Reading the reply to you stupid shits... I won't be coming back. I'm wasting my time chatting with people that are dumber than dirt and are so hard-headed all they want to do is look for holes in everything people say that oppose dumb **** Obama.
We get it... you're piece of **** liberals that only look one way... you're not smart enough to look at something objectively.
I own a business. Nothing is a garantee in business. In fact most businesses FAIL (But you already know that because you fucks know everything already.). I honestly can't believe there are people like this out there that can't process information.
If you aren't smart enough to understand why it's unfair for one family of four to contribute taxes of $22,200 as well as pay up to $22,000 for heathcare (the $9,497 premiums+ the $12,500 in capped deductions for the family) compared to a family of four making $30,000 (a third of what I make) who pays NOTHING for taxes or the SAME ******* healthcare... then obviously you don't have the capacity to use a computer. So my question is... who the **** is writing your posts for you?
I don't have $370k in debt... learn to ******* read Frank. You guys just glaze over stuff and pop-off. Both my wife and I owe money for higher education. Perhaps you guys have read in the news that higher education costs have sky-rocketed the last decade or so... if you were semi-conscious.
It's amazing to me you guys come here attacking everything I say... talking about how I should have no problem affording $20,000... what's next... $30,000.... $40,000? Why ******* stop there.. why not just take all my money and perhaps the government can give me a voucher to live off. After all... we all want to be taken care of by the government... right?
Do you guys really believe 6 out 10 Americans only need to pay $100 or less for their healthcare coverage... and just pin everything else on the rest? Are you really that ******* greedy, stupid.. or both? The best part of this whole thing? That the people that make little (the large part of the UNEDUCATED... AKA THE NOT SO SMART)... the 6 out 10 Americans are the ones that put his ass back into the White House.
Wake up dumb asses. Look around you. Do you not see the stories coming out everywhere about 'sticker-shock'? Families making $50,000ish or more are quickly finding out that even they are going to have a significant increase (25... 30... 50%) in their premiums AND deductibles. Funny how all of a sudden they're getting a queasy feeling when seeing the new pricing. I guess that will happen when they THOUGHT the president (their 'leader') said the costs were going to go down $2,500... OPPS... 'his bad'.
I like the idea of everyone having healthcare... I think it's a fantastic idea... I really do.
I just don't think that one half of America should get it for free or almost free (aka through subsidies) which by the way are paid from the government through our taxes. In case you didn't know... the people that pay the most taxes are those who will also be gouged by the new healthcare costs. I know... you don't give a ****... because it's not you.
And why the **** do people like Rockhead keep saying... if we don't pay it.. then who? Somebody help his dumb **** self. READ MORON. EVERYONE SHOULD PAY. And the people paying nothing or under $100 should pay more. It's the president that shooting himself in the foot... or whoever came up with the rates that are so low for more than half of America and so high for the other half. Why??? Because many of those people that are going to get slammed are likely going to opted out of the insurance and just pay the fine.. oh, sorry... the 'tax'... lets pretend it's actually legal and not unconstitutional by cleverly coming up and naming it something it's not.
And so it's simple... raise the costs for the lower half... family of four making $30,000... preimums of $300. Deductible of $1,000 per person... $2,500 for the family. If you did that, it would lower the costs of families like mine. We'd still have to pay a good amount, but it would make it where it wasn't life-altering to get insurance. Instead of having to pay $800 a month premium and a $5,000 individual deductible / $10,250 family deductible... it would possibly go down to $600 a month premium and $2,500 individual deductible / $$5,000 family deductible.
Don't change the rates... and you're looking at tons of people not signing up... people just like me that find it sickening that we have to provide this country with a very high percentage of the taxes to run the country while the other half continue to drag us down further and further... all while having their ******* hands out for more entitlements.
I'm out... I'm done... never again you pieces of ****.