Craven de Kere wrote:suzy wrote:Any picture from 9/11/01 speaks VOLUMES more than words ever could, Craven.
Good example!
Sure does, doesn't mean what it says isn't idiotic.
There are plenty of sites using imagery of 9/11 as an appeal to pity conflated with an appeal to US militarism. The use of imagery to make an appeal to pity conflated with an appeal to pacifism is of the same intellectual value.
Hmm - I am unsure if you will discuss this with me Craven, however, I will discuss it with whomever wishes to answer.....
Is your concern with ANY images of suffering through conflict?
I think images of Sept 11 used as an appeal to pity conflated with an appeal to US militarism are awful and stupid.
As you point out, my beliefs/prejudices/inclinations make me less concerned re appeals to pacifism via pictures of awful suffering less distasteful EMOTIONALLY.
However, what I am attempting to say, however badly, is that I am inclined to believe that, as a member of a democracy and the world community, with some power, however small, to influence my own government - I want to have a sense of the realities about which I am deciding.
As I said earlier, I have no real wish to see any photos of death and suffering - whether of little kiddies in Iraq, or of soldiers in Iraq.
I do have a sense that we ought to be aware of the realities of situations - where we are involved, especially.
"Appeal to pity" - this implies, I take it, appeal to pacifism through pity? Well, I am not a total pacifist - and I am not arguing, now, for pacifism in Iraq - I think it is too late for that - I just hope for some allied success in helping Iraq to have some chance for setting up a reasonable government in some sort of peace.
I think I originally got involved in this shemozzle through feeling that Al Jazeera was entitled to publish photos of the results of the siege - though I was worried about the whole voyeurism thing. I was not arguing that on the basis of seeing visuals of the carnage as an argument for pacifism - just, I suppose, as presenting a sort of counter to the flatten 'em way of thinking and to what I see as a generally hygienized way of presenting the war in many of the major news sources in the west. I would hope that people on the "other" side are well aware of the awfulness of the effects of the war on the soldiers and such.
Anyway, I ought not to be reading or posting here, but working - (the rent by the hour motel room beckons and my intellect is unable to resist the call) - I shall reflect on the arguments - I do see your point of view - and when you are so fired up about something, I know you have a well thought out position, and I always take it very seriously. It may well be that I am responding through emotion alone, and via a sense that the Arab position is not well represented - just as I assume the American position is woefully presented there.