i donno, but im for clinton more than kerry lol. At least he could make up which side he was on on most issues, where as kerry flops back and forth. And kerry belives that it is the womans right to chose for aboriton, i think its wrong. He also has many plans, which he doesn't share with us or how he is going to get the money for them. I'm not saying bush is the best, or anywhere near, im just sayiing that i hate kerry, and i htink he would ruin america, where as bush wouldn't make it much better, but he wouldn't ruin it. And on the last debate, (i think it was the last) he spent so much time critizing bush that i couldn't tell what his 'plans' were for most issues.
PS im on a new name, see if you can figure out who iam, but dont say it out loud. Hint: Sleeker and Magical, u r slacking! where are your new locations!!!! *slaps sleeker* *slaps magical*
that should be more than enough lol, but plz dont say what you think out loud, just give me hints back, and i will tell you if you are right or wrong
c ya all later!
*edit* i dont know Bush's IQ, sry sleeker