I've been at work all day, so I didn't have a chance to respond. I am going to watch a movie with my wife (don't worry... it's only a $1.20 from Redbox... I'm not going to break the bank) so I'm not going to spend a bunch of time here.
I tried to be nice. I tried, but you guys keep poking... like someone would at a bear. You guys are something else. If someone doesn't love your stupid Obama... you get all bent out of shape.
Here's what I'm going to say to the loose cannons and big mouths that have been yapping away.
I didn't come on here first and start the insults. The insults started flying at me... right from the get-go with 'I hate shills... they are dispicible.' Here... let me give you a news flash... not everyone likes Obama. Thus, we don't have to be paid to say something that goes against what he stands for.
You guys have been accusing me from the very begining. You keep saying I'm someone that's here with a different agenda other than being upset about my situation. Here's what I want to tell you... how in the world can you guys be so damn dumb and/or hard-headed to be so convinced that anyone could POSSIBLY be upset because they have to pay up to $42,000 in taxes and insurance premiums and deductibles BEFORE one stinking dollar is paid for any health insurance bills.
Yeah... keep telling yourself that I should feel great paying $42,000 in fees when many of you who are making less are paying NO TAX... or very little... and will be getting your insurance for FREE or next to free. You know... the 6 out of 10 Americans that will get their insurance for less than the cost of a cell phone bill. Don't I wish.
Then you have people on here suggesting that I should get rid of every extra I have (cable/internet/cell phones/newer cars)... come home and sit in the dark without AC or heat on all so I can subscribe and try and afford healthcare you're going to get for nothing. Yeah, I know plenty of people that are paying no federal taxes (known in your world as 47 percenters... or your family) will be getting free healthcare and yet somehow have enough money to buy cable, internet, cell phones and newer cars.. because they don't have the bills I have.
I was in the military for 10 years... then I went back to college at 30.... it wasn't easy. I worked hard to get to where I am and have a business. What sense does it make that the life I worked so hard to get is made harder because things are being taken away from me and/or given to people that didn't put forth the effort I did?
I'm so tired of this whole entitlement crowd... you make me sick. Look in the mirror... you're a big part of the reason why we are 17 trillion in debt. Yeah, yeah... we know about the wars... we know about that 2 trillion. We all know about Bush and him not being good. The funny thing is... we can admit Bush wasn't any good... but you guys are amazing... you can't admit that Obama isn't any good either. How can you be so blind. His first term wasn't very good... some thing it was horrible. Well, I don't know how you can debate for a second that the first nine months of this 2nd term has been anything but a disaster... one scandal after another.
Flat out... I don't appreciate that I will have to pay about $20,000 in healthcare before any other money is even paid out. If you can't understand that, then you must have been dropped on your head multiple times, because it's a pretty easy concept.
I like when liberals talk about Obama's 2nd term like they won something... we beat you. No... you beat the American dream... or what it use to be. It's not suppose to be.. Hey, I want everything for free, but that's what many of you are. You're entitled to everything. Free housing... food... healthcare... childcare... cell phones... 'earned' income tax credits.... what don't you get free? Cable?? Or is that free too? Obama won a 2nd term because the minorities voted for him at a very high rate. African Americans voted for him at an incredible and unbelievable (especially how poor his 1st term was) 93% clip. IF out of the 45 million or so blacks that live in America... 10 million voted, that would give Obama a 9.3 million vote to .7 million vote 'edge' against Romney. That right there is an 8.6 million vote lead... he only won by 3 or 4 million. Then you have the Hispanic voters that didn't want to lose their freebies Obama was promising and Romney said he would end. Hispanic voters voted for Obama in the high 70's... 76... 77??? All I know is the minorities put him back in office for all the wrong reasons... because he's black (and their black) and because he's president of the freebie train. The same train that's sinking lower and lower as we go further and further into debt. You guys voted for him for one reason and one reason only... you're thinking of the here and now and thinking about only yourselves.
Respond if you want, but I'm not even going to even give you the pleasure at trying to dig at me with your delusions. You really are a bunch of hard-headed dumb-dumbs.
One last thing... I have never been to this site and I won't come back. You guys are a joke... like Chicken Little coming up with all these theories as to who I could possibly be. I know... maybe it's an inside job. Maybe I'm one of the moderators and I'm plotting to exact my revenge on all you liberals. I've never BEEN on the site. I'm NOT a shill. Why would I have to be??? Stupid people. You guys have no common sense and have been brain-washed since birth. You have no ability to think things through... only go with raw emotion.