OmSigDAVID wrote:I loved the 194Os and 195Os; (did not like Roosevelt or Truman much).
I like Ike. Thay felt different; better than now. I did not like the 196Os.
I wish I coud go back in time. That 'd be fun; profitable.
maxdancona wrote:I like Ike. He had a role in bringing in the 1960s. Here is a picture of the federal troops Einenhower called in to forcefully desegregate schools in Little Rock, Arkansas.

My big problem with Ike is his goofy nuclear weapons policies.
He started a day or two before Hiroshima was bombed, trying to tell the Secretary of War that we shouldn't bomb Japan because they were about to surrender. The Secretary of War responded by telling him that he was an idiot.
At the time, Ike was apparently content with voicing his idiocy to his immediate superior, as he didn't volunteer his idiocy to anyone else.
But later, when Ike was president, all he did was continually impede the development of larger nuclear weapons.
He kept making speeches saying that we were never going to go larger than 15 megatons. And then every time the labs tried to go larger than 15 megatons, he'd whine that they were making a liar out of him. And unfortunately no one was willing to tell him that if he shut up and stopped putting nonsense like that in his speeches, he wouldn't have to worry about it.
He also imposed a silly policy that war planners could not target Soviet sites with a blast larger than 2 megatons unless they could first justify why the greater yield was needed.
The US would have a much more impressive arsenal today if not for Ike's silly meddling.
I do agree that the desegregation thing was cool though.