Obamacare... 'Affordable'???

Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 11:15 pm
Joe... you're nothing but a hot-head piece of garbage that thinks he's smarter than others.

I wasn't nasty to you, but you had to keep on. You're the jackass, jack.

I don't care that you don't make much money. I don't care that you didn't go through much or any college/training.

What I do care is that the money I make is getting taken away from me by things that don't cost you barely anything.

Other than pointing at the two big wars for the reasons we are 17 trillion into debt, why don't you look in the mirror at your reflection. That guy you see in the mirror... he's the drain on society.

Like I said... Myself as well as thousands of people like me would help you and the Obamacare system by paying in the system... but it has to be more fair. The prices have to be reasonable. Nearly $20,000 for someone making $89,346 while paying $22,200 in taxes... that's not fair.

Not when 47% of you don't pay ANY Federal tax.

It's like... what do you want for free next?
Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 11:24 pm
thank you.

hiding your real agenda was becoming annoying...

what kind of father risks his kids future for his own personal gain?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 11:26 pm
Like I said... Myself as well as thousands of people like me would help you and the Obamacare system by paying in the system... but it has to be more fair. The prices have to be reasonable. Nearly $20,000 for someone making $89,346 while paying $22,200 in taxes... that's not fair.
you continue to evade three points

A) life is not fair so so what?

B) somebody has to pay and if a family making $90K does not have to then who will?

C) we could pay less but we choose not too, we choose to consume over $700 of healthcare per person per month. Why dont you seem to care about this very outrageous gluttony which is at the root of your bitching? it is the elephant in the room, your refusal to deal with it indicates that you are not serious about the problem that you are complaining about.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 12:02 am
I haven't read this thread from the beginning. Really? Rockhead doesn't across to me as a person thinking he is smarter than others.

There is nothing wrong when there is a difference of opinion. Why the name calling? That is pretty low.

You are complaining about how much money you pay for others? $22,200 in taxes, maybe you should pay my taxes!
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:51 am
maxdancona wrote:
He is right. If fewer Blacks and Hispanics voted, conservatives would win more elections.

Now if only there were a way to keep Blacks and Hispanics from voting....

I wonder why the Republican majority on the SCOTUS voted to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act (sarcastic tone here). I can't possibly image why they did that (again, sarcastic tone). Surely it must have had to do with Constitutional principles (again, sarcastic tone)? Rolling Eyes
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 05:26 am
glitchgov wrote:

"I don't think that's true. Office visits should be covered other than copay."

Are you for real? A deductible is the amount you pay BEFORE the insurance company starts to pay... oh here you go:

Deductible -noun
noun: deductible; plural noun: deductibles

(in an insurance policy) a specified amount of money that the insured must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim.

I've gotten similar responses from other people who are liberals who will say... I don't believe that for a second because it does sound ridiculous. But then when they find out it IS that ridiculous, then it's like... yeah, but it's all for a good case to help everyone in need of healthcare.

But there are exclusions within each policy on what does and doesn't apply to the deductible. Let me give you an example. I have a bad back. I should get regular chiropractic treatments as a preventative measure but I tend not to until it flares up. When it flares I call an make an appt with my chiro. That first visit is considered an office visit and I pay the copay ($30) and the insurance company pays the rest (around $200). Then we set up a treatment schedule to get me back into walking/working condition. Those treatments have a negotiated cost. He charges $100/treatment, but he's negotiated with the insurance company that he'll accept $33 as payment in full. I pay $33 for each treatment until such time as I've met my deductible for the year. I'm no longer paying a copay for those visits because I'm going in for treatments rather than an assessment.

Annual physicals/mammograms/kid's well checkups are also excluded. I'm sure there are differences between plans on what is and isn't excluded from the deductible, but you don't have to meet it before getting any care and you do get to pay the negotiated price towards your deductible.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 05:37 am
Here you go. Here's the HRSA description for women's preventive healthcare. The same applies to men and children with different lists of what is covered at no cost.

The Affordable Care Act – the health insurance reform legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 – helps make prevention affordable and accessible for all Americans by requiring health plans to cover preventive services and by eliminating cost sharing for those services. Preventive services that have strong scientific evidence of their health benefits must be covered and plans can no longer charge a patient a copayment, coinsurance or deductible for these services when they are delivered by a network provider.

