Help with a riddle (MNI)

hermione g
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 11:35 am
0 Replies
clueless mni user
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 01:56 pm
Does anybody know any answers to the quizzes?

I already found the Elvish Names one, but I still don't have a lot of galleons, and I need some.
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hermione g
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 04:14 pm
is the answer to secret 19 a pic of ravenclaw
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Marauders Map
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 04:46 pm
Go to pg 31 for the quiz answers.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 05:08 pm
MNI Quizzes
These are the quiz answers I have so far.....The new quizmistress Phil has set most quizzes to zero......except for a few of the older ones (5 galleons each, but they add up)

Harry Potter Character Quiz
1. Padma Patil
2. Millicent Bullstrode
3. Laura Madley
4. Fawcett and Stebbins
5. Grey Lady
6. Harry's
7. Dennis Creevy
8. Moon
9. Eloise Midgen
10. Seamus Finnigan

Charms Quiz
1. Fire that burns evermore
2. Engorgio
3. Fidelius Charm
4. Wingardium Leviosa
5. It makes it impossible for them to walk straight.
6. Relashio
7. None of these
8. Accio
9. It makes a person cheerful
10. It hides the true magical nature of an object

Defense Against Dark Arts Quiz (Spells)
1. Expecto Patronum
2. Professor Quirrel
3. Avis
4. Ferula
5. Sonorus
6. Orchideous
7. Reducio
8. Stupefy
9. Diffindo
10. Morsmordre

Medium HP Quiz
1. Put-Outer
2. Boa constrictor
3. The Dark Forces: A guide to self-protection by Quentin Trimble
4. Keeper of Keys and Grounds
5. Powdered root of Asphodel and an infusion of wormwood
6. Finding the enchanted key
7. Gryffindor and Slytherin
8. 5
9. Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
10. Caput Draconis

Herbology Quiz
1. mandrake
2. red
3. Hufflepuff
4. Devil's snare
5. Phyllida Spore
6. bubotubor
7. pink
8. Dittany
9. It quivers
10. Alihotsy

Harry Potter Quiz
1. Vernon
2. Bill
3. Nicolas Flamel
4. Never tickle a sleeping dragon
5. Dedalus Diggle
6. The Burrow
7. Fruit
8. Fortuna Major
9. ZoƩ Wannamaker
10. A severed hand

Potions Quiz
1. Mandrake restorative draft
2. orange
3. Love potion
4. During a full moon
5. Rubens Winikus and Company Inc
6. Veritaserum
7. purple
8. not wormtail./Harry Potter

Beanie Baby
1. Ariel
2. 7
3. Dragon
4. Comet
5. 5
6. Fizz
7. Leopard
8. Mystique
9. August 2003
10. 6

Elvish Names
1. Alatariel
2. Aragorn
3. mourning
4. Turin
5. Anardil
6. Gil-Galad
7. Ancalime
8. Rian
9. Morwen
10. Finduilas

NHL Quiz
1. 30
2. Toronto
3. Top Goalie in NHL
4. New Jersey Devils
5. 1967
6. Colombus Blue Jacket
7. Jarome Iginla
8. Detroit
9. Rick Nash
10. Gretzki

Ancient History
1. Khufu
2. Romulus
3. Athens and Sparta
4. Trajan
5. Modern day Romania
6. Genghis Khan
7. The Great Pyramid
8. Byzantium
9. Attila the Hun
10. Paris

Famous Quotes
1. Walt Disney
2. Douglas Adams
3. Voltaire
4. Og Mandino
5. William Shakespeare
6. John Kennedy
7. A.J. Liebling
8. Xenocrates
9. Warner Brothers
10. Groucho Marx

Astrology Quiz
1. Indolent
2. Water
3. Fifth
4. The twins
5. Mercury
6. Aires
7. Conservative
8. Nov. 21-Dec. 21
9. I desire
10. throat

Name Quiz
1. town
2. messenger of Greek gods
3. Knight of the round table
4. Nasty, dirty, woman
5. Bumblebee
6. Hindu goddess
7. Beautiful wands
8. Italian name for Florence
9. Saint
10. Irish saint
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 05:14 pm
Secret #15
I found this in a thread, and I thought it might be a clue to #15 secret. I don't know where the person found this clue, but I don't remember seeing it before. It mentions something about a monkey, and there have been other monkey clues, so I thought it could be connected.

does anyone know what the monkey means when he says

Egdelwony kd mnoyes br iedrn oh acut sur. Bedrl oaiceps a ns idneiry fw meit vsuu moe, yd mnio ft tur. Behto oe nkit lerces a ma I, draobdraf cd olrow a nd ietaluspacne
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 05:24 pm
It's been mentioned before. It means:

"Encapsulated in a world of cardboard, I am a secret like no other, but to find me you must view my friends in a special order, but such an order is beyond my knowledge."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 05:25 pm
Alright leapinlemur83, words from her own mouth about that monkey babble in the post before

Hmmm... on second thought I found the translation and it turns out to be a site secret... lol dumb me... so on that note *closes*
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2004 05:27 pm
Oh!!! Dumb ME!!!! I got all excited thinking it was something new!! Embarrassed
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Seamus Finnigans No1 Fan
Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2004 04:02 am
0 Replies
Marauders Map
Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2004 10:58 am
What do you mean, HP?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2004 02:51 pm
We really need to stop this immediately, this is not cool, we need to stop posting mni secrets, and quiz answers, Soon they may stop those features of the site.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jul, 2004 08:09 pm
Maybe you're right, mtrimm, maybe you're right...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2004 01:05 am
Potions Quiz
1. Mandrake restorative draft
2. orange
3. Love potion
4. During a full moon
5. Rubens Winikus and Company Inc
6. Veritaserum
7. purple
8. It is NAGINI!!!
9: Deflating Draft
10: Goat's stomach.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2004 07:58 pm
*rolls eyes* Someone just posted in the General Common Room that the password to the Poets Who We Are Instead forum is solace.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 08:02 am
Why you lot feel the need to spoil a web site like this is beyond me.

Some who work on mni come here and see this. Go on spoil the fun for everyone.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 08:55 am
DarkShadow wrote:
Why you lot feel the need to spoil a web site like this is beyond me.

Some who work on mni come here and see this. Go on spoil the fun for everyone.

'Go on spoil the fun for everyone' Rolling Eyes That sounds a bit encouraging, doesn't it? We went through this too, we already know that they know.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 11:07 am
Well I hope you are happy. All quizzes are now zero

*shakes head at sad people*

And ^ is me being polite. It is known what you are doing here so why should people go to the effort they do to make mni fun.

You want the galleons then earn them by putting in the work.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 12:42 pm
We're just helping each other out. The quizzes always default to zero after a few days
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 01:50 pm
We really need to stop this immediately, this is not cool, we need to stop posting mni secrets, and quiz answers, Soon they may stop those features of the site.

And this is coming from the guy that hacked the dueling game, hotlinked wizard card images, and has been banned from MNI?

Well I hope you are happy. All quizzes are now zero

*shakes head at sad people*

And ^ is me being polite. It is known what you are doing here so why should people go to the effort they do to make mni fun.

You want the galleons then earn them by putting in the work.

Well I hope you are happy. You are ruining the fun for all of US
0 Replies

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