If you would spend some more time and look further youd find that this is a very old project by the Discovery Institute. It is often based upon quote mining and then claiming that such is a "dissent from Darwin"
Its not.
The comments by many of the listed scientists (it almost 1000 today) hve been made as assertions without evidence and factual support. (Relying upon voices from "authority" is just bogus argument. Its something that gungasnake is famous for. Several universities hqve been trcking many of the "Skeptics" nd find a number of avowed Creationists who practice as dentists, veterinarians, physicians, engineers, etc (In other words there are many who hve relatively novice knowledge re genomics, evolution, paleo etc (relavent disciplines)
Still, the number of "skeptics" i less than 1% of the workers in the relavent fields.
In 2007, when the number was around 800 "Scientists", one of my students did a seminar project re "Untangling the skeptics" and she ran a document or speech or communication search for key words spoken or published by about 100 of the skeptics (It was a neat job of slicing and dicing.
She ws able to parse many "key words in Context" (similar to the old KWIK index we used to use in doing reverse citations of relevant reserch). In other words she dumped in such words as "Flood geology, Trnsitional fossils, Design, etc and rn the program. It foshed out those words and they were all over the map rom these "Skeptics" SO, before we go and accept the story as valid or even important, we must see who these people are and what they actually said.
Quote Mining is a cheap trick.
PS most of the rl scientsist who were skeptics were many of thsoe who denied the relevance of NEO DARWINIQN bases (Something I hqve used a a straw man argument with Herald)
In other words, neo Darwinins say that rqndom mutations are then enacted with naturl selection to drive evolution.
Darwinian merely says that the weather got cold before the mammoth grew long hair.
"Genes are the bookkeeping of evolution" is getting to be more and more popular (Dont know if its right but I sorta lean that way because ALL of my evidence (in oil explortion) lways showed that the environmental conditions seemed to preceed evolutionary changes, while extinctions usually preceeded the geologic record of a catastrophy.