A penitent troll apologises for mocking atheism. On show here!

Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2013 07:00 pm
igm wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

igm wrote:

I don't associate with people who call me a liar (as I'm not) without proof (of course there isn't any) or who make things up about what I post (as you do). Apologize or avoid me (as I 'will' avoid you) in future (I'm still happy Frank, in case you need an update).

Avoid me if you must...and it is probably a wise thing to do, because I will not let you peddle that nonsense you peddle without challenging it.


This is a lie Frank (below) and as I am saying I'm happy you are calling me a liar... by saying that. You can't know my state of mind, so it is impossible for you to make the assertion you have made. You should assume I'm telling the truth unless you have evidence to the contrary... which is impossible for you to gain. You are a joke Frank... continually rewriting your own history to make you look like your correct.

I NEVER called you a liar...and in fact I even mentioned the passage you quoted in a previous post when I wrote:

I have suggested that you redefine words and situations in order to have them comport with your notions of what actually is. That may well be a mistake…or a delusion. It does not mean that you are necessarily lying.


And I am not a joke.

But if it helps make your happy and content to suggest that I have called you a liar...and that I am a joke...by all means do so. I want you to be happy and content...and the meditation does not seem to be doing that for you.

Frank Apisa wrote:

(igm does something like that with "happiness" and "contentment." He can be miserable and totally malcontent, but he will define it as happy and content in order to make his assertions of having attained that state through meditation seem real.)

What's also a joke is you always say that you don't guess about things which it is impossible to know e.g. such as the true nature of reality but you can't know my emotional state...

I most assuredly think I can guess about your emotional state...and I guess it to be not particularly settled. You seem in a constant state of agitation lately, igm. What's bothering you so?


it is impossible... but you guess and make assertions about it even when I tell you that you are wrong... by calling me a liar effectively by saying I can't be happy when I say I am... that makes you a hypocrite as well Frank...

I have NEVER called you a liar...and I am not a hypocrite, igm. Try to regain control over yourself. You really are doing yourself no great good with all this anger and lack of control.


Update... I'm still happy because it doesn't depend on what I write or what you write... it is unconditional.... and that's true unless you can prove otherwise... which you can't.

Well...I can certainly share what seems to be the case...and I think anyone reading your...ummm, responses...would probably think you to be much less than in control...and probably not particularly happy...especially "unconditionally happy.

I am, however, wishing you the very best of luck with regaining control of yourself, igm.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2013 07:01 pm
igm wrote:

Of course you are welcome to say (as you usually do),' I don't know...' but you went far beyond that Frank... in asserting that I wasn't telling the truth... when you can't know... as you would normally say... 'I simply don't have enough evidence to say or to even make a guess'.... now that would be true!

I'm not a liar Frank and you spread lies when you assert that I am.

I have no idea if you are a liar or not, igm...

...but I do know that I have NEVER called you a liar...and I defy you to cite any instance where I did so. (Do not go through the trouble of looking, igm...I HAVE NEVER CALLED YOU A LIAR.)

Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2013 07:03 pm
fresco wrote:

If you had any guts at all...you would be playing this silly game in a real philosophy forum...and my guess is that the other players there would making hash of you.

Don't be daft Frank. You already know (ho ho) that I belong to a real life group which rigorously discusses papers on contemporary developments. I see my presence here, rightly or wrongly, as "a service in the spirit of the expertise offered by A2K" . That service specifically includes exchange of references with those genuinely interested in those developments. Since you cleary have no genuine interest in discussing such developments and are prepared to wallow in your self generated "cloud of unknowing", you actually have nothing useful to say. Unfortunately for the rest of us, you keep on saying it.

Yes...we all have our rationalizations, Fresco.

I may not be the sharpest tool in this shed, but I am far from as shallow and uninterested as you seem to think me to be.

But if that makes you happy...by all means indulge yourself.
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 02:04 am
@Frank Apisa,
but I am far from as shallow and uninterested as you seem to think me to be

Then prove it by discussing references. The Wiki article, for example, is not particularly taxing and is in no way biased towards my constructivist stance on epistemology.

And further exploration, say of articles on "Reality" would yield embellishments of my constructivist stance such as these Wiki paragraphs.
Certain ideas from physics, philosophy, sociology, literary criticism, and other fields shape various theories of reality. One such belief is that there simply and literally is no reality beyond the perceptions or beliefs we each have about reality. Such attitudes are summarized in the popular statement, "Perception is reality" or "Life is how you perceive reality" or "reality is what you can get away with" (Robert Anton Wilson), and they indicate anti-realism – that is, the view that there is no objective reality, whether acknowledged explicitly or not.

