hahaha it's hanukkah.
good luck with your recital! i'm just sitting here, waiting for mni to come back. i think that when it finally does come back, most of us will have been kinda "over it", like we won't come back as much or be as obsessed.
i think it's a shame that they didn't try to get it back online faster. i don't wanna sound rude, and maybe i don't know as much as i think i do about this, but it's taken over three months to get this back on...almost four. i know the other people have lives, but i wouldn't expect it to take 4 months. i don't know, maybe i'm just ignorant or whatever, but this just seems like a larrrrge amount of time.
no one should have pissed jaime off in the first place--then we wouldn't have to worry about mni, and someone would be verrrry rich! ;-)