Kerry's Doomed Mideast Plan

Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:03 am
Just in case it's slipped your attention. We made peace with the IRA, we didn't let the bombs stop us, or Sinn Fein's demand for a United Ireland.

Israel can make peace any time it wants. It's the occupier. The reason it hasn't is because it prefers the status quo.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:04 am
Yep. Have to admit. The British did leave a lot of useful things in Israel, including the legal system etc. Not much of it is around now, but they provided the initial push.

I see no point in being spiteful - that would be just childish. However, one concern can be synagogues and other holy places. The Palestinians do have a habit of desecrating them like what happened to Joseph's tomb:


"The Palestinian hooligans destroyed furniture, desecrated holy Jewish books, sprayed anti-semitic graffiti throughout the tomb’s grounds. There was also evidence that they had attempted to destroy Joseph’s Tomb by fire."
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:09 am
Why do you have to argue when you know it is unrelated? The Israeli military is so large because of external threats mainly. Many times many Arab countries acted towards Israel just like Nazi Germany acted towards the UK.

The occupation of the West Bank is bad, but has nothing to do with it. Just like UK occupation of India had nothing to do with the UK fighting the Nazis.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:11 am
1. I do admire how the Irish made peace with the British.
2. Israel can't just do it whenever it wants. You know that - look at Gaza pullout. That was the first step towards that exactly. That backfired big time. That's not a reason to stop peace talks, but it makes them more difficult
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:12 am
Rubbish, the UK didn't invade and occupy Europe, it was the Nazis that did that.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:15 am
The Gaza pullout was unilateral, it was nothing to do with peace, it was because sustaining a presence in both the WB and Gaza was too much, and it was accompanied by increased settlement building in the WB.

It did as much to advance peace as the creation of Lesotho did to eradicate apartheid.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:15 am
I never said it did. Where did you get that from? UK did occupy India though. here is a chart for you:

UK/Nazi_Germany=Israel/Arab_countries_trying_ to_eliminate_ Israel

Clearer now?
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:17 am
You've just posted a link about how settlers wrote graffiti on a monastery. The houses occupied by the IDF during cast lead were similarly trashed. Don't act like this is a one way street.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:18 am
I don't get it. One moment you say : Israel can do peace whenever it wants by just pulling out. But when Israel does just that, you say "no..that's too unilateral" . So which is it?

Have you considered the option that it was unilateral because the other side doesn't want 1967 borders? The other side openly (!) wants no Israel.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:21 am
I'm not saying it is. There are idiots on all sides. I'm glad you also realize that. But we are talking about Israel leaving things for Palestinians. I personally don't care about what they write where, but many religious people do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:39 am
The pullout of Gaza was to consolidate control over the West Bank. It was never about peace, despite how you choose to portray it.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 03:41 am
We pulled out of India.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 05:31 am
Among the long lists of mangled foreign peoples' names that the Egyptians transcribed on their walls (usually to boast they had been subjugated or vanquished them), I can find my grandfather's too, with a bit of imagination.... Smile
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 10:18 am
izzythepush wrote:

Stop salivating. You really hate those Arabs don't you?

Does anyone like the Pals other than you anti-Semites. Just look at how they treat minorities, women, gays, et al. Being non-Muslim, they would be happy to murder you at the drop of a hat.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 10:36 am
You don't half talk a load of rubbish. Lots of the Palestinians themselves are non-Moslem. We wouldn't have had the Renaissance or any knowledge of Greek philosophy if it weren't for Moslems. You're just an unreasoning bigot.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 11:03 am
Does anyone like the Pals other than you anti-Semites?

Not sure I understand the logic here... Aren't Pals supposed to be Semites? Irrespective of the answer to that 1st question, how can hating an entire ethnic group become a requirement to not being racist?...

You are a hater, Advocate. You hate the Pals and Arabs. Others haters pick on the Jews. But there is no difference between you and them, other than the group you happen to hate.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 11:06 am
Should Israel be allowed to destroy everything they built when they retreat?
Every building, every road, every water pipeline, gas line, electric line, phone system, everything?

Since Israel built it, if they retreat, why should anyone else be able to prosper?

And why not? It's their stuff, they can carry away what they want and destroy the rest, if they hate others so much and have money to spend for nothing.
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 12:03 pm

Does anyone like the Pals other than you anti-Semites. Just look at how they treat minorities, women, gays, et al. Being non-Muslim, they would be happy to murder you at the drop of a hat.

Well, well, well! If it isn't my old pal, Advocate the Palestinian Hater? Just because you are steeped knee deep in Palestinian revulsion is no reason to assume the entire world feel the same way you do. As a matter of fact the majority of the world is sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and are at the ready to do something about it if this latest so-called peace process fail. I will anxiously look forward to prominent Israelis being arrested everytime they try to enter Europe. The Arab world will be handing out sweets to everyone at the miserable fate to befall the Zionists who refuse to relinquish the occupied territories.

I'm afraid, Advocate, YOU AND THE ZIONISTS are the only true Palestinian haters around. But I will let you in on a little secret in case you haven't guessed. Most people in the world are looking askance at the greedy Israelis with contempt at the way they treat the Palestinians. When the Flotilla ship from Turkey was on its way to bringing medical supplies and other desperately needed items to those in Gaza, the IDF bordered and slaughtered 9 individuals. Do you think the world loves Israel any better because of that happening or that the world has forgotten?! Not for one minute, you Palestinian hater, YOU!
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 01:12 pm
I think it's ironic that it is the pro-Palestinians who want to demolish Israeli infrastructure in the west bank. Why not start thinking economically instead of the old angry ideologies?
Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 01:15 pm
This is totally unfounded. They do a good thing, and instead of acknowledging it, you jump and say "because you must be planning a bad thing elsewhere ..because you're all bad". Just not very rational.

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