You sure you want to consume it - here is a little history of Marmite.."The basic raw material used in the manufacture of MARMITE spread is spent brewer's yeast, a substance whose original and only use was to ferment sugars into alcohol. For many years this by-product of the brewing process was seen as a nuisance rather than a potentially valuble food source." One the positive side it is chock full of vitamins.
You want to eat a by-product of brewing beer? If you really do - check a grocery store near you that carries many international foods, you may find it there or a British import store. Or here is a website where you can order marmite or vegemite: or or or
There is even a website called I love marmite:
And a website for vegemite

No thank you, I want nothing to do with anything that is even close related to alcohol

Thank you for the info.
Vegemite doesn't have any alcohol in it!
Brewer's yeast is great for the hangover, appropriately enough. Get bottle conditioned beer, and save your empties. Frankly, though, I'd rather have it mixed with orange juice than axle grease.
Nothing personal about you Brits, but you are not really known for your culinary cuisine.
and.....who is?????
(but then, I'm not a Brit!)
It's getting better all the time. We've learnt the lessons from our europeans on the main land
Travel broadens the mind and educates the taste buds
I'd agree - the food in England is certainly improving. I've been there a few times over the past 10 years or so, and each time, there are signs that some greater attention is being paid to food and eating.
Italians, French are a couple of my favorites. You do have many terrific Indian restaurants.
linkat --------- yes indeed, we restaurants from all over the globe. having a large asian population from india, china, et al as well as much of europe, there many tastes to be nourished. american fast food jounts tho, still do a good trade
by the way margo, when i was a small lad, our old tabby moggie always enjoyed an "empty" marmite or bovril jar. kept the old sod quiet for hours
we tried an experiment with the U Penn Vet school a few years ago. We fed our sheep spent brewers mash. It has higher protein than grain. It was loaded with dried brewers yeast. We fed 100 sheep with this stuff for about 6 months and kept records on weight gains vs a control group of another 100. The only thing we noted was a distinct increase in Corriedale flatulence. We discontinued the experiment because we figured that increased flatulence was not enough of a benefit to switch over to a brewers mas diet. We got an ample supply through the breweing of Chesterfield ale. It was a free product although we had to arrange for shipping and drying. The cost amounted to about 6$ hwt. Wepaid about 7.50$hwt for an oat/corn/mineral/molasses mix which contained Vitamin B and was all grain and alfalfa plug mix. That stuff actually smelled great. The brewers mash stank .
I've tasted Marmite, and it's not bad. I think I could develop a taste for it.
mmmmm, vegemite. I have tried both marmite and vegemite, I prefer the later.
Bostonians are just as masochistic as Ozzians, so this does not surprise me.