hey guys, i need some help! i was trying to go to the linkn on Mugglenet for the hptrips thing but for some reason my internet says its not a site...can someone plz leave the correct link or address here so i can check out the site?!?!
Wow guys, i don't want to be rude or mean or anything but some of you guys need to chill. I know it isn't any of my business but seriously guys, haven't you ever heard if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Who cares if MagicalMe is staff or not (and I'm not saying that you aren't, because I believe 100% that you are) I think we are all just a little deprived right now since we haven't been to MNI in a while, but it will be up soon, I have been keeping an eye on the updates (no, I am not a staff member) so guys just relax and it should be up really soon (90% as of Oct. 31st). Lets take this forum back to where people don't really fight and stuff and where we all talk about MNI and theories and things like that...
BTW: The riddle took me a few minutes to figure out but it was cool when I got it! Too bad you couldn't actually read part of them like the 1st paragraph or something like that! That would have been awesome!
Well, class is ending soon...I hope everyone makes up and stuff...later!
Yeah, I hope JK gives us some of the actual text at some point, like she did last time. It was great when she did that with OotP, even though i wasn't really into HP back then...
Yah... Magicalme im just wondering why a staff member is participating in a chat room that a few months ago was illegal on mni...?
Hi everybody. I love your sig Brittany! Simple Plan rocks!
ooo thnx HPcrazy41! Simple Plan is like my God... I got thier cd the day it came out just after they had finished putting it out. lol. So does anyone have any idea how long this last 10% is going to take?
Not 2 b rude or anything but I didn't hear much info from you in the 1st place...
Please people, can we just get over this. Most of us don't want you to go MagicalMe. In fact, I think the other people in this forum are out of line with what they are saying. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. C'mon people, stop acting like babies and let's start actually acting our age. I thought we ended this behavior after the 1st grade! If people in here don't have anything non-imflammatory then I suggest they just stop coming here because this forum doesn't need trash like that who only gang up on other people. Nobody in this forum cares about this little fight anymore and we just wish it to be over and done with not talk about it. Geez people!
Was that true, about secrets being taken off mni?
I dont think so, but since im only a fan i dont know for sure... (i love having half days at school!)
Quote:Was that true, about secrets being taken off mni?
i doubt it, mabye there will just be new secrets
but who knows..cause im not staff
an alogator
look at evolution
his older brother has turned to oil
I hope the secrets aren't going to been taken off, but I do hope that they get new ones as well becuase I had all of the secrets figured out already! As for this last 10%...i hope it is finished soon!!! I am getting reallly excited since I am going to be able to FINALLY get to go back to MNI!! I know that is something that we have all be waiting for for a really long time! I can only immagine what this place is going to be like once MNI comes back up again b/c everyone is going to be on there and then like no one is going to be on here...but then again it will prolly just go back to being a forum to help with all the sites secrets again!
We should all reveal our MNI names, so we can all keep talking once it comes back up...Im dramababi247 lol i didn't change mine, in fact, that is my aim screen name too if any one wants to talk to me on there...
Wow I have to go review for my physics test now...the school should really be informed that physics is for college students, not freshmen in high school! lol C yall!
Ugh, yeah, I have to do physics as well. We're doing waves at the moment - something I'm not remotely interested in.
TGIBrittany43 wrote:ooo thnx HPcrazy41! Simple Plan is like my God...
lol, thats how I feel about Green Day!
I haven't been able to get the new cd yet! The stores I go to are always sold out!