Setanta wrote:
I just want both corporations and wealthy individuals to pay for the services which benefit them more than anyone else.
Thanks for the honesty. And I want corporations and wealthy individuals to have those, that choose to live on a wage rather than risk one of their wage-earned shekels, pay for the infrastructure that they would not have, if it weren't for the corporations and wealthy individuals. Meaning, if a wage owner has a laundromat to go to, or a restaurant to go to, or a carousel for his/her child, all this is where the wage earner enjoys a society that he/she did not have to risk one wage-earned shekel to have available. So, in my opinion, it is perfectly ethical for the wage earner to pay a disproportionate share of maintaining the infrastructure, since the wage earner enjoys a society which all he/she contributed was the proverbial "sweat equity."
"Sweat equity," in my opinion, is in the similar position as "blood equity." "Blood equity" being the reason that some people feel that they are more American, since their respective ethnic group spilled more blood in past wars, disregarding that their respective ethnic group might have liked the image of "brave warrior," or they did not get some score in a military aptitude test to be trained in a safer "MOS."
So, the only valid "equity" is ownership equity. Period. Wage owners have equity in nada; therefore, the system has no incentive to pander to them, with they not having to pay for a society where they risked not one shekel to develop.
In other words, the corporations, with wage earner lawyers and accountants, know how to use the system. Same with the wealthy. The plain wage earner has little resources, since his/her choice to be a wage earner had the benefit of not having to risk any savings. Some people are just that way. Perhaps, from cultural background with a non-capitalistic history? So, the economic system should be changed to allow those, that choose not to play Monopoly, so to speak, to not be a loser in the system's game? It was never meant to work that way, since most wage earners are descended from ancestors that had even less, to show for their labors, back from whence they came. Meaning the descendents of European peasants are getting a little uppity, in my opinion, now that they are literate, and have some education under their belts.
But, with time, the modern day wage earners will get some bones thrown to them, to appease them, before there is uncivility, so to speak. But, the corporations will prosper even more, and the wealthy will maintain wealth. It is, what it is. Not everyone deserves, based on some people's minimal contribution to the system's GOALS. Wage earners can contribute taxes and their labor, nothing else. Wealthy people and corporations can contribute RISK CAPITAL and labor; if they pay less taxes, it can be thought of as recompense for their risking capital that results in profits for the Gross National Profit. In effect, the belief that wage earners are as equal in society as the wealthy is totally bogus, in my opinion, and the opinion of many others.