draggin' this forward - still lookin' for more Torontonians!
hey Joe; bring your own 'dumpling', and you pay for 'her' too!
Well, hey now, I would bring my dumpling if he'd agree to come, but I asked him, and he laughed at me!
I'm not sure I'm interested in the walk (April weather's still "iffy," as you know), but I might be able to join you later at the restaraunt.
Address, phone number and parking situation would be helpful.
the distance from the bakery to the restaurant is 2, mayyyybe 3 blocks.
There is GreenP parking in Kensington Market, but you have to be a very intrepid Torontonian to take your car into Kensington Market on the weekend. For most people, I'd recommend taking the subway to Spadina - catching the Spadina streetcar to Dundas (if you're heading straight to the restaurant), and then walking the block and a bit north to the Kim Hoa. I'll try to find a link that gives a map (there should be something for Kensington Market online).
here's a different kinda review of Kim Hoa
Kim Hoa Seafood Restaurant- 4/5
Quote:Our bill came with a sliced orange and two fortune cookies. My fortune read "Good Fortune is yours today" and it was because I had finally had Canadian Chinese food that I could brag to my friends in Shanghai about.
ehBeth thank you for those links and the information.
ehBeth wrote:.......the distance from the bakery to the restaurant is 2, mayyyybe 3 blocks.
There is GreenP parking in Kensington Market, but you have to be a very intrepid Torontonian to take your car into Kensington Market on the weekend.........
One has to have a few screws missing to take a car anywhere on the weekend, short of 'out of town'; may i remind everyone that vehicles of the 'two' wheel variety, ideal for the demands of 'marketeering', can be 'fastened' virtually anywhere for the fee of "$0"!!
The red Rocket is a mere 'second' choice.
ehBeth, that Brenda Buckley is pretty fussy for a commie...

Anyway, I want snake soup. Do they have snake soup? Do we have anyone in the group who actually speaks Chinese? If not, I'll make a call...you always get better stuff that way.
sure, i speak Chinese; for example when i translate 'Britany Spears' into Chinese, it becomes "Lip Sink Ho"!

I needed a good laugh Bo. Now there is another restaurant in Chinatown that goes by the name "New Ho King". I've always wanted to know what really goes on there...
I'm waiting for someone to open the "New Ho Queen"!
cav - there is definitely a second menu goin' on at Kim Hoa. But if yer nice and dimply, the ladies might make sure you get what you want - from the other menu.
but, of course, if you're 'nice and dumply' you could end up on a plate!
(jjorge to self)
Hey! What's this? ehBeth's having a gathering in Toronto?
SH*T! How could I go there now? I'm blowing all my time off and money out here at the San Francisco gathering.
(still thinking...)
Hmmm... I COULD call back to Rhode Island and quit my job.
Then I could hang out here a few more weeks and then hitchhike to Toronto!
Hmmm...(weighing the pros and cons of that)
and jj; what were those 'cons' again???
Not to throw a wrench in anything, but I had another suggestion....'The Dim Dum Shop' at Yonge and Eglinton. The chef there used to be sous chef at Lai Wah Heen, and the dim sum borders on sublime, and it's not too pricey. It's definitely better and more creative than anything you can fid in Chinatown these days. Just thinkin'.
oh MAN, Fancy; when you start "thinking".................