How strange that I've never bumped up against the word "conflation" until today.
Going back to the thread
The results of the seige of Fallujah, there was a series of six different pictures of injured people, with the following caption:
Quote:How dare they not thank us for the wonderful things America has done for them!
The unspoken argument was that these were innocent Iraqi civilians whose injuries were caused by the US. And of course this is a fallacy because 1.) We don't know when or where the pictures were taken, 2.) The injuries could have been caused by Iraqi fighters, and 3.) The picture that's posted twice shows a person of indeterminate age who very well could have been an Iraqi fighter. So yes, that was a fallacious argument, but maybe not for the reasons given.
If it's the website I'm thinking of (I don't want to click on it here at work), the 9/11 memorial website isn't an argument at all, any more than the Vietnam War Memorial is an argument. It may say "this is what we're fighting against," but there's nothing fallacious about that if you remember who was flying the planes. Sure, it tugs at the heart strings, but I think it's a good idea to remember what happened on 9/11 so we don't get too complacent.
Finally, you might want to check out
Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies. This is one of the official mirror sites. You can click on the
Table of Contents page to find the list of fallacies. The formatting of this website is very poor, because it puts each fallacy on a separate page. But you'll have to endure it, because Craven won't let me link to my vastly superior reformatted two-page website that has them all on one page.

Appeal to Pity (argumentum ad misercordiam) is defined as "The reader is told to agree to the proposition because of the pitiful state of the author." So I suspect that's not the fallacy that's involved with posting those pictures. To use that fallacy, the argument would have to be something like "Look what the Americans did to these innocent Iraqi children. I've been crying all night about it."