend or a good guy and not as your husband. If your husband gets wind of this, he will very likely be devastated, even if all you and this guy do is have a conversation. So you need to think about how that would make you feel, if you really hurt him, and how it would feel if he never found out and you held it in forever, and how it would feel if everything went to hell and you ended up divorced. You have a LOT to lose here.
I'm with Setanta - I think this guy is handing you what is a very convenient line. He may mean it but it looks like a 'Net pickup line to me and I've heard quite a few of them.
You're the best girl in the chatroom
Your picture is great! You're so beautiful!
You write from the heart
I feel so close to you, so quickly
I'm lonely and you opened up my world again
Etc. etc. you get the idea
If you want to go through with this, fine, you're an adult, like I said, and he's an adult, but be aware of the possible motivations on his part and of the potential ramifications of going through with this.