Many of the concepts of science and philosophy are often defined culturally and socially. This idea was elaborated by Thomas Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962). The Social Construction of Reality, a book about the sociology of knowledge written by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, was published in 1966.

Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 03:11 am
@Frank Apisa,
What I have said is correct... you have used words that, 'paint the picture' of my lying about my emotional state i.e. happiness... which I am not and you have no way of knowing my emotional state... you cannot argue with that.

This all came about because I wanted to show you that your agnosticism is useless because we all don't disagree with you:

You say that we can't know there is a god and atheists agree with you.
You say that we can't know there isn't a god and theists agree with you and atheists don't disagree with you (they just don't care).

Everyone can be divided into theists or atheists and agnostics like you Frank add nothing to the mix as I have shown above. You are arguing with people who don't disagree with you!!!

The only thing you can take issue with is that atheists don't care whether there is a god... if that irks you Frank then you are more a theist than you would care to admit.

This thread is about trolling and so although I'm not a troll I have allowed my writing style to be more insulting than I would anywhere else... just to see what it feels like... no harm done as it was truth based.

Your other problem is that you say you won't guess about subjects where you can't know the answer but you snipe and accuse people of having character traits that it is impossible for you to know... so you are not consistent... you do say you know something that you cannot know.

I've finished my foray into the world inhabited by trolls... penitent or not.

Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 03:26 am

Frank got owned harder than Silva's leg.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 03:32 am
The only thing you can take issue with is that atheists don't care whether there is a god... if that irks you Frank then you are more a theist than you would care to admit.

I suggest a slight rephrasing of that in line with my atheism:

"The only thing you can take issue with is that atheists don't care about the question whether there is a god because "god" is a useless concept for them.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 03:56 am
Without an absolute referent your very remarks against Frank are vacuous.
Although this is quite easy to grasp you seam to be very naive about it.
The immanent contradiction between your intention to super impose a world view and your speech about none world view being particularly special is entertaining !
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 04:17 am
You are a funny penguin Fresco...so your assertion about there not being a reality, an anti realist view as you call it, stands by saying there is a perceived reality which we socially construct...heck I wonder wouldn't a perceived reality superimpose some sort of realism on whatever is to be being perceived ?
I mean it is clear you are stating FACTUAL perceptions do happen, but your anti realist stance should prevent that from happening...
the problem Fresco is that you seam to be very naive about the scope of your anti realism...you fail to understand time and again that it destroys far more then you are willing to concede perception included...
The point I am making is that reducing the scope of reality to perception doesn't fundamentally changes the classical meaning of the wording "Reality" if in the least you want to be left with any kind of perception at all...
If all that was left to the world was perception then percepts would be the ground of reality so that perception itself could happen.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 04:25 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
I suggest you are the naive one Fil because if I am working from any "world view" at all is that there are no absolutes , and I am immune from the simplistic logic which might assert that itself is an absolutist statement.

A secondary world view, which I think follows from that, is of reality as a social construction. A Heideggarian line on this acknowledges that there are no fixed reference points to the Existenz of Dasein and that we are born into the continuous flux of an ongoing social reality transmitted via language and open to re-negotiation.

And ref: your follow up, see Merleau-Ponty for a Heideggarian based view of "perception".
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 04:43 am
If you want to bring fourth a proper reply then do so accordingly just don't play bullshit instead as an easy way out Fresco...
Are you saying that there is no perception ? Please notice I don't care how many possible perceptions there might be as they form an ACTUAL SET just in the same way many Universes with different natural laws are a part of a Multiverse...my question is quite simple do you or do you not assert that there is perception ?
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 04:57 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
If your next step in the bullshit ladder (you are predictable) is to de-construct "is-ness" let me remind you that consequently the all debate becomes mute, as lack of meaning on what "is" de-constructs the very antinomy on what "is not"...
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 05:05 am
One of the more entertaining things about people that go on a quest to challenge language itself is that they cannot do it without establishing a new "languaging" with exactly the same characteristics and coinage they intended to unravel...it very much brings to mind the silly image of a cat chasing its own tail ! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 06:47 am
Yes, point taken... that seems preferable.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 07:54 am
fresco wrote:

but I am far from as shallow and uninterested as you seem to think me to be

Then prove it by discussing references. The Wiki article, for example, is not particularly taxing and is in no way biased towards my constructivist stance on epistemology.

