oristarA wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
oristarA wrote: ". . . The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born. . . ."
This assertion is facially ridiculous and
e.g., if an insignificant person was born in Spain in 1431,
then the alleged American "promise" was violated.
The USA did not even exist back then.
If I were able to, I 'd challenge that charlatan face-to-face.
Sorry Dave, I doubt that you will have the courage to challenge the speaker face-to-face.
Are you serious or are you kidding or bragging?
O, no. Since and during childhood, I was frequently
challenging teachers in school, or lecturers anywhere,
if their presentations had flaws or questionable aspects.
It has always come naturally to me, like a duck to water.
That 's not bragging. No courage has proven to be necessary,
just a big mouth.
For instance, qua the exhibited question of alleged American promises,
I 'd lay my ax at the root of his assertion by challenging him
to tell me
WHERE I can find these alleged promises
WHICH authority stands behind them, demanding
that he tell us when, where and under what circumstances
those alleged promises were forthcoming and demanding
to know
WHAT AUTHORITY the alleged promisor had to commit me to
Its not hard; just nail him down qua the specifics of his allegations
and publicly shame him for his lies. Historically and legally, I know
that he has no foundation for his assertions; just
his imagination.
Trial lawyers (from whose profession I have retired)
do that all the time. That is what forensic cross-
examination is for. There is nothing new about it.