Awww okay, i will leave then, but not for long...i have other things to attend to, which are more important than feuding with you on how much someone needs to actually capitalize their A's and dot their i's....
cya wouldn't wanna be ya....literally...i wouldnt' want to be so stuck up to have to literally pick apart everything someone says in order to feel better about myself.....
Sooo.. to change the subject... How many of you have finished reading the half blood prince? What did you all think of it?
I finished it too. It is my favorite Harry Potter book so far.
I did NOT like all the hooking up, it made me angry, and it made it seem like anouther teen love story. I mean the world is in danger and all they care about is whos going with who. And the word "Snogging" was way overused.
teach me what exactly? how to deal with OCD?
I know how to use my native tongue. Might you try and teach those who actually need to learn?
Wow! I stumbled on this thread...I can't believe it still exists...does anyone remember BATROM?
I don't remember BATROM either.
It was one of the clue things
It was like a code word thing for a forum we had, and stuff...
go to page 31 at the very bottom
Hey MNI-home away from goes it?