I'm starting to see that you don't understand how insurance works. You're focused on what it's going to cost you "before receiving any benefits" without realizing that simply having insurance brings benefits.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 05:43 am
He's on an anti-freeloader bent, t2l. I'm having similar discussions elsewhere with people who judge anyone who gets more in services from the gov't than they do without paying a federal tax bill as a freeloader. You know -- that 47% they all rant about.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 05:48 am
Ah, someone who has overextended himself into a hole he'll never climb out of judging a human being as garbage. For someone with a very expensive education, glitch, you don't know a whole hell of a lot.
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 07:01 am
IRFRANK wrote:

If you think the folks getting 'free' health care because they are poor are better off, why did you borrow $200k to go to school?


I'm curious what the degree is in, and what school it came from.

Someone doesn't go out and spend $370K on an education without thinking there're going to have a family income of less than $100K a year. Even if you got that interest free, over a 35 year career, i.e. a physician starting to practice @ 30 years old, the pay back would still be over ten grand a year. and while an interventional cardiologist let's say makes over $250K in his practice a year, a GP makes no where near that, and probably has a family to boot. Not all docs are walking around with money falling out their pockets, nore should there be. If I thought my doc was in it mainly for the money, I'd switch doctors.

I don't care about the politics of this thread. I'm facinated with these numbers.
This guy paid $370K for school, but lives in a $200K house?
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 07:12 am
glitchgov wrote:

Joe... you're nothing but a hot-head piece of garbage that thinks he's smarter than others.

I wasn't nasty to you, but you had to keep on. You're the jackass, jack.

I don't care that you don't make much money. I don't care that you didn't go through much or any college/training.

What I do care is that the money I make is getting taken away from me by things that don't cost you barely anything.

Other than pointing at the two big wars for the reasons we are 17 trillion into debt, why don't you look in the mirror at your reflection. That guy you see in the mirror... he's the drain on society.

Like I said... Myself as well as thousands of people like me would help you and the Obamacare system by paying in the system... but it has to be more fair. The prices have to be reasonable. Nearly $20,000 for someone making $89,346 while paying $22,200 in taxes... that's not fair.

Not when 47% of you don't pay ANY Federal tax.

It's like... what do you want for free next?

There's that whole "lifes not fair" thing again.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 08:28 am
glitchgov wrote:

The prices have to be reasonable. Nearly $20,000 for someone making $89,346 while paying $22,200 in taxes... that's not fair.

Stop lying, because if you read my post on what a deductible was you have no excuse for saying Obama is costing you $20,000 a year for insurance.

Your only excuse before my post was that you were too ******* dumb to know what a deductible was, but, hey, at least you had an excuse.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 09:13 am
JPB wrote:
Ah, someone who has overextended himself into a hole he'll never climb out of judging a human being as garbage.

What about cases where the shoe fits, though?

I usually consider people worthless who lack ALL of the following:

(1) compassion for the weak
(2) honesty
(3) originality

Those 3 things comprise all of human worth for me. Having ANY of those qualifies someone as a worthy human being. But I don't see people like glitch who lack all three as "garbage". You see, garbage is inanimate and, thus, can't actively and aggressively seek to harm others. Comparison to dangerous bug or a virus makes more sense. Dangerous creatures without souls.
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 10:01 am
You're in trouble because you have $370k in debt. I don't know how that happened, but it's not Obama's fault. Also, how can you have 8 years education and make $90k a year? My wife and I have bachelors degrees and each made over 100k, before I retired. You have two choices, find a higher paying job or quit and go on welfare like the folks you think are getting a free ride.

Oh, and we paid 50 percent more in taxes than you do. We also contribute to charities and buy food for the local battered women's shelter. Because they need it and the govt has cut their funding.
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 11:58 am
Worthless? To whom? You? Society? Their families and loved ones? Who are you to judge? Garbage? Really? Worth burying in a heap at the dump? Setting afire in the can in your back yard? How do you dispose of your garbage, Kolyo? You see a human being as deserving that treatment? To be treated as refuse?

I don't see glitch as garbage either. Never said I did. I was taking exception to his referring to Rockhead as garbage. The same exception I take whenever anyone uses that term, regardless who uses is and who they're talking about. I think someone in his position has a hell of a lot of never deciding that others who are doing the best they can are "garbage".

Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 12:07 pm

Reading the reply to you stupid shits... I won't be coming back. I'm wasting my time chatting with people that are dumber than dirt and are so hard-headed all they want to do is look for holes in everything people say that oppose dumb **** Obama.

We get it... you're piece of **** liberals that only look one way... you're not smart enough to look at something objectively.

I own a business. Nothing is a garantee in business. In fact most businesses FAIL (But you already know that because you fucks know everything already.). I honestly can't believe there are people like this out there that can't process information.

