Quote:I don't think I'm getting far afield.
Not only are you not "getting far afield", ff, but you have brought the matter into its proper focus.
The opposition to secularism, which is a process that includes all the other issues, stems from following the logic of secularism to its conclusion.
The secularism of today is heavily overlaid with the "historical pseudomorphosis" of traditional Christian theology and is nowhere near what secularism becomes when it washes up on the beach and has ceased to be shaped by Christian attitudes at all. Which is what will happen if the tide is not stemmed.
Today's secularists are indulging in the luxury of half-baked secularism without any reference to what it becomes if it reaches the shore. If the signals from Russia under Putin are anything to go by it has been decided to avoid that outcome.
Bob Colacello's book Holy Terror describes, to a certain extent, the amoral swirl surrounding Andy Warhol and The Factory which could only happen in the sophisticated centre of a "world city" where powerful media organisations swarm, where no food is produced and where population densities are at the maximum. And even that brand of secularism is strongly influenced by the pseudomorphosis: Warhol attended church every week but did not take communion. His "beautiful people" were mostly the products of Christian homes.
Maybe Warhol was not wishing to put all his eggs in the basket of the Money God. The opening of the book describes Colacello running off in a not too dissimilar a manner as Stan Laurel ran off when he was frightened. It's not far removed from Roadrunner. And Colacello was a Big Cheese in the set up. He jumped ship.
In fact, the exact same heresy as secularism, despite many minor outward variations, has appeared throughout the history of Christianity: our carnal appetites being so easy to appeal to as they are and there always being a ready supply of leaders to milk such a tender pap and usually having a coterie of enthusiastic, nubile maidens in tow.
It looks as though our version of the heresy has the traction to proceed to its destiny and thus will prove, one way or the other, whether the logic behind crushing its predecessors was valid or self-serving scaremongering on behalf of fat-cat shamans in the lap of luxury from grinding the noses of the poor and having a COMPLAINTS desk which few dare approach.
The Christian right, as they are often called, do not want to risk trying secularism to its conclusion and its opponents' scientifically derived hubris, which has a ready supply of leaders too but of a pronounced steely-eyed, pursed lips, ascetic disposition perfectly befitting having the facts on the end of all the fingertips, is very happy to do so. Facts is facts. And we, on here, cannot possibly not love science.
I try to keep an open mind, I'm not a fortune teller. I can see both points of view and what I see of secularists would lead me to think that if they do wash up on the shore the metaphor is transformed into a simile.
It is entirely pragmatic and mainly to do with sex. A subject which has yet to raise its skirts above the knee. When it does doff the kit media will treat it in a similar manner as it now does another long lost sin: gluttony. In HD. Novelty in nutrient one might say, for which Ms Lawson is famous. Fat, sugar, colouring and viscosity science targeted to titivate the tastie-tastie buds on the tips of the tounge and to sell everything a modern, secular woman might be made to want.