Where are the Conservative voices?

Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 01:25 am
Where are the Conservative voices?
I worked, voted for, and contributed to the campaigns of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.
That evinces my nature as an Originalist Conservative American.
Accordingly, I am a libertarian. I have a voice.
I ofen raise it in an effort to drag down and defeat liberal values.

maxdancona wrote:
ColdJoint, Gunga and Orally are writing blatantly racist,
hate-filled posts. But, the people only people challenging them are on the liberal side.

What's up with that?
People choose their own opinions
and thay express them; sounds good. Is it rong to hate & resent the
distortion of Original Americanism?

maxdancona wrote:
Conservatives often complain that they are seen as racist.
A couple of posters here complained that "One confederate flag"
at a recent anti-Obama care rally painted the whole thing a s racist.
I don't give a damn; everyone is responsible
for his own perceptions. Thay r none of my business.

maxdancona wrote:
They seem to miss the fact that it isn't "one Confederate flag"... it is
a confederate flag combined with character attacks on Trayvon Martin
and continued attacks on Obama's birth certificate and comments
about blacks and crime and comments about Mexican cantaloupe
thighs and... you get the picture. It all adds up.

Here is a clear place that Conservatives could speak up against racism.
Yeah, well where is a clear place for liberals
to speak up against gun control and against discriminatory taxation? in favor of everyone paying the same rate?
I fight for MY values, not for yours.
MY values are, in essence, those of the Sons of Liberty in the 1770s,
except as amended as per Article 5 of the US Constitution.
I support freedom of speech; I have no authority to shut anyone up,
but if I were to begin stiffling people, I 'd start with the liberals, Max, not with conservatives.

maxdancona wrote:
Cold Joint is well beyond the line of taste and acceptable behavior
HIS right to define acceptable behavior is exactly equal to yours.
He has as much right to select his opinions as u do.
He has as much right to express his opinions as u do.
Max, u r fighting here for censorship, to achieve scaring people
out of expressing their own views, unless their views agree
with your anti-freedom liberalism. Count me AGAINST u, Max.
I 'll not help u enforce your censorship; I 'm a freedom-lover.

If I were able to do so, I 'd restore the freedom of America
to what it was around 1910: weak government jurisdiction,
like Mayberry, N.C. That 's where MY conservative voice is.

maxdancona wrote:
with character attacks on all Muslims and calls to kick them out of Europe. I have never seen it.
I have no position on that, tho I see nothing rong with character attacks on Moslems.
It might be risky to let them remain in Europe; I dunno.
I have not decided about that. Let the Europeans decide.

maxdancona wrote:
My question is this?

If you are a Conservative with a sense of decency,
Decency is defined as:
un-doing the works of the Roosevelt-Kennedy filosofy,
fighting against authoritarianism and fighting against collectivism,
in favor and in support of Individualism, personal liberty and hedonism
with progressively weaker and progressively more enfeebled government jurisdiction. We shud not become the Borg.

maxdancona wrote:
where are you to speak up against hate speech from your own side?
Lemme get this straight, Max:
did the liberals successfully strip the Armenians of the right to hate the Turks
or of the Irish to hate the English (my ancestors)
or strip the Jews of the right to hate the Germen
or of survivors of Pearl Harbor or the Bataan Death March
of their right to hate the Japs????
Did the liberals end the rights of the Chinese to hate the Japs
for the 1937 Rape of Nanking ??
Where did the liberals get the authority to end all this freedom
of people to select their own emotions and to EXPRESS their emotions??

maxdancona wrote:
Even if you don't have a sense of decency,
can't you see that your tacit approval of, or even defense of, this
clearly bigoted behavior fro people on your own side are the reason you have the reputation you do?
What I care about is fighting for freedom,
NOT fighting to degrade freedom with liberalism.

Tell me, Max: WHERE in the Constitution does it say
that anyone has a duty to AGREE with the position of liberals about race
or about anything????

Will u prove that a liberal has a better right to HIS opinions
than does a racist???? Does a racist have a duty to become a liberal??
or is he free to choose his own opinions ?

Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 01:34 am
I always find it bad manners and just plain rude, to accuse people of being anything.

Thank you. I was striving to achieve a certain level of ill mannered rudeness that was appropriate retaliation for the attacks that had been made against me.

But, then there is the thing of "not knowing" those people at all, what so ever and you can't say that you do, as these people are merely on the Internet. You've never met them.

I really wouldn't want to ever meet these despicable creeps, so that's perfectly OK.

