your welcome.....believe me if that happened to me....i woudl be just as bad as you.
its okay brit...just wondering
Mayb when MNI comes back Magic... Does anyone here watch CSI? Im a HUGE fan.
Too many CSI's for me to keep track of anymore. I have become hopelessly addicted to 'Lost' intriguing.
I love Lost!!! It's totally feeding my Alias Addiction....
Hey guys, what's going on? I haven't been here in ages!!!!! MNI has been down for so freakin' long! It shouldn't take this long to change the forums a bit.......
except they aren't only ghanging them a bit. they're fixing almost everything and making it alot harder to hack into. or thats what i hear, you'll have to get confirmatin on that from a staff member. (gosh, i hope i'm right, or else i'll sound stupid...) oh well... so, howz everyone... i haven't been on in a long time, sorry. been busy. you know it used to be, you got off for an hour and you'd come back to 100 sumodd pages, now it's gone for 5 days and there are only 5 pages on where did everyone go... lol, that sucks guys, liven this place up. BTW: the one i im... (you know who you are...) you're always signed in, but never there, always away. Be on more... BTW2: I got your e-mail, thanks!
Re: Help with a riddle (MNI)
youlilmidget wrote:I have an older and a younger brother, one bigger and one smaller. My older brother says he's worth more than me, and that he makes people very rich.
What am I?
The answer is: Jeb Bush
no its a sickle.....
MNI is going under MAJOR re-coding to ensure that hackers cant get in. remember any changes in situation will be in my you dont have to keep asking. And so others dont have to think that they are sounding stupid when answering you.
lol, nice answer, squinney.
The John's '04!!!!
oh no... I'm surrounded.... Think of our economy, people! Think of the future of our children! Think of Bush's inability to speak English properly! *teehee*
Quote:Think of our nation's safety! Think of the future of our children's lives! Think of Kerry's inability to make a facial expression!
i must say....that is the funniest thing i have ever heard.....of course.....its almost as good as one of my BF's saying that he has had too much botox.....LOL
Sure, you're poking fun at Kerry's face. The rest of the world is laughing at Bush's intelligence... or lack thereof.
HALLELUJAH!!! yea bush is what if he studders sometimes....all people do it.