Ugh, yeah, I have to do physics as well. We're doing waves at the moment - something I'm not remotely interested in.
waves as in like radiation and gamma rays n fission and fusion and half life and stuff like that...cuz we have an exam on all that stuff tomorrow! lol Im not going to do very well on it cuz im not that good at physics, but hey, this stuff used to be for college ppl and im only in grade 9!! I have an A in the class though, thank god
Nah, we're just doing the boring stuff like sound waves and light waves etc. Yawn. Good luck on the exam
When are we going 2 get that last 10%???
New update!
November 20, 2004 - Ok, dmarie and I have been let into the temps so we can start setting stuff up for the rest of the staff and for you guys. This is what you will have at the temps, barring any disasters:
your galleons
your house
your character
your avatar
Signatures were not transferred because most would be messed up. Pets, brooms, wands, books, and cards were not transferred because there will be no use for them until the "real" new forums are ready (you'll still be able to send "owls" at the temp forums, though). Post counts were not transferred because...well, just because.
When the time comes, you will transfer your account by entering your username, your password, and a new password (or the same one over again, whatever) into a pretty little form. If all goes well, that will transfer your account to the temporary forums, and all you have to do then is login.
*whistles innocently, shoots a quick glance at the reader, then turns and runs*
I am dying of boredom waiting for the new MNI how long will the temps take?
I am dying of boredom waiting for the new MNI how long will the temps take?
ahhhh!! i missed the riddle at JKRs site!! can some1 tell me what the riddle is/ was, and if you don't know, plz tell me the answer!!
o, and im dissapointed in you all... i left for a few weeks and you all start fighting again *sigh* i guess i need to be here 24/7 to stop all the fights! Does it really matter if MagicalMe is staff? i mean she doesn't tell us much neways becuz of some hidden reasons *glares* (j/k) so i dont think its a big deal neways.
ive made my life dif w/o mni, so i wont be going back except for my doll shop

im not deprived nemore
c ya all lata!
Just wondering... on the update page when you scroll down does it get lighter and lighter until you can't read it? Thats what its doing for mine and im wondering if somethings wrong with my computer...
it doesn't get lighter on mine... not again, you just got a new one lol
so theres still an update page? i get a 404 file not found it at a different address?
yep there's still an update page. and I think it is supposed to get least, it does with me too so I hope so.
gameover wrote:so theres still an update page? i get a 404 file not found it at a different address?
nope its still at the same address! Are you sure you typed theright address why dont you try going on Mugglenet and then Mugglenet Interactive and see if that works!
Happy thanksgiving everyone!
Yeah, we're back. that was nuts with the server problems i heard.
one of my friends works for the site and she said that this forum was starting to get so large that it almost crashed to server.
this site? as in able2know? what does that have to do with mni's server probs?
i never said it had anything to do with mni's problems. i said it had to do with able2know's server problems. you might want to read into it a little more before you just start posting.
whoa there nascar...i didn't mean to sound hostile...and i fdid read it over a few times before i post. try not to get too defensive, and just explain what you were trying to say. i didn't know about the server problems, so please, cut me a break.
DarkWizard wrote:Sounds serious. Maybe they should consider deleting some of the earlier posts?
Nascar_12102 does
not have a friend who works for Able2Know and the size of this thread is not the reason Able2Know was offline.
I took Able2Know offline so that the disks could be reimaged and the Operating System reinstalled.