EU's Hostile Fixation on Israeli Settlements

Sat 27 Jul, 2013 12:40 am

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Ah yes! I do recall the IDF bulldozing many Palestinian homes; there was word some people who didn't get out fast enough were squashed. We know for a fact that Ms Corri, as part of the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Group, while protesting was run over by an Israeli tank.

No wonder the International Community is beginning to put its foot down on the rogue nation, Israel.


Advocate wrote:
Your comment about Corrie is a great example of your incessant lying about Israel. She was not standing in front of a tank. She was standing unseen behind a wall that an Israeli bulldozer, not a tank, pushed over her.

Had the driver seen her, she would have been arrested and removed from the scene.

Rachel Corrie death: eyewitness attacks Israeli verdict as 'implausible'

Tom Dale, a pro-Palestinian campaigner who witnessed the death of Rachel Corrie, refutes the judgement of an Israeli court that the death of the American activist was "a regrettable accident".

The decision by an Israeli court that the death of American activist Rachel Corrie in 2003 "was a regrettable accident" for which the state was "not responsible" has been strongly condemned by eyewitness Tom Dale.
Mr Dale, who was working alongside Ms Corrie as part of the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Group, described the judgement as "extremely disappointing", although he says that he was not surprised by the verdict, claiming that is was part of a "general culture of impunity" within the Israeli military forces and the judicial system.

Ms Corrie died after being run over by a Israeli Defence Force (IDF) bulldozer, while protesting against the demolition of a Palestinian house in Gaza. The IDF argued that the driver of the bulldozer was unable to see her - a claim accepted by the court in Haifa - but Mr Dale says this was not the case.

"I am absolutely clear that the bulldozer driver would have been able to see Rachel. It was a clear day, Rachel was standing in open ground, wearing a high-visibility vest and the bulldozer driver moved toward her from 20 or 30 metres away and absolutely would have had a chance to see her as she stood in one place, motionless, in that time".
So Advocate, do you really think I'm going to believe you, someone absent from the scene, who lies nonstop on behalf of Israel, a country which appear to be more of a greedy dysfunctional hybrid of the WW2 Nazi Party?!
Sat 27 Jul, 2013 03:23 am
When you look at the rise of the Nazis in 1930 you wonder how people could swallow such lies. That there was an international conspiracy, Moscow and Wall Street were in cahoots. Jews forced Germany to end WW1 on v unfavourable terms with Versailles. Jews had clearly been at war with the German people for a long time, so everything the Nazis did was justified.

It's total nonsense, but people believed it. People who didn't care for the truth as long as what they were told fitted their prejudices. People like Advocate and Oralboy, their refusal to see the truth, profound hatred of a people they've even met, and lack of any intellectual curiosity means that they think what they want to think and facts be damned..
Frank Apisa
Sat 27 Jul, 2013 03:55 am
If the truth dare be spoken, Israel should be begging the Palestinians pardon since the European Jews, Ethiopian, and Russian Jews are comparatively new to the area while the indigenous people were there when they arrived en masse in 1948. Of course there were Jews in Palestine before 1948, along with Christians and Muslims, all getting along nicely, for centuries. Now Israel has placed the Palestinians in a ghetto, dehumanizing these beautiful people; do you really believe a Palestinian could possibly love an Israeli or have any desire to accede to the wishes of its enemy?

This was important enough to say again...and in large letters.

Jews and others got along relatively fine before the state of Israel came into existence.

The fact that many of the Arabs do not want Israel to exist there makes lots of sense. The entire world should recognize and acknowledge that the state of Israel is the problem in that area. Jews SHOULD be allowed to live there...and Arabs, Muslims, Christians also. But to suggest that there is something wrong with the Arabs wanting the state of Israel (a state imposed on the area by outsiders) to be dismantled...is absurd. Everyone on the planet should be agitating for the state of Israel to be dismantled.

This is not anti-Semitism...nor anti-Jew. I do not feel any anti-Semitism nor any anti-Jew sentiments at all.

But common sense (something sorely missing from the discussions on this issue) dictates that the ONLY way to allow Jews, Palestinians and all the others to live in peace...is for the state of Israel to cease to exist.

The anger toward the state of Israel is not the PROBLEM...it is an essential to the SOLUTION to the problem.
Sat 27 Jul, 2013 03:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,

Jews and others got along relatively fine before the state of Israel came into existence.