EDIT: I hope it's understood that the people that I am referring to as "despicable creeps" are the deranged Leftists who have been contaminating this thread with their vile presence.

So given that I am purely referring to the use of chosen words you used to name people you don't know what so ever, I think I made my statement very clear.

Yes. You clearly object to people defending themselves from unprovoked and unjustified attacks. But at the same time you clearly have no objection to those unprovoked and unjustified attacks.

That is the minor hypocrisy I mentioned earlier. It mostly invalidates your criticism of me.

I'm not here to look at he said she said,

If you aren't willing to understand who is in the right, then you really shouldn't be offering criticism.

if they called you names first, it still goes back to I thought that was children's stuff, to retaliate.

Retaliation is good. If people understand that you'll harm them if they harm you, then they will elect to not harm you. It works out pretty well.

Me? I'd just smile...

I like the eye for an eye system. It's effective.
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 01:39 am
Where did the liberals get the authority to end all this freedom
of people to select their own emotions and to EXPRESS their emotions??

excellent point. in an earlier time the answer would have been "from God", but that does not work anymore, so they have no answer.

the thugs are always trying to suppress us. The only proper response is to give them the finger (though the lack of decorum i am sure offends you).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 01:40 am
I saw fools, morons, like I said, I'd just smile..................A saying comes to mind, toughen up sunshine... That is A2K people say what they want.. but name calling in a "huge" way, I don't agree with..

No need to reply, I've said what I feel. I won't be back.

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Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 05:18 am
maxdancona wrote:

If liberals ever write the same type of hate-filled defamatory remarks toward an ethnic or religious group, I will be the first in line to condemn it.

"My side is right because I say so."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 05:25 am
What a petty bitch fight this has sunk to. I'm not surprised, though, given that Max seems to want to suggest that conservatives are not reliably critical of other conservatives, with the unspoken implication that liberals will be. We used to have a member here, Zippo, who was very critical of Mr. Bush and his administration's policies. He was also a raving anti-semite. When he would start one of his Jew-bashing threads, i would go in there to let him know that he was a hateful bigot.

I don't recall that any other so-called liberals at this site lined up to criticize him, too.
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 05:44 am
Let's have a more current example. The member Advocate is reliably liberal, it would even be reasonable to suggest that he's to the left of many liberals here--except on one subject. In Advocate's world, Israel can do no wrong, and the Palestinians are savages who deserve whatever happens to them, and who ought to be driven our of Israel. (I suspect in his heart of hearts the thinks they ought to be exterminated.) I used to take him on, but it gets tedious and i largely just ignore him now. Izzy routinely takes him on. But even in the days when i used to slam him for his hateful bigotry, once again, you didn't see other liberals around here lining up to condemn him for his hateful attitudes.

I'd say that this is a case of the pot and the kettle.
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 06:24 am
If you check out Pamela Rosa's thread about white victims of black crime, you'll see that Advocate's bigotry is not limited to Palestinians.
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 06:34 am
The hatful rhetoric being leveled toward Muslims has no equal. There is no other rhetoric on Able2Know that even comes close (except for the crazy homophobic stuff, but that is limited to 1 thread once in a while and is routinely ridiculed).

The quantity and vulgarity of the recent spate of anti-Islam threads has no parallel. In my opinion it is important, as a community, to stand up to defamatory speech. This is the responsibility that comes with free speech.

The fact that this bigotry is gaining tacit acceptance, and is even being defended, really bothers me.

Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 06:41 am
I have always avoided any threads concerning Israel and the Palestinians. There is too much vitriol and blame spread around, much of it based in emotion and little to no fact. It is a quagmire I don't want to be in.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 06:43 am
izzythepush wrote:
... Coldjoint speaks for a certain spectrum of conservative thought, as do you.

Coldjoint speaks only for himself.

I've never seen a post from him until this thread.

If you don't challenge him people could be forgiven for thinking you share his beliefs.

That's asinine.
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 06:48 am
Don't be ridiculous. If you contribute to a thread where a fellow conservative spouts bigotry and you don't challenge that bigotry, then it's reasonable to assume you approve of said bigotry.

If you've not read anything by said bigot then fair enough. Now you've had a chance to peruse Coldjoint's comments, would you like to say anything, or should we just assume tacit approval?
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 07:03 am
you have to realize that certain folks will use any rebuttals as merely more time for their game.ALL they want is some attention and their means , though they be repugnant to most , may be all the response means they know.

