I'm with au1929. Just the idea of trying to plan a wedding made my head spin. We went to a Justice of the Peace and that was that. We'd always planned on throwing a big party later but later never happened. We were too busy being married.
Let's have one now eoe. It's never to late and I just love parties! January 15th is open for me.
How do we send out the invites?
Heh, use tell a friend, eoe. You'll have to ask the Food & Drink people to make the cake. :wink:
Jan 15, 2003? sounds good. We'll have to check with JerryR and Vincent as they are the best organizers of quick catering.
You can simply save all the fuss and lot's of money as well by having a football wedding.
We need to see if Jespah can save the Chat Room for us. Ohhhhh, this is already turning into a great party. I am all excited, I'll tell the Misses, she just loves a little wedding!
Not that I would suggest most people try it, but just about the best wedding I ever attended was on a summer Saturday afternoon back in the 'Eighties. It was "Second Time" for each the bride and the groom; both in fact had grown offspring in attendence. The event was held in a pleasant field of longish grass brightly strewn with the gold of dandelions. At one end of the field was a woods, and in the woods ran a little creek, which fed a perfectly adequate, if entirely rustic, swimmin' hole. The repast centered on a couple whole roast pigs, accompanied by butter-drenched, husk-roasted corn-on-the-cob and huge vats of steaming, spicy barbeque beans and creamy, egg-laden, color-flecked potato salad, along with an almost bewildering array of lesser side dishes. The beverage-of-choice was draft beer dispensed into plastic glasses from beer barrels stood in ice-filled tubs. Music was provided by a couple of different bands, and an amature DJ took up the slack time between sets. In all cases, the volume was sufficient to more than merely overcome the clatter of the generators supplying the electricity. A wonderful time was had by all ... outdoor games, swimming, eating, and the party went well into the next day. Those who cared grabbed a bit of sleep in tents they had brought for the purpose. Many, in fact, had "Tented" for a night or two preceeding the wedding. The bride and groom snagged a few private hours in an RV parked at the site for their benefit. A huge out-door-grill-cooked country breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, pancakes, and all the rest was enjoyed by those still around Sunday morning. There were quite a few.
A decade or so later, the bride and groom purchased the property which contained the grassy field and the woods with the swimmin' hole. Its over half a decade since then as I type, and Mrs Timber, The Puppies, The Ponies, and I love where we live. The Puppies are particularly fond of the swimmin hole, and the ponies seem to enjoy controling the dandelions in the field.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww Timber, what a wonderful wedding! Sounds like the wedding of the century, and so romantic that you bought that land... <sniff >!
But! Yah didn't invite me:(
Heck, Misti, you coulda come ... wasn't really any formal guest list. As a matter of fact, none of the guests were noticeably formal
Awwwwwwwwwwwww Timber, thanks! That would have been special:)
Sugar, why don't you get married next spring or summer. That way you'll have plenty of time to plan. I just bet everything will work perfect. Who knows what anyone else can or wants to do. I'd question being married in another country, however, for many reasons but mostly nobody will see you on this your big day.
We were married in the most beautiful little chapel in this huge church, then we had a reception in the church's gorgeous rose carpeted meeting room, social room or whatever. My husband's band played, his quartet sang, and we ate cake and drank punch. His best friend sang so beautifully during the wedding itself. Music, during the wedding, is important. A good soloist, the best!
We paid for this ourselves, then went on a very expensive honeymoon.
Sugar, if you're interested, I have several tubs big enough to ice down beer barrels, and a couple of generators. I'm sure I could help you find a couple pigs and some sweet corn, too. whaddaya say ... your field or mine?
timber - that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. I have no field, though. However, my father has a fairly large sailboat. Hope you don't get sea sick.
(And it would drive his mother crazy. Woohoo! LOL)
Im sure a field or a beach could be found in the area, and Im sure you could drive the in laws crazy...in fact, I suggest that you do if they annoy you in any way
I'd suggest a baseball field. That way there is a good probability that there will be a few bats around to whack the future in-laws with if they don't straighten up!

Ya might just as well start off on the right foot!
Plus you get the organist to play the Wedding March. Or Charge, as you see fit.
Hors d'ouevres? How 'bout peanuts and Cracker Jacks?
Main course - Fenway Franks and your choice of flat Busch or Michelob Light in plastic cups.
Will you be serving the dark brown mustard or just that nasty yellow stuff?
Makes for simple attendants garb as well...I mean you don't even have to go too crazy there..just have them wear separate team jerseys.