Ah yes indeed, Muslim, Hebrews and Christians lived in relative calm with each other, respecting each other's religion and boundaries. And then the cancer took root in 1948 in Palestine and there has been no peace since between the Palestinians and the European Jews.

It was the Holocaust in Europe that gave Jews the opportunity to put into place the Zionists long awaited plan/desire for a country, even if they had to kick out the people already there via ethnic cleansing, which they did, leaving only the keys to the homes they had chased the Palestinians from.

It was a horribly unthoughtout reckless decision, at that time as the UN was ruled by the piles of unburied bodies at Auschwitz and other concentration camps. The UN and President Harry Truman (the latter was given a trunk full of money by the Zionists to give his consent) and allow the European Jewish survivors within the midst of Arab territory and time has proven, things have only gotten worse with Israel's attacks on the Palestinians and its war on Hezbullah in 2006 (Israel used white Phosphorus gas on some Lebanese citizens while targeting Hezbullah who was the winner by consensus at universities) and numerous invasions into Palestinian territory. As a result, the US government whom Israel/APAC has bought handsomely (both Democrat and Republican) is the puppet of Israel who feels because it has ensnared the US that they are a de facto superpower. As a consequence, Israel has created many enemies for America and these extremists are just waiting to target America again. Muslims didn't just wake up one morning and say we are going to attack the World Trade Center....the US has a history there and the core is the tiny nation of Israel; terrorists attacked us in 1993 but that attack wasn't nearly as devastating as the one on 9/11.....All together, six people were killed and 1,042 others injured in that first attack.

So the festering enmity of having Israel among the Arabs is a growing cancer and only when its pulled out by its roots will the middle east become whole and healthy again.
cicerone imposter
Sat 27 Jul, 2013 07:00 pm
I doubt the ME will ever see peace. A good example is the upheaval in Iraq after our troops left. There's bombing going on on a regular basis killing many people. The Shia and Sunni conflict that's been on-going for over a thousand years is gonna continue.
Sat 27 Jul, 2013 08:00 pm
izzythepush wrote:

When you look at the rise of the Nazis in 1930 you wonder how people could swallow such lies. That there was an international conspiracy, Moscow and Wall Street were in cahoots. Jews forced Germany to end WW1 on v unfavourable terms with Versailles. Jews had clearly been at war with the German people for a long time, so everything the Nazis did was justified.

It's total nonsense, but people believed it. People who didn't care for the truth as long as what they were told fitted their prejudices. People like Advocate and Oralboy, their refusal to see the truth, profound hatred of a people they've even met, and lack of any intellectual curiosity means that they think what they want to think and facts be damned..

This is absolute nonsense. The German people bought into Hitler's argument that the aryan race was superior, and that the Jews were inferior humans. The people also felt that the Jews, who were often merchants, doctors, professors, etc., didn't work as hard as they did.

Izzy, you and your cohorts here, with your unabiding hatred of Jews, would fit in very well with the German people
cicerone imposter
Sat 27 Jul, 2013 08:10 pm
Be careful, Advocate, of accusing others of resembling the Nazis. The Zionists are looking more and more like the Nazis in how they treat Palestinians. Razing the land and property of Palestinians, and killing innocent people to rob their land.

I'm not sure which is worse, the fence around Bethlehem or the barracks at Auschwitz. They both have towers with armed soldiers to keep the people inside their prison.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 12:24 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Be careful, Advocate, of accusing others of resembling the Nazis.
Actually, c.i., he didn't: he said "Germans" and "German people". Which is insofar stupid as well, because some hundredthousand (between 500,000 and 600,000 )Jews were Germans.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 02:49 am
You need to learn some history, which is in danger of repeating itself I might add, there's a least one poster on A2K who trots out the Wall Street Moscow conspiracy as fact.

You're no different from the Germans who swallowed the Nazi lies, because that's what they wanted to believe. In fact you're a lot worse because you know the truth and you choose to ignore or twist it. You swallow everything Israel says with the exception of B'T'Selem because they concern themselves with human rights, and you don't like that. You may be incapable of feeling anything other than contempt for others, but not everyone is like that.

Following the murder of Lee Rigby, Hackney Mosque was firebombed by the EDL. The first people to come out in sympathy were the members of the local synagogue, because they knew what it was like.

