I separated 6 years ago. Now engaged and have been for 3 and a half years. I met my ex-husband through a dating site that was paid for, he paid I didn't and we both paid in the long run

It didn't work out.
I met my now fiancé naturally, un-expectedly and after I re-tried dating sites.
What I can share with you, regarding dating sites is, it is a great thing for you if you don't take it seriously and you do have to be careful, have your wits about you.
It enables you to get out of the house, away from your normal run of the mill current busy life. It enables you to get dressed up, remember what it is like to feel attractive and it enables you to meet a variety of different men, giving you the opportunity to converse and remember what it is like to date.
What you have to look out for are those that are not searching for a partner yet claim to be. Profiles are not always written by the said person, often they get their friends to do it, photos are not always correct, often I found in any event upon meeting is that the photo was/is 10 years younger

So don't expect all you see and read to be correct, you will know if it is once you meet that person. Some obviously are 100% honest, not all. Be wary that some are on-line on those sites looking for the lost and lonely for self gain.
You probably will hear a lot of stories claiming they don't work. They can work as someone has already stated here. But don't go in with expectations go in with it's fun, it's a start and you will either meet someone or you wont but as I said, it also allows you to get out there which is important.
Meet somewhere where there are other people and also, go it alone, and get yourself home alone.. Caution is a good thing. Some can turn out to be, well nutters
I had some amusing experiences. One even professed how good a lover he was so was confused why I didn't want to try
By the way, my Mother's maiden name is Patterson - good name.