Quote:Moment-in-Time wrote:
Israel attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no mechanized armor, no army and calls it a war. Advocate, it's not a war on the Palestinians, its MURDER!.
Quote: Advocate wrote:
Hamas hit Israel with about 10,000 shells and missiles before Israel really retaliated in a serious fashion. But you think that Israel should merely turn its cheek.
Well, what did the Zionist nation expect after Israeli destructive occupation of their land...LOVE KISSES! It is difficult for Hamas to get the basic things they need, or any of the Palestinians for that matter, like medicine, etc. Remember Gaza flotilla raid ?!?!? I DO!!!! Nine people were killed on the Gaza flotilla ship which IDF murderers boarded, and then Israel had the effrontery to say "the people on board attacked them!" The damn gall of that Lilliputian nation....a menace to the region.
IF, ADVOCATE, THE ISRAELIS WOULD BEGIN TREATING THE PALESTINIANS LIKE HUMAN BEINGS, MAYBE THE ROCKETS WILL STOP! I mean if the rationale for the bombings into Israel disappeared, there would be no reason for the rogue nation, Israel, to keep mistreating these people.
I'm glad Hamas is showing an invigorated fighting spirit as it means the Israelis have not terrified the Palestinians into a subdued people, a people so intimidated that they might as well be slaves, groveling at the rim of Israeli clothing for a morsel of decent food.
Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territory, and the world is cognizant of this crime..... even the territory that's not physically occupied, the Palestinians are still treated cruelly...like they are a people without feelings.....souless, living in apartheid conditions. A woman about to give birth at one of the many roadblocks, will be forced to wait an unnecessarily long time. Advocate, it's as if the Israel of today, born out of the ashes of the Holocaust, has become a hater of everyone who is non-Jewish. No wonder the tiny nation is hyper-suspicious.....their inhuman behavior towards the Palestinians is unforgivable.
The world is closely watching Israel as you well know. There is much anti-Israeli feeling within the US, although I do not believe you will see any of this is the Jewish-owned press.
[ (A few years ago there were Ambassadors attending a private party in London. The French Ambassador to Britain referred to Israel as "that shi*tty little country and a threat to world peace.http://rense.com/general18/rep.htm)]
Maybe one day the US will get a super-courageous president who will tell Israel ENOUGH!!! Your country is dangerous to the US!