Jews, Moslems, Christians and rest can all live in harmony, as they did in Israel/Palestine, before white European/American settlers arrived and started throwing their weight around. Israel is about white colonists, same as Africa America etc.etc.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 06:27 am
Your woeful ignorance of history is probably the reason why you swallow lies so easily. The Nazis did believe in the superiority of the Aryan race, but that alone was not reason enough to round people up. They thought they were superior to Afro/Caribbeans, but they didn't round them up, they needed a pretext.

From Wikipedia.

The pretext for the attacks was the assassination of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew resident in Paris. Kristallnacht was followed by additional economic and political persecution of Jews, and is viewed by historians as part of Nazi Germany's broader racial policy, and the beginning of the Final Solution and The Holocaust.


So they didn't just decide that Jews were inferior, they claimed it was a response for the killing of Ernst vom Rath, in other words, the Jews started it. They tried a similar deception when they invaded Poland, claiming they were fired on by the Poles first.

Czarist Russia had already done a lot of their work for them when they produced The Protocols Of Zion, so the Nazis just had to repeat old lies about an international conspiracy. It's not so easy to manufacture an Afro/Caribbean conspiracy as so many of them had spent the last few hundred years as slaves.

The main driving force was economic, Nazi Germany had very little in the way of foreign currency, and there were a lot of wealthy Jews. Whenever Nazi Germany invaded anywhere, the first thing they did was take the central bank and send the gold reserves back to Berlin.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 07:50 am
@cicerone imposter,

I doubt the ME will ever see peace. A good example is the upheaval in Iraq after our troops left. There's bombing going on on a regular basis killing many people. The Shia and Sunni conflict that's been on-going for over a thousand years is gonna continue.

Happy Sunday, CI. What is happening in Iraq is nobody's fault except the US. Now the late Saddam Hussein was no angel but his people were used to him and he kept order. Because he had once used nerve gas on the Kurds, his own citizens, everyone in the region believed he would use such again if provoked and there existed inside the Iraqi psyche this apocalyptic sense of fear of Hussein; therefore, with this falsehood circulating, Saddam kept the various ethnic factors at bay. We did not see the everyday bombings in Iraq that's going on now. Many people fled Iraq and now have a refugee status, some in Jordan, whose King is screaming he cannot absorb anymore!

General Colin Powell told Rice, Bush and Cheney, if you invade Iraq and break it you will own it. The US upset the balance in Iraq and now various factions are fighting each other. It will be a very long time before Iraq is right again.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:10 am
JTT wrote:
As long as the US keeps buying the fix for Israel's inhumane position by supporting dictators which support this it'll never get resolved.

There is nothing inhumane about Israel's position. They merely defend themselves from aggressors who refuse to make peace.

JTT wrote:
It should make you ashamed that both the US and Israel play such dirty politics with the lives of so many innocents just to keep their cherished position of being able to steal from others.

Neither the US nor Israel are stealing anything.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:11 am
JTT wrote:
Ho hum, Oralboy lies again. Ho hum, more foot stamping.

You can't show a single untrue thing that I've ever said.

And you'd be a lot more pleasant without the name-calling.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:12 am
Advocate wrote:
izzythepush wrote:
You trot out your propaganda whilst using your bigoted language. It's no wonder you don't have a problem with apartheid, it's clear what you are.
Israel is an apartheid state by any measure. It's only people like you who refuse to face facts that see things otherwise.

Your unjustified hatred of Israel is palpable. It is not really worth arguing with you. You are basically a one-trick pony when it comes to Israel.

Izzythepush is a Nazi and an anti-Semite.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:14 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
If the truth dare be spoken, Israel should be begging the Palestinians pardon since the European Jews, Ethiopian, and Russian Jews are comparatively new to the area while the indigenous people were there when they arrived en masse in 1948.

Stop lying. The West Bank has been the Jews' homeland since the dawn of the Iron Age.

Since the Bronze Age even, as their Iron Age civilization was a remnant of the Bronze Age culture that preceded it.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel says it's at war with Hamas and the Palestinian people, but it is the Zionist nation who uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely crowded refugee camps and slums, sending missiles into an apartment complex building filled with people to get one elusive target.

If the Palestinians do not wish the Israelis to defend themselves, then they should stop trying to murder innocent Israelis.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no mechanized armor, no army and calls it a war. Advocate, it's not a war on the Palestinians, its MURDER!.

