Paul Wolfowitz says, don't harm the Iranians

Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:58 am
Thanks. There's already an Izzie. Izzy the push is a character from William Burrough's Nova Express.
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 10:54 am
One thing is sure, while most of the times the different views, sometimes expressed with a lot of negativity (to say the least) is sometimes tiresome, every once in a while, I learn something new. I am not very educated, nor artsy aware so to speak, but I appreciate being exposed to those who are. In any event, looked it up on Wiki, read a little on it. I play a lot of games on the computer (not too good but it don't stop me much) and it seems like the series of those books would make a good computer game.
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 11:07 am
Probably, but they're really out there. Burroughs had some pretty strange ideas about language, tape recorders, cut up technique, viruses and so forth. The Ticket That Exploded is all in cut up, and you have to really concentrate for it to make any sense at all. I needed to have complete silence to get my head round it. Other titles aren't as tricky
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 11:13 am
Roger Mellie on the other hand is very straightforward.

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Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 12:29 pm
Saw Wolfowitz on Chris Hayes last night. Thoroughly creepy.
Hayes came close to losing it.
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Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 03:09 pm
@cicerone imposter,

The Koran (and the Hadith) does not explain the situation in any way about the nuclear agreement with Iran. It has to do with international enforcement of nuclear regulations.

You're not only a joke, but a stupid one!

**** off? Are you a teenager?

The poster, CJ, is a peculiar individual who transparently suffers from a delusion complex. He is uncannily strange. I placed that poster on ignore long ago as his answers will drive the ordinary poster up walls as he is beginning to do you.
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 09:25 pm
The poster, CJ, is a peculiar individual who transparently suffers from a delusion complex. He is uncannily strange. I placed that poster on ignore long ago as his answers will drive the ordinary poster up walls as he is beginning to do you.

I have no delusions that not thinking like you has left me open to a liberal assaults. Including strange accusations based on bullshit. And considering the source behind your arguments I don't have a problem with it.

Why do you?
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 09:42 pm
Sanctions have been harming the Iranians, but they can still find the money to build super-duper nuke plants; that sounds a bit suspicious to me.
Maybe Al-Qaeda are funding them on condition they give Al-Q ingredients to make nuke bombs when the plants are fully operational.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 09:45 pm
They are not "liberal assaults." They are assaults on your opinions that has no basis in fact or evidence. That's Logic 101.
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 09:56 pm
@cicerone imposter,
They are not "liberal assaults.

I am deluded because of what? I want to wipe out ethnic groups? Both these fabrications and other names have nothing to do with the subject.

And all of you post the same crap. How good something is, that is no good at all.

Just like this Iran ****. Islamists are splitting their guts over the weakness the West has displayed. It is nothing but an extension that hopefully Israel will take care of.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 09:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
basis in fact or evidence.

The Koran and the Hadith are facts. The terror is fact. Talking to killers will not stop them from killing, and that goes both ways.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 12:02 am
Coldjoint said: Islamists are splitting their guts over the weakness the West has displayed. It is nothing but an extension that hopefully Israel will take care of

Yes Israel are already saying they're against the deal, it can't be nice for them seeing America cosy up to the Iranian regime.
I bet Israelis are now saying to each other- "Okay, America has stabbed us in the back so now we know where we stand, we're on our own and in future won't ask America's permission to do whatever we like, whether it's building more houses for ourselves on the West Bank, or airstriking Iran's reactors, or nuking every muslim city in the mid-east!"
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 03:45 am
They're certainly making a song and dance about it, but I don't think One Direction need to be worried. Follow the link to get into the groove.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has been featured in an online music video, entitled Nowsafar (New Journey).

It shows Mr Rouhani delivering a speech at his endorsement ceremony in Tehran on 3 August set to music, with Iranians singing or speaking his words.

Shot in black and white, it bears a close resemblance to the 2008 Yes We Can video, which featured one of Barack Obama's presidential campaign speeches.

It comes 100 days since Mr Rouhani appointed his cabinet.

The lyrics of the song are based on Mr Rouhani's first speech as president following his endorsement by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 10:26 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
RF, That would be very foolish of Israel to nuke their neighbors. The radiation fallout from those blasts will poison their own air - in addition to the worlds.

If they know anything about self-destruction, it's a high risk use of nukes anyplace on this planet.
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 11:16 am
@cicerone imposter,
Thats thinking they can plan beyond gitting rid of the Palistianian people.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 03:36 pm
Cicerone said: @RF, That would be very foolish of Israel to nuke their neighbors. The radiation fallout from those blasts will poison their own air - in addition to the worlds

If muslims throw the first punch by using nukes against Israel it's absolutely certain that Israel will nuke them back regardless of fallout or anything else, they've already admitted as much.
In 2003, Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld said-
"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome.
Most European capitals are targets for our air force.
Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'
I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible.
Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third.
We have the capability to take the world down with us. and I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under"

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 05:08 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
If muslims throw the first punch by using nukes against Israel...

Your fears are unfounded. They are fears of your mind that imagines things not in reality. No Muslim country is going to throw any "first punch by using nukes." That's all fable and ignorance, because they know it'll be their last "punch" if they tried such a foolish thing.

Where's your proof that they would even consider such a foolish thing? It's all dreamed up in your own fearful mind.
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 05:27 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your fears are unfounded.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 05:31 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,

Cicerone said: @RF, That would be very foolish of Israel to nuke their neighbors. The radiation fallout from those blasts will poison their own air - in addition to the worlds

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 05:32 pm

Explain why?
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