maxdancona wrote:This is nonsense. The people in the Tea Party don't have a clue about liberty.
How do people appealing to liberty oppose the rights of Americans to marry,
get an abortion, or to worship in a mosque?
To the Tea Party, liberty is just an empty slogan.
This is their statement of goals:
Quote:Mission Statement
Propelled by millions of Tea Party supporters across the country, Tea Party Express has become the most aggressive and influential national Tea Party group in the political arena. We are committed to identifying and supporting conservative candidates and causes that will champion tea party values and return our country to the Constitutional principles that have made America the “shining city on a hill.”
Tea Party Express is proud to stand for six simple principles:
No more bailouts
Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government
Stop raising our taxes
Repeal Obamacare
Cease out-of-control spending
Bring back American prosperity
I am not an economist.
I do not pretend to expertise in that area.
The Tea Party is
not limited only to economists.
I have no strong feelings qua bailouts; possibly,
it might have been the best thing to do.
I wish that the statement of principles had aggressively committed
the Tea Party to eradicate,
extirpate, and
annihilate any vestige of
WHO can legally defend his life from the predatory violence
of man or beast, in favor of
For example, if a child of 8 is confronted with a pack of pit bulls
who wish to tear him apart and eat him while he lives,
his right to use the necessary equipment to successfully apply sufficient power
to prevail and survive that situation shud be legally
The law shud
not require him to "cast his fate to the winds"
nor into the
discretion of the aforesaid pit bulls, on grounds of his age.