And further exploration, say of articles on "Reality" would yield embellishments of my constructivist stance such as these Wiki paragraphs.
Certain ideas from physics, philosophy, sociology, literary criticism, and other fields shape various theories of reality. One such belief is that there simply and literally is no reality beyond the perceptions or beliefs we each have about reality. Such attitudes are summarized in the popular statement, "Perception is reality" or "Life is how you perceive reality" or "reality is what you can get away with" (Robert Anton Wilson), and they indicate anti-realism – that is, the view that there is no objective reality, whether acknowledged explicitly or not.

Many of the concepts of science and philosophy are often defined culturally and socially. This idea was elaborated by Thomas Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962). The Social Construction of Reality, a book about the sociology of knowledge written by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, was published in 1966.

I have no intention whatever to attempt to prove to you that I am neither shallow nor uninteresting. If you cannot determine that from our conversations thus far, you have simply closed your mind to the possibility.

As for REALITY...if there were "no objective REALITY" as Wilson, Kuhn, Berger, Luckmann, or Fresco suggest...


The statement "There is no objective REALITY"...is like the statement, "This statement is false." It is self-contradictory.

But apparently you cannot grasp that.

I suspect if Wilson, Kuhn, Berger, Luckmann, or one of those philosophers you so often quote were to write "The statement 'there is no objective REALITY' is self-contradictory", you would be touting it as absolute truth here in this forum, Fresco!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 08:08 am
igm wrote:

What I have said is correct... you have used words that, 'paint the picture' of my lying about my emotional state i.e. happiness... which I am not and you have no way of knowing my emotional state... you cannot argue with that.

I HAVE NEVER CALLED YOU A LIAR...which is what you charged.

I have acknowledged that I have no way of "knowing" your emotional state...and I have amended what I said originally to indicate that you are giving all the appearances of being out-of-control right now. I get the sense that you are out of control...I get the feeling that you are uptight, unhappy, angry, frustrated...and out of control...I am GUESSING that you are all those things. You are correct...I do not know. I am guessing it to be so.

This all came about because I wanted to show you that your agnosticism is useless because we all don't disagree with you:

You say that we can't know there is a god and atheists agree with you.
You say that we can't know there isn't a god and theists agree with you and atheists don't disagree with you (they just don't care).

You disagreed with what I wrote on page one of this thread...and when I questioned you about it, you began that little game you play so often. That is what started this. You were the instigator.

My original comment was not about what we know. It was about the fact that "I do not believe X"...does not necessitate "I do believe not-X." One can "not believe" X...AND not believe not-X.

Everyone can be divided into theists or atheists and agnostics like you Frank add nothing to the mix as I have shown above. You are arguing with people who don't disagree with you!!!

You do not speak for everyone...and I was not arguing with the originator. I was merely making a comment about what I just explained. You chose to correct what I was saying.

The only thing you can take issue with is that atheists don't care whether there is a god... if that irks you Frank then you are more a theist than you would care to admit.

You do not get to determine what I can and cannot take issue with, igm.

This thread is about trolling and so although I'm not a troll I have allowed my writing style to be more insulting than I would anywhere else... just to see what it feels like... no harm done as it was truth based.

Well...to me it seems like you are out-of-control.

Your other problem is that you say you won't guess about subjects where you can't know the answer but you snipe and accuse people of having character traits that it is impossible for you to know... so you are not consistent... you do say you know something that you cannot know.

I do not suggest that I won't guess about subjects where I cannot know the answer. I suggest I prefer not to guess about subjects where the evidence is clearly ambiguous.

I often state it: "I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction."

In your case...I see enough evidence upon which to base a GUESS that you are out of control...and agitated.


I've finished my foray into the world inhabited by trolls... penitent or not.

If you say so! We'll see.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 08:11 am
fresco wrote:

I suggest you are the naive one Fil because if I am working from any "world view" at all is that there are no absolutes , and I am immune from the simplistic logic which might assert that itself is an absolutist statement.

Wow...you are immune from the obvious, because....

...well, because you simply assert you are immune from it.

A bit self-serving...wouldn't you say?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 08:17 am
@Frank Apisa,
You have my genuine sympathies Frank, I didn't think your hole was so deep you had no chance of escape. Sad
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 08:18 am
fresco wrote:

You have my genuine sympathies Frank, I didn't think your hole was so deep you had no chance of escape. Sad

Thank you, Fresco.

And please accept my sincere sympathies for you in return. (You probably need them more than I.) Wink
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2013 08:19 am
@Frank Apisa,
Hey, while you are at it, Fresco...

...you ought really to make yourself immune from the common cold and from flu.

Ya know...it would save lots of uncomfortable days...and make all those pesky flu shots avoidable.
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