No. A just war of self defense is not in any way murder.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israels should get on its knees before the Palestinians and beg their forgiveness for all the destruction they have wrought on this people.

No they shouldn't. They've done nothing but defend themselves from people who refuse to make peace. Israel is proud of their actions, and rightly so.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
They say "the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice."

That's bad news for the Palestinians and their evil supporters then.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
Things change.....maybe not immediately, but I really don't see a happy future for Israel unless it drastically changes its attitude towards the Palestinian people

Israel's future will be plenty happy. Just bomb Iran and sweep all the Palestinians out of the West Bank and into Gaza, and they're all set.

Moment-in-Time wrote:
the Palestinian people whom they consider a lower order of primate.

Come on. There is no need for such nonsense. Israelis don't think anything of the sort.

Maybe there is a small part of any population that has such deranged views, but the vast majority does not.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 09:28 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no mechanized armor, no army and calls it a war. Advocate, it's not a war on the Palestinians, its MURDER!.

Hamas hit Israel with about 10,000 shells and missiles before Israel really retaliated in a serious fashion. But you think that Israel should merely turn its cheek.
cicerone imposter
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 09:51 am
Ridiculous! Look at the numbers, Advocate. Which side has more killed?

Look it up!
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 11:46 am
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no mechanized armor, no army and calls it a war. Advocate, it's not a war on the Palestinians, its MURDER!.

Advocate wrote:
Hamas hit Israel with about 10,000 shells and missiles before Israel really retaliated in a serious fashion. But you think that Israel should merely turn its cheek.

Well, what did the Zionist nation expect after Israeli destructive occupation of their land...LOVE KISSES! It is difficult for Hamas to get the basic things they need, or any of the Palestinians for that matter, like medicine, etc. Remember Gaza flotilla raid ?!?!? I DO!!!! Nine people were killed on the Gaza flotilla ship which IDF murderers boarded, and then Israel had the effrontery to say "the people on board attacked them!" The damn gall of that Lilliputian nation....a menace to the region.

IF, ADVOCATE, THE ISRAELIS WOULD BEGIN TREATING THE PALESTINIANS LIKE HUMAN BEINGS, MAYBE THE ROCKETS WILL STOP! I mean if the rationale for the bombings into Israel disappeared, there would be no reason for the rogue nation, Israel, to keep mistreating these people.

I'm glad Hamas is showing an invigorated fighting spirit as it means the Israelis have not terrified the Palestinians into a subdued people, a people so intimidated that they might as well be slaves, groveling at the rim of Israeli clothing for a morsel of decent food.

Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territory, and the world is cognizant of this crime..... even the territory that's not physically occupied, the Palestinians are still treated cruelly...like they are a people without feelings.....souless, living in apartheid conditions. A woman about to give birth at one of the many roadblocks, will be forced to wait an unnecessarily long time. Advocate, it's as if the Israel of today, born out of the ashes of the Holocaust, has become a hater of everyone who is non-Jewish. No wonder the tiny nation is hyper-suspicious.....their inhuman behavior towards the Palestinians is unforgivable.

The world is closely watching Israel as you well know. There is much anti-Israeli feeling within the US, although I do not believe you will see any of this is the Jewish-owned press.

[ (A few years ago there were Ambassadors attending a private party in London. The French Ambassador to Britain referred to Israel as "that shi*tty little country and a threat to world peace.http://rense.com/general18/rep.htm)]

Maybe one day the US will get a super-courageous president who will tell Israel ENOUGH!!! Your country is dangerous to the US!
0 Replies
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 12:04 pm
People who didn't care for the truth as long as what they were told fitted their prejudices. People like Advocate and Oralboy, their refusal to see the truth, profound hatred of a people they've even met, and lack of any intellectual curiosity means that they think what they want to think and facts be damned..

As a general rule I don't expend too much energy on closed minded posters who seem obsessively preoccupied with one point of view, views that are highly inflammatory and diametrically opposed to mine....these posters I put on ignore.

Advocate is a slightly different poster, however. He does not disturb me the way one other does....I don't feel Advocate to be a threat. I can very well understand his defense of his country, making excuses....It shows his loyalty to Israel.
cicerone imposter
Sun 28 Jul, 2013 12:07 pm
MiT, I have the same reaction to Advocate; I don't mind exchanging ideas with him. I find him cordial most of the time, and that's saying something - especially on a2k. Mr. Green

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