maxdancona wrote:
It seems like you don't see any difference between "Tea Party" and "conservative".
I have friends who are conservatives. I disagree with them. But they are reasonable, logical. And there are many times that I can find common ground with them.
This is very different to the people who are shutting down the government, claiming that Mexican college students are drug runners with cantaloupe thighs and hijacking veterans groups to attack the president. You would like to think that this is some fringe group... but these are people with the power to block legislation and threaten the world economy.
The people running the House of Representatives right now are batshit crazy. Listen carefully, I am not saying that all conservatives are batshit crazy...
But, the Tea Party antics and rhetoric go far beyond the norm. If an radical liberal group ever pulled this kind of crazy crap, I guarantee that I would not be defending them.
You're right, I don't.
First of all there is no "Tea Party." There are political opportunists who have tried to adopt the image of the leader of the Tea Party movement, but the only people I know who believe this nonsense are progressives.
I have no idea who your "conservative" friends are, and so I have no idea whether or not I would consider them conservative. They may be, and then they may be what I would consider moderates leaning to the right.
I have many "Tea Party" friends, and none of them shut down the government. As for the rest of your fevered charges, who is doing what you allege?
You see isolated pictures of signs that miscreants have carried at Tea Party rallies and you extrapolate that everyone in the Tea Party movement is a racist. I am quite sure that I have been to far more of these gathering than have you and I know that not only are they far, far more the exception than the rule, but that they are always subjected to criticism by the majority. But then you know more about the Tea Party than me, and I'm a lying tea-bagger.
The leadership of the House Republicans, to my knowledge, haven't even claimed to be, simultaneously, leaders of the Tea Party (whatever that means), and even if we accept the grossly hyperbolic claim that Republicans who used the Government shut-down as a bargaining chip are "bat-**** crazy," the leadership did not.
In anticipation of an argument that the Republican Leadership is not running the House...bullshit. How did the showdown end? The way you think the crazy tea-baggers wanted?
The very brief "government shut-down," despite the caterwauling of the Left was, except in a political sense, a non-event. My bet is that not only did most American not feel it even ripple through their lives, they didn't know it happened.
As for default, that was never going to happen, and, obviously, it didn't.
This was a political game of chicken with some Republicans betting that the President and the Democrats would blink first. They didn't and the debt ceiling was raised. Funny, but I don't think I've seen any progressives charging Democrats with playing politics with the full faith and credit of the US. No, folks like you think they were courageous defenders of democracy.
Guess what, a lot of people thought the other side was too, but then they are bat-**** crazy while you are a logical patriot who just can't fathom the insanity of the other side.
The Democrats did pull this "crazy crap." They refused to allow Republicans to create exceptions to the shut-down that would ease its pain for a great many people. Progressives throughout the nation were cheering the Democrats on. "Don't give in to their blackmail!" I doubt that too many of them were actually experiencing shut-down pain.
I think the entire political play was ill conceived and counter-productive, but I never, for a second, believed that the country would default, and lo and behold, it didn't. Those bat-**** crazy nuts blinked. How could that be? Bat-**** crazies don't back off of their bat-**** crazy plans, they drive them into flames and destruction.
How magnificent is Obama and the Democrats, they caused bat-**** crazy fanatics to blink.
You are a dupe (perhaps willingly; perhaps not) to the Democratic game plan.
The minute the term Tea Party was coined, the MSM (propaganda arm of the Democrat Party) was ridiculing and demonizing those who were participating in the movement: Anderson Cooper with his snide "tea-bagger" comment. (Takes one to know one Coop), and Susan Roesgen not reporting on a Tea Party rally, but confronting its participants.
I'm wagering that you can't identify an example of this sort of egregious journalistic malfeasance at Fox News.
This is how the Democrats play these days: Scream about a Republican sleaze machine and then search and destroy any possibly popular conservative personality, even if it is a plumber in Ohio.
It's working though and you are a perfect example of how it is.