If you aren't smart enough to understand why it's unfair for one family of four to contribute taxes of $22,200 as well as pay up to $22,000 for heathcare (the $9,497 premiums+ the $12,500 in capped deductions for the family) compared to a family of four making $30,000 (a third of what I make) who pays NOTHING for taxes or the SAME ******* healthcare... then obviously you don't have the capacity to use a computer. So my question is... who the **** is writing your posts for you?

I don't have $370k in debt... learn to ******* read Frank. You guys just glaze over stuff and pop-off. Both my wife and I owe money for higher education. Perhaps you guys have read in the news that higher education costs have sky-rocketed the last decade or so... if you were semi-conscious.

It's amazing to me you guys come here attacking everything I say... talking about how I should have no problem affording $20,000... what's next... $30,000.... $40,000? Why ******* stop there.. why not just take all my money and perhaps the government can give me a voucher to live off. After all... we all want to be taken care of by the government... right?

Do you guys really believe 6 out 10 Americans only need to pay $100 or less for their healthcare coverage... and just pin everything else on the rest? Are you really that ******* greedy, stupid.. or both? The best part of this whole thing? That the people that make little (the large part of the UNEDUCATED... AKA THE NOT SO SMART)... the 6 out 10 Americans are the ones that put his ass back into the White House.

Wake up dumb asses. Look around you. Do you not see the stories coming out everywhere about 'sticker-shock'? Families making $50,000ish or more are quickly finding out that even they are going to have a significant increase (25... 30... 50%) in their premiums AND deductibles. Funny how all of a sudden they're getting a queasy feeling when seeing the new pricing. I guess that will happen when they THOUGHT the president (their 'leader') said the costs were going to go down $2,500... OPPS... 'his bad'.

I like the idea of everyone having healthcare... I think it's a fantastic idea... I really do.

I just don't think that one half of America should get it for free or almost free (aka through subsidies) which by the way are paid from the government through our taxes. In case you didn't know... the people that pay the most taxes are those who will also be gouged by the new healthcare costs. I know... you don't give a ****... because it's not you.

And why the **** do people like Rockhead keep saying... if we don't pay it.. then who? Somebody help his dumb **** self. READ MORON. EVERYONE SHOULD PAY. And the people paying nothing or under $100 should pay more. It's the president that shooting himself in the foot... or whoever came up with the rates that are so low for more than half of America and so high for the other half. Why??? Because many of those people that are going to get slammed are likely going to opted out of the insurance and just pay the fine.. oh, sorry... the 'tax'... lets pretend it's actually legal and not unconstitutional by cleverly coming up and naming it something it's not.

And so it's simple... raise the costs for the lower half... family of four making $30,000... preimums of $300. Deductible of $1,000 per person... $2,500 for the family. If you did that, it would lower the costs of families like mine. We'd still have to pay a good amount, but it would make it where it wasn't life-altering to get insurance. Instead of having to pay $800 a month premium and a $5,000 individual deductible / $10,250 family deductible... it would possibly go down to $600 a month premium and $2,500 individual deductible / $$5,000 family deductible.

Don't change the rates... and you're looking at tons of people not signing up... people just like me that find it sickening that we have to provide this country with a very high percentage of the taxes to run the country while the other half continue to drag us down further and further... all while having their ******* hands out for more entitlements.

I'm out... I'm done... never again you pieces of ****.
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 12:17 pm
And who was it that said that the art of critical thinking and reasoned debate are dead?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 01:08 pm
Yeah, dumb as dirt. Successful career. No debt. I have health insurance. Dumb as dirt. Yep, don't know how to use a computer. My career was as a systems analyst. Do you realize that the primary driver of the costs causing your problem were in place before Obama? Your solution is to charge lower income people more? We've had this 47 percent discussion before. That kind of thinking cost Romney the election. Ask Romney for help with your healthcare costs.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 01:44 pm
Still, J.P. Fingado, CEO of API Healthcare, a consulting firm for hospitals, says the layoffs are shortsighted because the providers likely will have to add staff as soon as next year to handle increased patient volumes resulting from the health care law.

"The cuts are a particularly short-term reaction," he says.


documentation for my assertion that ObamaCare will result in increased healthcare consumption, which somebody will need to pay for, eventually.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 02:13 pm
I'm wasting my time chatting with people that are dumber than dirt and are so hard-headed all they want to do is look for holes in everything people say that oppose dumb **** Obama.

the much more important problem is the increasing difficulty in finding people who care about facts and/or arguments, anywhere. spoken on a different subject to be sure but true nearly everywhere:

What we have here—if you’ll forgive the military metaphor—is but one front in a larger war against the rigorous analysis of fact. It’s part of a war against the presentation of evidence, a war against thoughtful, good-faith argumentation and conscientious debate. It’s another front in the larger war against truth. Which side are you on?


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