@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Baldimo wrote:The question is an honest one. Mohammad was indeed married to a girl who was 9 years old. Wouldn't you call that a pedophile? It wasn't a question of the whole religion being based on pedophilia, but their founder being one.
Today 'yes'. But that was about the normal age of getting married for girls in those times - look up the age of girls who became queen/princess in Middle Age Europe! So, in the 12th century, Pope Alexander III wrote a decree, limiting the age when people could get married to 12 for females and 14 for males. (Which didn't hinder some rulers, to marry still nine years old girls, and even younger ones, at all.)
Just my personal opinion, but you might use European history as a benchmark for whether some custom was ethical/moral or not (two wrongs do not make a right). Simply put, it is called being Eurocentric. Like back in the day when the Near East, Middle East, and Far East all got its names from its distance from (you guessed it) Europe. Today it is the Pacific Rim nations. Europe is not necessarily the role model of civilized behavior for everyone.
In my opinion again, the big denial for many Europeans is that America is not a knock-off of Europe and its culture. It might have started with its basic thinking; however, it really went off on its own direction. Much due to the fact that Catholicism never ruled America, as it once did Europe, in my opinion.