Set; i'm dismayed at your incorrect English usage of the word 'sammiche'.
Having journeyed numerous times to this fair metropolis at the 'node' of the golden horseshoe of the worlds centre of 'culture'; you should be fully conversant with the proper spelling of the fine, and most honoured of 'confections'; i mean of course "sangwich" the true and proper version to be found 'rampant' on numerous thoroughfares hereabout, of the 'mediteranean' leaning.
You should know better!
and, on this topic, when i was a strapping lad of say, 15 years, or so (a number of weeks ago), i knew a fellow who made possibly the most elegant "earl" like creation that i have ever come accross;
he took two slices of white bread (Wonderbread - builds bodies 12 ways, Bambi - or the like) ladled librally, both pieces with ketchup
(Heinze, of course - is there any other kind?) from the bottle, need i mention; clamped, and chowed down.............