The best, really its been tested, means to silence them is to have a large number of people ignore them so that their responses are no longer kept going by combative statements.
Coldjoint and JTT are just more fringie than several others who seek attention with their posts (the name Frank and spendi come to mind)
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 07:36 am
Some people are just more confrontational in general than others. Personally I responded to advocates post concerning anything Israel but it got to the point where I just quit. Since then I haven't really responded to anything else even if I agree with him. Maybe rarely.

On the whole though I agree with those who just ignore repeated bigoted posters, or at least in the posts in which they post something that is bigoted or something else that strikes me as not acceptable such as BillM and Hawkeye post about women and rape and those topics. It makes me too sick to respond to them on those topics but then I can just tune it out on other topics and go ahead and argue with them because I never agree them but even so, I have to admit they are not as bad as coldjoint and Orally (however you spell his name).

Sorry for the more long post...

Speaking of MM, yes he is fair on both sides.
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 07:56 am
I was unaware of that, and really didn't need to know it. I've already formed a very low opinion of him. I would not enter Pamela Rosa's threads with a virtual gun to my head.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 08:01 am
You're overreacting, and you're overreacting to one particular member. Gunga Dim has been spreading his hate her for years. My experience is that most people ignore him, although they may use him for a good laugh, or to actually discuss the topic he's butchering.

You're also indulging a chicken little attitude in your claim that "bigotry is gaining tacit acceptance . . . " Bullshit. I engaged cold beet patty when he first got here, but i'm not going to waste a lot of time on a clown like him. He gets all the attention he wants when someone like you comes along to pontificate every time he spews his hysterical crap. Ignore him, and, sooner or later, he will go away.

I must say, though, that one thing i get tired of around here is the rantings of the morally self-righteous . . . like you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 08:11 am
izzythepush wrote:
Don't be ridiculous. If you contribute to a thread where a fellow conservative spouts bigotry and you don't challenge that bigotry, then it's reasonable to assume you approve of said bigotry.

You're the one being ridiculous and idiotic. I have challenged bigotry when I see it, but to claim I approve of something simply because I don't challenge it, is idiotic.

If you've not read anything by said bigot then fair enough. Now you've had a chance to peruse Coldjoint's comments, would you like to say anything, or should we just assume tacit approval?

You can assume anything you please. If you want to assume I approve of anything Coldjoint might claim, simply because I have not condemned it, then by all means continue to be an idiot.

Okay, so to humor you I have read Coldjoint's posts in this thread. I did not see bigotry, I saw him denying bigotry. If you want to assume tacit approval of his denying bigotry, feel free. If you think I'm going to chase him around the forum looking at his past posts, you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

Now, if you want to attach a copy of a post where he has espoused his bigotry in the past, please feel free to do that. I see he has already made that invitation in this thread.

If he doesn't like Muslim extremists, neither do I. Neither do a great many people. If he condemns all Muslims simply because they are Muslim, then I do not share that belief or opinion.

Next you're going to claim that conservative posters have some obligation to challenge whenever some other "conservative" poster makes a comment with which we do not wholeheartedly embrace.
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 08:49 am
This thread should give you an idea.


Next you're going to claim that conservative posters have some obligation to challenge whenever some other "conservative" poster makes a comment with which we do not wholeheartedly embrace.

Now you're being utterly ridiculous.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 09:36 am
jcboy wrote:
its probably not worth the time or money to go after his ass, I mean what am I going to do with a hut on a 6000 sq ft lot with no running water and only a generator for electricity in Kentucky?

Good luck. That doesn't belong to him, it's his parents.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Dec, 2013 09:51 am
The Bigotry from ColdJoint, Gunga and Orally is not that hard to find. In case you want to argue that these things aren't bigoted, just replace the word Muslim with "Jew" or "Christian" and see how they sound.

I had a few run ins with Muslims dressed as Muslims. They were impolite and they smelled bad. Also when I asked one why his religion condoned murder it caused a little bit of a scene.

When things settled down you should have seen all the thumbs up I got. Of course the Muslim threatened to call the police. I told him to go for it. Instead he went for the door.


Islam cannot compromise. It is forbidden by the pervert in charge. Mohammed is still running things.

And it is in black and white, for everyone to see, and do nothing about.


Does anything about have anything to do with the topic?
I have stated Iran is playing the Western world. And the action of Islamists around the world back me up. Whether it is the genocide in N.Africa or the ghetto in a major European city Islam brings violence and death.



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